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Ongoing argument with my coworkers

Epyk MD
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Ah dragon but you've broken one of the zombie survival guide rules.

When using a flame thrower you've now taken a zombie and made them a flaming zombie, so not only will they eat you but you'll burn at the same time!

Good weapons to utilize.

Spade shovel (obviously sharpened)
Lead pipe (make sure you connect of the first swing)
shotgun (slugs)
propane tanks (booom)
DOT trucks
security trucks

Bad weapons

firearms (anything with bullets eventually runs out)



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Well my choice is based off the thought that family is dead and I am insane. Flame Thrower would provide the most satisfaction and high degree of destructability. It the flesh is muscle is burned from their bones I don;t see them walking towards me anymiore.

Key point: Family. DL and I have a wife and kids. Derp I halfway know your situation. Dont think you said you had kids. Anyway, if family is lost, insanity/rage is instantaneous. I would want to kill every zombie I see.



Meh the flame and heat that a flamethrower puts out would burn melt the flech ansdmuscle off the already semi decomposed body of a zombie. SO if we are going by the theory present earlier that they feel no pain but still utilize the muscles then I feel like they may walk for a bit but there not getting close enough to me to bite or burn me. I guess it depends on if we have these running zombies, or id they are the shambling zombies.



Your correct no children but i do fear a messy death!

I've been alone for many years from 1996 up until about 2004 so being alone again wouldn't bother me. It's the survival part that would!

I've been only emotionally attached since 04' so i know lonliness all to well.



Having a child changed me. I used to fantasize about zombie outbreaks. How cool it would be. Now the idea is actually terrifying. If anything happened to my kids I'd lose it. I can't imagine a larger pain than losing a child.



I don't handle loss very well either.

Losing someone to medical problems or time is hard enough, losing them to murderous flesh eating hordes is un-imaginable. Especially if they become one and you encounter them after they turn! Oh geeze no way i couldn't do it.



godscouchpotato wrote:I don't handle loss very well either.

Losing someone to medical problems or time is hard enough, losing them to murderous flesh eating hordes is un-imaginable. Especially if they become one and you encounter them after they turn! Oh geeze no way i couldn't do it.

Oh, no kidding. I'd blow my head off before I could shoot my zombie family.



Firearms are a good idea Derp, not a bad one. So what if they run out of ammo? You can carry a backup weapon, and a firearm is much better. They deal damage through hydrostatic shock, and you can engage targets from an incredible distance. Anything that involves melee combat is risky because of the chances of becoming infected. Ammunition isn't as rare as you think, and if you have reloading equipment, and lots of gunpowder/shot, your shotgun ammunition will last a lot longer than you think. Not to mention if you're too low on ammunition, you can always hunt other survivors and take theirs. Survival of the fittest is one of my firm beliefs.



Note to self:

Don't help fox in the event of a zombie apocalypse he'll just kill me!



If I saw a someone out on the street like that I would go out of my way to save them. Even if I knew them and they were always an asshole to me, Id still do it. Kind of silently saying "yeah your welcome even though you were a complete bitch".

As for weapons Id go with a machete, shotgun and a long rifle of sorts. Machete and shotgun for obvious reasons and a long rifle so I wouldnt actually be close enough to have to use my shotgun. If I was out in the open and coming up on a building I was going to search Id stay down wind quite far away and just snipe them. No reason to risk getting close when I can just do that.

As for vehicle Id go with a diesel truck of some sorts (thought of buying an 80's model suburban or pickup for this). Just because it would be more reliable than other vehicles and easier to get fuel and easy to work on the older trucks.

As for living space the best spot would be an aircraft carrier. If you could somehow get a hold of one and know how to run it (unlikely and would need a large population of people) you could make a farm on the deck and stay a little ways off shore. Can fish from it plus the farm for food and if you have a way of distilling water, an unlimited supply of fresh water with virtually no risk of it being over run by zombies.

As for my family getting zombified, Id let them live until they change, then kill them. Only after I dont have anyone else to protect or any chance of finding anyone else Id go on a spree with a chainsaw and a hand grenade to go out with a boom.



I never understood the need to eat brains. The brain is probably the least nutritious part of the body and the most heavily protected. l



godscouchpotato wrote:Note to self:

Don't help fox in the event of a zombie apocalypse he'll just kill me!


It'd be easier to survive alone anyways. The more people in the group, the riskier it gets because you'd draw more attention.



If your in a small group of close friends who are competent in survival/shooting Id have no problem with them. And what is the point of surviving alone? What do you have to live for? And protecting the weak/helpless and chivalry is something I live for. Id never hunt someone down like that unless its payback (Its a bitch).

Last edited by zk50 x erk on 2010-10-15, 17:15; edited 1 time in total



Erk: If i had nipples like that i'd help me too! pig



*Running down the street*

"Mmmm look at those things...."

*Gets tackled by zombie*

"Damn it not again..."




Once common spaceflight and colonization are achieved.

Zombies not as big a threat?

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