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Ongoing argument with my coworkers

Epyk MD
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Bla125 wrote:Here's a question for you Bob, if you saw me while you were running would you let me come along?

I would let people come along, but I wouldn't go out of my way to rescue people. It also depends on whether I knew/trusted them or not.



Do you trust me?



I'd save her. On adrenaline alone, I'm pretty sure I could outrun a zombie while holding a little girl. But I have kids so I have a high protective instinct right now. I couldn't let her just die if I could have saved her.



Hooray I'm not alone in the "I'd save her" side of the debate.



Yea I have kids so I would grab her. But I also agree with Frosty if there are zaombies all over the place my ass is not going to get caught out in the streets with no way to defend myself that I would be running from a zombie.



I would grab her and then punt her to safety.



so if its a fat chick she'd be "harder to save and get left behind"
ya thats why i saved the skinny chick Very Happy



I thought it was a little girl? Like a littlin that you would have to grab.

Shit if this is some fat 16 year old chic then she should pump her own damn legs to safety.



exactly. Little girls would freeze up and just die. They need rescue. Older kids just need to be told,"RUN MOTHER FUCKER!!!"



lol, if its a little chick then its like and investment of energy.
food + speed+ energy +ammo= zombie killing mackine and caretaker/partener

thats the trade off



1fnbighen wrote:lol, if its a little chick then its like and investment of energy.
food + speed+ energy +ammo= zombie killing mackine and caretaker/partener

thats the trade off

As a Hydralisk, I only need to give up half of that, as I do not require ammo or energy, due to my regenerative Zerg metabolism. Now if only one of the Swarm researched Muscular Augments and Grooved Spines....

Sadly, my Cerebrate is being fed off of and reincarnated by zombies, so I will have to make do.



I don't know what the fuck he just said....



Starcraft Jargon Very Happy

Also im getting a Creepy Vibe from some of you who i think just want to Save her to raise as some sort of Sex toy



I didn't get that from any one, who'd you have in mind that would do that? How about this, lets say a member of your family that you're very close to got bitten, do you have it in you to end their life or would you let them become part of the zombie horde?



I'd just find some Zombrex for them.



I dont know i would probally shoot them i dont want them to suffer

Although i would feel horrible if a cure was found



Guide says leave them alone. Cure, no cure, your objective is to survive, not by uselessly killing as many zombies as you can, but to make your life as livable as possible without exposing yourself to undue danger.

The main problem is not zombie ingenuity, it is zombie tenacity. Eventually, your blimp is going to run out of fuel, your treehouse will lose its food, your fort needs repairs on the outside.

Due to the constant and relentless mob of zombies you've cleverly managed to put a tangible barrier against, you must always shore up your defenses, and hope your farm will last. The psychological effect of zombies a few feet from your yard is enough to make anyone shit his pants.

The only real end-all solution would be to make a self sustaining area that zombies couldn't travel to, which negates the psychological attack, as well as the physical. A hovering city powered by proven renewable energy, or an underground haven only reachable with machines.

If the floating city were to be adapted, the only problem would be the area and machines needed to sustain a large population, not to mention the prerequisite of achieving advances in low power levitation technology before the zombie outbreak occurs.

The underground haven is much safer in terms of zombie block, but also presents its own challenges, chief among them the option of returning to the surface. If forced underground, we would undeniably be attracted to the surface world, even if overrun by affected swarms. Sanity would diminish unless order is established, with surface "safe houses" tourism to stop the madness. Our eyesight would get worse, similar to moles and other subterranean creatures, A) proving evolution is right, and B) limiting the window in which we are able to reclaim the surface world.

The merit of the underground city is simple. The zombies simply lack the means to burrow though the rock you present them with, not with their bare limbs.

Though the gathering of a few individuals is certainly dangerous, once control is established and focus is set to survival and evasion instead of petty feuds and alpha-omega pack mentality, you're going to want that little girl, largely as a human being capable of pulling their own weight (eventually), but also as a psychological value to yourself, reducing the emotion of regret that you WILL feel for any other actions you have taken that were less than helpful to others. Watching the results of your positive action flourish is always better than not acting so and contemplating your options in hindsight.



