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Honey Badger
Epyk MD
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1Questions! Empty Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:34



I have two teamkills. How did I get these?

I am going to favorite this topic I believe, and post all my questions in it.

2Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:39



You probably D 2.0d a building with some teammates inside.

Or if youve ever played hardcore, theres plenty of ways to get teamkills there.

3Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:39



Maybe D 2.0, or you played a HC match? I have something like 20-30 teamkills from goofing around with friends in HC

4Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:40

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Either hard core or. D2.0 kills.

Though chewy got me with a D2.0 kill out I the middle of the maybe they are glitched?

5Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:42

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

my friend has kills for the m14........he has no shots fired. But if you blew up a building possible!

6Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 21:50



Me? Hardcore? Yeah, right.

I don't think I've ever D2.0'd.

A mystery we have! Unless I joined up on someones game and it was hardcore. Who knows. I don't think I've ever taken out an entire building either. My stats say I have no demolish kills.

7Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:06



Maybe they were so shocked a chick was playing that they just died... happens.

Other than that maybe you blew something up that 2 teammates were standing next too? Red explodies? Propane tank?

8Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:07



Hahaha. Maybe. Who knows. Oh well. Just curious.

9Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:11



Awesome MD wrote:Either hard core or. D2.0 kills.

Though chewy got me with a D2.0 kill out I the middle of the maybe they are glitched?

I was wondering where I got another teamkill from, that's weird...

10Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:23



Any team kill in Core is considered a D2.0 kill.

I remember trolling a full Blackhawk full of SeC people by flying through the deadly deadly powerlines...I'm pretty sure Khult was the one who ended up with like 5 teamkills as a result lol (it just randomly blames someone for it and gives them -100 for each I believe).

weirdest glitch ever.

11Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:24



That, and I remember the one time, Dark jumped off a cliff, then Frost, and Frost somehow teamkilled and D 2.0'ed Dark, as well as got his dogtags. xD

12Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:26



You could launch a 40mm grenade into the last standing wall of a building... ten seconds later an unfortunate teammate wanders too close to the collapsing structure. D 2.0
Or you could be wildly firing tank shells from a distance. Or calling in mortar strikes... there's a number of ways you could have accidentally killed teammates and not noticed.
I have way more teamkills in my stats than I remember ever committing.

13Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:27



I think I have more D2.0 team kills than D2.0 kills Neutral

Actual building destructs, not just trolling with helicopters.

14Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:30




Also, last time I played, somebody C4ed a building, and I happened to throw a random grenade in that direction. I get pinned with the teamkill 2.0, by throwing a grenade. :/ I didn't even think it was possible to take down a building with a grenade; must've just been the last bit of it or something.

15Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-14, 22:32



I've done it with grenade before. Destroyed the wall, killed a guy in the process, building collapses on his buddy in the attic, and I get my HG platinum. Shit was indeed cash.

16Questions! Empty Re: Questions! 2010-12-15, 00:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Metalzoic wrote:Maybe they were so shocked a chick was playing that they just died... happens.

LOL ^^^^ this

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