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Connecticut Town Gathering and Destroying Violent Video Games

Keyser Söze
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

"Following the events of last month's shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a community group in the town of Southington, just over 30 miles from Newtown is gearing up to hold a drive in which it's hoped that violent video games and other violent media will be collected and subsequently destroyed."

"Dubbed the 'Violent Video Games Return Program', the event has been arranged by community group SouthingtonSOS and is set to take place on January 12th. Trading in violent games, CDs and movies will grant gift certificates in exchange, rewarding people "as a token of appreciation for their action of responsible citizenship."

"Offending games will be collected in a dumpster and then sent away "for appropriate permanent disposal." The group however claims that the drive is not a reaction to violent video games being a cause for the Newtown shooting. "The group's action is not intended to be construed as statement declaring that violent video games were the cause of the shocking violence in Newtown on December 14th," a statement from SouthingtonSOS notes."

"Rather, SouthingtonSOS is saying is that there is ample evidence that violent video games, along with violent media of all kinds, including TV and movies portraying story after story showing a continuous stream of violence and killing, has contributed to increasing aggressiveness, fear, anxiety and is desensitizing our children to acts of violence including bullying. Social and political commentators, as well as elected officials including the president, are attributing violent crime to many factors including inadequate gun control laws, a culture of violence and a recreational culture of violence."

"Southington School superintendent and member of SouthingtonSOS, Joe Erardi, told Polygon that the collection is intended to open up dialogue between parents and children. Presumably said dialogue involves the child begging their parents not to get rid of their copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops II..."

"There are youngsters who appear to be consumed with violent video games," said Erardi. "I'm not certain if that's a good thing. If this encourages one courageous conversation with a parent and their child, then it's a success. We're suggesting that for parents who have a child or children who play violent video games, to first of all view the games. We're asking parents to better understand what their child is doing. Have a conversation about next steps."

"In light of last month's Newtown shooting, so-called 'violent video games' have once again become the target and scapegoat for politicians, pundits and parents, with Senator Jay Rockefeller introducing a bill that would involve government agencies looking into the effects of such material on children. The NRA meanwhile, blamed the shooting on "a callous, corrupt, and corrupting shadow industry that sells and sows violence against own people, through vicious violent video games."

"Erm... Really?"



You know, fuck people.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

21st century book burning to some extent I guess...

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Yet they're using violence to get rid of them



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:21st century book burning to some extent I guess...

Its a sign that your evil

For who but a monster would burn the wisdom of the past


Yeah i heard about this yesterday i think, i wonder who organizes the type of thing and thinks "wow this is a great idea."



Frostbyrn wrote:
Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:21st century book burning to some extent I guess...

Its a sign that your evil

For who but a monster would burn the wisdom of the past

If this is a joke, I'm ignoring it. That's some deep truth right there.



No joke

The only book I would actually advise burning is twilight



Frostbyrn wrote:No joke

The only book I would actually advise burning is twilight

And again I agree with you.



Can't say I'm surprised. Someone or something always has to take the blame.



God damn....lets burn books written by jews....and call ourselves Nazis....

but all jokes aside....

this is stupid and wont do jack shit



menacinglemon wrote:God damn....lets burn books written by jews....and call ourselves Nazis....

Id rather just burn the jews Very Happy



jesus frost...



People are so smart




Another victim of the Jews! Very Happy






Its better if you read it in Herbert Moons voice

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Frostbyrn wrote:No joke

The only book I would actually advise burning is twilight

Nah, the only books that should be burned are those written by book burners themselves.

Mein Kampf comes to mind...



No way Greg. Mein Kampf needs to stay. We need books like that, written by the sick and twisted. If we burn those books, we'll someday forget their atrocities.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I doubt that their atrocities will ever be forgotten.

I don't really think any books should be burnt either.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I doubt that their atrocities will ever be forgotten.

I don't really think any books should be burnt either.

there's already a large portion of people who disbelieve that the Holocaust happened. Might as well keep the books around as a reminder.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I'm not sure that Mein Kampf in question actually details the acts of the Holocaust in question. I believe it's more ideologies and eugenics.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I'm not sure that Mein Kampf in question actually details the acts of the Holocaust in question. I believe it's more ideologies and eugenics.

Not saying it does.

Wording it differently, the words of human monsters are inextricably linked to their personalities and their goals. If we remove their words, we as a group become more prone to their form of thinking. The books serve as a barrier to that type of thought.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I'm not sure that Mein Kampf in question actually details the acts of the Holocaust in question. I believe it's more ideologies and eugenics.

Mein Kampf was written by hitler while he was in why he believes the jews are to blame...etc etc. I haven't read it completely .. but it was I think published late 20s

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah, I agree.

Lemon, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read it completely.



Yeah...I rather read Maus I ... and Maus II much better and its graphical novel...but a true story....

Mein Kampf is not for me



I'd rather read Penthouse

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

All I can really remember from reading the little bit of Mein Kampf that I did was thinking "I've had enough of the verbal bile".



I plan to read it just to try and get into his head. I imagine its a dark and horrible place, and I want to see it.



Im satisfied enough reading Harry Potter books... >_>

"presumably said dialogue involves the child begging their parents not to get rid of their copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops II..."

Hehe, i'd love to see some of this

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