Actually i would probally Try to get to Goat Island

Its an Island so i hope they arent Swimming zombies its covered in Goats Viable for Farming and its surrounded by a Marine Reserve



Actually, high up in the mountains, surround by cliffs, would be the most useful spot to be. Kill anybody that finds you; zombies or otherwise. Raiders would be a danger, and only your spot would be good. Not to mention, they may have supplies. Zombies would be rare, because of the terrain, and easy to get away and hide from, not to mention being in a desolate area would lessen the chances of others hearing you. Having a stupid little girl would be worthless. Anybody who argues the idea of wanting to repopulate the world: Why would you want to do such a thing? I personally would be very happy knowing that there would be no more people to pull the annoying bullshit anymore, and when all the zombies and such are gone, the world would be a very, very quiet and safe place (for the most part, other than obvious natural hazards, such as falls and dangerous fauna) until the end of your days, and other surivivors probably wouldn't find you anyways.



Dude your not thinking of a Renewable Food source are you?

If you dont find a place that can sustain you for a Reasonably long time your going to have to venture into the Zombie Apocalypse and die



The mountains are very renewable. The only problem may be cold/snow. There are berries that grow all over the mountain in the summer/I know how to can and preserve them. Not to mention there are greens everywhere past the Springtime, and wildlife can be killed and used for food. Mountain streams often have fish, though small, are plentiful, and can easily be killed. Meat can be dried as jerky, and even dried with berries/fat to make pemmican. The mountains are filled with plenty of resources, you just have to know where to look, and where to be. I don't like other people, and I don't like zombies, so I'd simply stay somewhere far away and quiet, where I can survive, just like the mountains. Intruders would probably be killed by flail traps, dead falls, pungie pits, leftover explosives if I found any on the way there, and old, rigged up guns (that I deemed unusuable/worthless), long before they got to me.



What kind of fun is barricading yourself away from the zombies. If you aren't protecting your family, get down there with a chainsaw or shotgun and go out with a bang.

Honestly, is there anyone here who doesn't want to take some frustration out on some zombies?



I would, if I knew that every one I ever knew or cared about was a zombie or dead I'd kill as many as I could till it got to the point were I knew I was going to die. Then I'd preform seppuku.



John Spartan wrote:What kind of fun is barricading yourself away from the zombies. If you aren't protecting your family, get down there with a chainsaw or shotgun and go out with a bang.

Honestly, is there anyone here who doesn't want to take some frustration out on some zombies?

But that risks injury/death for no significant reward. In a zombie-type apocolypse, I'm probably going to assume that everybody I know is dead. If my best friend is alive (I'd say 80-90% chance), I'll help them, but since they never want to go anywhere, I will leave them for somewhere safer if they don't want to come with me. I'd simply get as many supplies as I can reasonably carry (raid empty homes for ammunition, food, tools, and weapons), destroy anything that dares step in my way (or die trying), and escape to the mountains.



That's the thing for me though. Why survive? Everyone is dead. You're delaying the inevitable. Fuck up some zombies.

Obviously this changes if you have a bunch of people trying to survive. But if it's just you, have some fun. I know I would.



Because, I find it interesting to see how long I can survive. Why die if I don't have to, when I can actually enjoy the world. No ugly ass, annoying people everywhere. Nobody to tell me what to do. If I was last remaining human being, I'd be pretty happy, won't lie. It would be lonely for a bit, but you'd get used to it. I personally love the idea of a quiet world.



Except for the constant zombie moans and occasional screams from survivors who lost it or were caught by the zombies....

I see your point of view. But the loneliness and lack of reason to continue would do me in.

I actually might take the Zombieland approach and drive across the land, scavaging and killing zombies. Eventually I'd die, but the survival wouldn't be so meaningless for me.



Ok so I imagine I do not have the zombie knowledge of Mr. Mills but my question is that wouldn;t zombies eventually die off? THey need to eat brains right? So at some point there are not going to be enough brains to feed the zombies and they are going to die off right?

So I guess my goal would be to survive to make it past that point. I'm with Bob in that even if I become the last person on Earth I could enjoy the solitude of it and live in peace.



John Spartan wrote:Except for the constant zombie moans and occasional screams from survivors who lost it or were caught by the zombies....

I see your point of view. But the loneliness and lack of reason to continue would do me in.

I actually might take the Zombieland approach and drive across the land, scavaging and killing zombies. Eventually I'd die, but the survival wouldn't be so meaningless for me.

I would go far and high enough that I wouldn't have to constantly hear them, not to mention I would have enough traps in a perimeter that would easily stop them from any direction at a certain point. As for the other survivors, if they die, I don't really care. If I never knew them, they're probably one of the 99% of human beings that would deserve what was coming to them.



