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Bad COmpany 1 questions

7 posters

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1Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 04:53



I just got this, and I am thoroughly confused. Can you spot? What the hell is with the classes?? Do you not have a sidearm with every class? This game is just weird after playing BC2 so much.

2Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 04:54



No spotting or Parachutes thats all i remember really

3Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:00



You spot by shooting and hitting people.

Parachute was removed for console idiots (my notion when BC1 was out LoL) to suicide repeatedly thinking they are on the level with PC master race, implaced by DICE.

4Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:03



Wha... What?!?! No parachute?! Thats terrible! And omg, sniping is pathetically easy in this game!

5Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:04



It takes 50 rounds to kill someone, well not really but it dang feels like it.

6Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:05



You PC players are so Elitist!

7Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:10



I dont know about you Storm, but it gave me nothing but OHK's. It was actually pretty fricken awesome. The first game I played I had like 4 recon efficiency pins, and 2 or 3 excellence pins.

8Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:12



BmmFlash wrote:I dont know about you Storm, but it gave me nothing but OHK's. It was actually pretty fricken awesome. The first game I played I had like 4 recon efficiency pins, and 2 or 3 excellence pins.
I'm talking about AR, not SR.

9Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:12



Do they have Bullet Drop in BC1?

10Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:15



Just barely, almost unnoticeable. And ahhh, ARs suck. I wont even use them yet, I just go as Recon.

11Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:15

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well you can have all your gadgets at once for starters. Like Demolition guys can have both the Rocket Launcher and Mines at once.
Downside is, Mines are like C4, they go away when you die.

12Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:17



Special Forces class is awesome though

13Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:21



I was so confused at first. I played as and Engi, to find I have no RPG, and I cant ADS Sad
Then I find the repair tool under the medic class. My exact reaction was Bad COmpany 1 questions Icon_eek

14Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:21



You mean the support class

15Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:22



TBqH, I was angry at DICE for making BC1 too different.

They made it up by releasing BC2. So its all good now. LoL

16Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:23

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeeah, if you never played the first before BC2 the classes can confuse the **** out of you. Hell they did for me when I started playing again yesterday.

17Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:25



Reminds me of my Sniper days back in 1942.....When i was 8 which shows what most snipers in BC2 are

18Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:26



I've been sniping for 200 years. LoL

19Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:30



I was a Minuteman in the US civil war Very Happy

20Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:33



What is the earliest dated game made by DICE, in videogame background setting?

21Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:34



I dont know and i have to go now

22Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:41



Roger. I probably would not stay longer than an hour from now.

23Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:42



I keep trying to leave then someone posts and i have to respond lol

24Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh really?

25Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-08-25, 05:52



Well its Ads ill leave when the program comes back on

26Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-04, 12:11



I lent my friend BC1 after I got BC2. He never played it on live but he asked to buy it from me. I think he broke it.

And sniping on BC1 isn't easier really. It's just that the one shot kill radius is a lot larger. There's also way more travel time for all of the guns, the headshot hit box is tiny compared to BC2, and there's no bullet drop. I found it fricken impossible to get a headshot on a moving person in BC1, even after like 250 hours.

27Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-04, 16:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I enjoy the sniping In BC1. Not as much as BC2 though, but BC1 was the 1st game where I had to experience Travel distance. So I loved it.
I was nailing moving HS pretty easily though.

When I went back to play it last week I was nailing em a lot more easily then I used to. So I have to think BC2 for that.

28Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-04, 21:25



Now Imagine if all guns had Bullet Drop Very Happy

29Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:16



VSS/M95=Pure beast in BC1
M95 was a OHK to the back of the chest.

30Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:19



In Bad Company 1, I never realized the VSS was automatic. It fired much slower than in Bad Company 2, and I never held down the trigger when using a sniper rifle.

There were way too many noobs using the SVU/VSS. They spammed the shots everywhere and rarely got any kills.

31Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:24



I was one of those VSS spray and pray nubs.
however I was always close to the action.
and the motion sensors actually spotted everything around it.
like actually made them pop up on your main screen.
AND the knife actually worked
hell you could kill an M-com station with the knife.

32Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:27



Hecter74 wrote:
hell you could kill an M-com station with the knife.

That's what I would do. Sneak to a crate, use all of my C4, and then knife it. The knife did way more damage than it should have done.

33Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:29



that was some fun stuff.
one person could blow it up fairly quickly.
and if you get two it'll be dead before you can blink.

34Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:30



To think C4ing crates in Bad Company 1 actually took some skill...

35Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:33



well there were a couple of maps where you could rocket it from your spawn.
I still play some BC1.
just to get away from the whiners that populate BC2 and G'faqs

36Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 02:36



I shot rockets from the first base of Over and Out, while my retarded teammates rushed the crates and died. At the last base of Over and Out, I hated how my team would blow up the crate outside of the basement, making it impossible to get the one in the basement.

37Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That was one bad thing about BC1. How easy it was to destroy crates without leaving your spawn. The levels were so much better though.

38Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:28



Dropped Da Soap wrote:That was one bad thing about BC1. How easy it was to destroy crates without leaving your spawn. The levels were so much better though.

There's a good balance of crates that are easy to destroy, and that are difficult to destroy.

39Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:31



Put Mag ammo on a 6x Scope and go Hardcore its almost like cheating

40Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:34



Frostbyrn wrote:Put Mag ammo on a 6x Scope and go Hardcore its almost like cheating

What are you talking about? O_o

41Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I want to know too Hiqurashi.

42Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:41



Its an Instant kill freaking hilarious lol

43Bad COmpany 1 questions Empty Re: Bad COmpany 1 questions 2010-09-06, 03:55



this is BC1
no Mag ammo and no 6x.
if your talking about BC2.
then yes sniping on hardcore feels like boosting to me.

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