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[BC2] Since I have ruined my 9A-91's...

Cookie Monster
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perfect 50% accuracy with 1 headshot 2 kills, I started using it again. Damn bastard had it as his primary when I killed and picked the kit up, and had to dispatch someone without realizing when gun I picked up.

It was a neglected gun for a long time, since I got AKs-74u when the game came out, and only used it in demo, so I had not comparison with other guns.

I think it is my third favourite SMG available to Engineer now.




Yeah i had the aks too. Its my favorite weapon, so I skipped the first 3. I recently started using them again for stars.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I used the AKS when leveling Engineer until I started using shotguns the rest of the way. I liked it then I went to the UMP-45. I read all the differences between the UMP, SCAR, and 9A-91 and I'm gonna say the SCAR-L is my favorite because the 30 round magazine and I don't notice any issues with recoil (maybe it's there at long range). I just find that it's 1 more bullet to kill difference with the 9A-91 is more cost efficient in comparison with the extra 10 rounds.



Uzi dammit! Although I've been using the XM8 Compact a lot lately, that gun is a beast!



Cookie Monster wrote: I just find that it's 1 more bullet to kill difference with the 9A-91 is more cost efficient in comparison with the extra 10 rounds.

I'm not sure what you're saying, do you mean the fact that the 9a-91 takes 1 less bullet to kill past 40 meters?

In range they all do the same 20 damage.

Oh and +1 on the Uzi, it's my favorite Very Happy



Fucking hate 9A's irons though. A flat bar with a little indent. Reminds me of the MG3, which I can actually use flat.



I really like the 9a-91's irons... Actually I have no problem with using any smg or their iron sights.



I use the little nob in the middle to 'paint'/cover the target, and it does the trick for me.



9A-91 and MG3 have the best irons in the game, IMO.



I use the 9A-91 like the VSS.

t'is fun to snipe people with it. I'm enjoying platting that gun, I even put the Uzi down until later after I picked it up off some guy.

Can't stand the irons so I usually run 4x. To help with the sniping.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I once picked up an AKs rds + mag

Now that was a killing machine



Pre-patch AKs was awesome.

Still great though.



Storm why wouldn't you join me,higu, Tallness and Ante ? D: We spammed you with invites then you appear offline/decide to rage quit conquest.



Mama Luigi wrote:Storm why wouldn't you join me,higu, Tallness and Ante ? D: We spammed you with invites then you appear offline/decide to rage quit conquest.
I had to take a call.

And I decided to take a break.

Probably will be back on later.



StormEye wrote:
Mama Luigi wrote:Storm why wouldn't you join me,higu, Tallness and Ante ? D: We spammed you with invites then you appear offline/decide to rage quit conquest.
I had to take a call.

And I decided to take a break.

Probably will be back on later.

D: We have Camel with us now and maybe Frost whos just got on SeC can join us?

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Metalzoic wrote:
Cookie Monster wrote: I just find that it's 1 more bullet to kill difference with the 9A-91 is more cost efficient in comparison with the extra 10 rounds.

I'm not sure what you're saying, do you mean the fact that the 9a-91 takes 1 less bullet to kill past 40 meters?

In range they all do the same 20 damage.

Oh and +1 on the Uzi, it's my favorite Very Happy

Ooops. Meant to say 1 less bullet difference. Yeah I find that it's long range TTK doesn't make up for it's 20 round magazine for me. That's why I prefer the SCAR-L. I heard people complain about recoil on the SCAR-L, but I haven't notice much so far.



Gotcha! Very Happy
I don't like using the Scar but that's really just because I don't like the way it looks. I have no problem with the way it handles. I hate the styling of the XM8 guns too.
I Love the UMP though.

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