Well the concept of zombies is entirely fantasy. So you can make them what you want really.

My idea of zombies is a virus that re-animates the dead to do it's simplest functions. Eating, killing, etc... The zombies are already dead. I don't see why they'd die again. But that's just my perspective.



DrBob276 wrote:
John Spartan wrote:Except for the constant zombie moans and occasional screams from survivors who lost it or were caught by the zombies....

I see your point of view. But the loneliness and lack of reason to continue would do me in.

I actually might take the Zombieland approach and drive across the land, scavaging and killing zombies. Eventually I'd die, but the survival wouldn't be so meaningless for me.

I would go far and high enough that I wouldn't have to constantly hear them, not to mention I would have enough traps in a perimeter that would easily stop them from any direction at a certain point. As for the other survivors, if they die, I don't really care. If I never knew them, they're probably one of the 99% of human beings that would deserve what was coming to them.

I'm a city guy. My wilderness survival knowledge would get me killed. Mad



Hmm so they are reanimated then what is their motivation to attack? I was always thought it was to eat the brains of their kill? No brains then what?



Some movies depict them as brain eaters, but recent films just focus on the desire to kill and devour flesh in general. The motivation is just instinctual.

I never understood the need to eat Brains, but it's kind of the zombie cliche that most people associate them with.



See? Living in the country does pay off one day! Very Happy

Well, I guess so would living in a city. I my chances of survival would drop sharply in an urban environment.



The whole brains thing has been gone for years now.

Now all zombie flicks involve them needing to feed on living flesh.

From a scientific stand point that if it were a virus and the person dies and then becomes re-animated, they'd still have to eat to maintain body function. Otherwise the body will break down and start to become mal-nurished and eat itself from the inside out.

28 days later had it right! they survived the infection "rage" and 4-6 months after the zombies/infected died off from starvation and fluid loss.

2004's Dawn of the dead was also 6 months long. If you look at the special features it tells you they were in the mall for nearly 6 months. Yet even when they escaped the zombies were still chasing them like track stars! Only beginning signs of decompostion started to show at the end of the movie.

Best place to go is somewhere cold or very hot that way the zombies either freeze or they overheat and degrade faster! Don't know about anyone else but i have an Army National guard barracks 10 mins away, which is well fortified and i live in a town of maybe 6,000 people so i like my chances vs living in teh city!



The key point I think here is lonliness. I couldn't go on living for too long alone. Maybe a year tops. After that I'd lose any reason to continue. Why survive? If you like solitude, great. I want to be alone sometimes, but eventually I'd lose my grip on reality.



Anyone will eventually go crazy! even if the zombie threat is finally gone. Once your one of thousands left alive your chances of finding any of the other survivers are like finding a grain of sugar in the desert.

I'd find companionship through animals like will smith did in I AM LEGEND!! they'd become your family and their great for early warning security!

The biggest problem becomes environmental break down too. dams/nuclear powerplants/ oil barges etc etc...
watch "earth after humans" to get a good idea on what'll happen if no-ones around to maintain our current ways of living!



godscouchpotato wrote:The whole brains thing has been gone for years now.

Now all zombie flicks involve them needing to feed on living flesh.

From a scientific stand point that if it were a virus and the person dies and then becomes re-animated, they'd still have to eat to maintain body function. Otherwise the body will break down and start to become mal-nurished and eat itself from the inside out.

28 days later had it right! they survived the infection "rage" and 4-6 months after the zombies/infected died off from starvation and fluid loss.

2004's Dawn of the dead was also 6 months long. If you look at the special features it tells you they were in the mall for nearly 6 months. Yet even when they escaped the zombies were still chasing them like track stars! Only beginning signs of decompostion started to show at the end of the movie.

Best place to go is somewhere cold or very hot that way the zombies either freeze or they overheat and degrade faster! Don't know about anyone else but i have an Army National guard barracks 10 mins away, which is well fortified and i live in a town of maybe 6,000 people so i like my chances vs living in teh city!

So the zombies who are bleeding/missing limbs/missing organs couldn't scientifically survive right? However, most zombies you imagine are not fit track stars. They're mutalated. Yet they still survive.

So obviously more is involved than nutrition. Quite possibly a lower metabolism effect caused by the virus itself. Thus allowing the zombies to shut down organs needed to sustane a normal living human. They are using basic instincts of survival. The body is not functioning the way ours would.

Again, all of this is subjective to how you see zombies. It's all fantasy.



Note: This conversation has become very interesting. Thanks fellas!



Truth there Mills. But even if the zombie can't feed the cells/muscle mass will start to break down!

The idea of the zombie is a re-animated human with only animal instincts. There's never really been any extra abilities they have, apart from not feeling pain, no need to breath (so endless sprinting becomes possible) till muscles seize up.

The 28 days & 28 weeks later theme is more believable than the zombie thing. They were technically still alive but the virus was a blood transferred constant rage inducing sickness. they eventually died of starvation and blood loss.



I never thought of the 28 days/weeks later people to be zombies really. Just infected with the rage virus. Similar to I Am Legend. They break from the stereotypical "zombie" concept. Which is good. I like unique ideas. But it's not your typical zombie.

The muscle thing is a good point.



Np, I like interesting conversations Very Happy (not in that way!)

The way I always think of it, is much like a virus, kinda like mad cow disease or rabies. They lose all thought processes except for basic, aggressive ones, but don't gain any crazy abilities that their body couldn't already do well. For instance, if there's a fat zombie, he's not going to run very fast or far, because the oxygen conversion rate will be poor to power the cells (though he could still sprint farther than normal, because of no pain) and he's not going to go as fast. In other words, the host will be just like before, but has no pain or thoughts.



I watch alot of discovery channel and medical stuff to understand how things work in general, and being the nerd i am I apply those existing facts to zombie biology.

When you run lactic acid builds up in the muscles causing the burning sensation after working out. Your muscles then have to repair themselves to become stronger. The key sign you need to rest is PAIN. Yet zombies don't feel pain so you'd think they'd eventually fall over from seizing up and go into muscle spasms. But you'd be long since dead before this would happen to the zombie! considering they do not tire.

Destroying the brain makes complete sense! or severing the spinal column as it's the highway for brain signals. Without the electric charges telling you body what to do, your body would shut down or the zombie would become paralyzed.

Serious wounds only make the zombie degrade faster! If they were bitten they'd reanimate and the wound would cauderize (spelling?) If they were to lose a limb or have their bowels removed they'd decay faster as a zombie because of the massive blood loss, hence literally drying them out.

BTW i do agree i like this conversation



Take Dawn of the Dead, for example. When someone was bit, they became infected. The infection kills them before they change. Shortly after death, they become a zombie. So, to me, since death has occurred, it's naive to say that the virus does not give them some type of special "unatural" survival ability. The virus itself would need to be passed. So it could possibly alter the host in a manner that would increase it's own longevity. Hence a heightened survival time.

Now the running zombies are more likely to break down due to hyper muscle use. That makes sense. But the slower "Shaun of the Dead" type zombies aren't doing much. Energy conservation + possible virus alteration = zombie armageddon.



Holy crap I walk away for a half hour and now I just got an interesting education reading through the last few posts HAHA

As a family man I can see myself going crazy quick if I lost my family. I would be the dude toting a flame thrower buring everything in my path.

OOooo Topic diversion. What weapons would you want in you had to fight off a zombie attack?

I'll go flamethrower with a shotgun straped to my back, with a baseball bat as beackup.



Flamethrower is a bad idea, IMO. I'd take a shotgun or high powered rifle to shoot the head; it has a high chance of delivering critical damage to the brain, as well as causing enough shock to shatter bones/organs, debilitating the zombie. That, and any large, durable, bladed weapon I could find.



Shotgun is a must, but I'd have a couple Machetes with me too. Ammo conservation would be a must. A riot shield of some sort would be helpful.

Sadly, a zombie outbreak wouldn't give you enough time to pick what you want.



Well my choice is based off the thought that family is dead and I am insane. Flame Thrower would provide the most satisfaction and high degree of destructability. It the flesh is muscle is burned from their bones I don;t see them walking towards me anymiore.



Ooooo I like the idea of a riot shield.



DrBob276 wrote:Flamethrower is a bad idea, IMO. I'd take a shotgun or high powered rifle to shoot the head; it has a high chance of delivering critical damage to the brain, as well as causing enough shock to shatter bones/organs, debilitating the zombie. That, and any large, durable, bladed weapon I could find.

Interesting we posted very similar choices. =)

Flame thrower would be fun to use, but probaly ineffective. Maybe used to keep the zombies at bay while you scavage a grocery store or gun shop.

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