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EA Promises Battlefield 4 Info "in Around 90 Days"

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
Ron Swanson
Green bean Specialist
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Pariah wrote:I have never had a hit reg problem on console. I guess that's just that I haven't played enough, but the only real BS moments I've had have been more based on the opponents loadout than anything else. And my own lack of skill.

Exactly. Like I said the hit reg on console is fantastic.

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2013-02-03, 18:39; edited 1 time in total

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Unless you've got an insane ping, hit reg has never been an issue for me. I honestly don't have too many gripes with BF3, except for the way some of the maps are designed.

Metro, Davamand, and a few others really bother me. I hate bottleneck maps, they look great on paper, but in reality I think they are terrible for large player matches (12 vs 12 I can see it working a little better).

I miss how BF2 and BF2142 did it, take the same map, but scale it accordingly to the amount of players playing on it. You play the same map, but the dynamics change as you simply shift what flag is where and the boarders that are in place. Slapping a 32 vs 32 onto a map that is clearly designed for less players is just lazy IMO.



The maps as a whole are the weakpoint of the game IMO

There are only a few I REALLY like

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Same here Sym, Panama Canal was perfect IMO for BC2, it was my go to map if I wanted to warm up.

There were a lot of classic maps that I wished would have made it into BF3 but sadly never did.

Suez Canal, Minsk, Camp Gibraltor, Dalian Plant, Dragon Valley, the list goes on.



Yea the back to Karkand pack was a disappointing expansion

Sharqi? meh

Karkand? meh

Wake Island? meh

Gulf of Oman is really good though

I wanted Ghost Town

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sym wrote:Yea the back to Karkand pack was a disappointing expansion

Sharqi? meh

Karkand? meh

Wake Island? meh

Gulf of Oman is really good though

I wanted Ghost Town

I don't remember that map, was that apart of Special forces or something?



Yes it was

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah, it's been so long since I played BF2:SF.

Yeah, I miss a lot of the maps from BF2. What do you think, should they bring back the other factions like the Chinese and MEC again?

So long as the J10 doesn't become god mod again I think it would be okay.



Shouldve added some maps from the console versions of BF2. Those maps were boss.



No, I checked my connection several times to make sure it wasn't just me, and it wasn't. That, and sniper rifle bullets were hitting people in the head and not killing for me; it wasn't as bad as BC2, but I still had the problem enough for it to be agitating.Oh, and tanks randomly shooting rounds into spawn, that's really fun as well, and being nearly invulnerable unless you play with a group and simultaneously RPG it, or take the time to get in a tank as well and kill it yourself, but I don't want to play Battletanx, I want to play Battlefield. Oh, and the jets were really, really useless. I never saw them get a kill on my team, and I've only been killed by one once.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Completely different on PC, granted going solo against a tank won't go well for you if they have an engineer with them, but if you have one other friend who's also coordinating rockets with you, tanks usually don't last long.



Yeah, but the problem is, you have to play with friends, and I prefer to play solo; I'll help the team, but that kind of thing is incredibly frustrating for me. Usually I just say fuck it, and be useless in a bush somewhere when they steal on our tanks or chopper and just get kills while I wait for the match to end.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hmm, typically tanks are not a huge issue for ground pounders on the PC. I usually run as a Recon, Support or as an assault and never had much issue. It seems like 80% of my deaths are by engineers. Air power is usually what wins or loses the fight from my experience. If you have no air support your team is usually doomed since your armor can't stay alive enough to deal with the enemy tanks and the enemy helicopters keep the engineers from mounting an effective counter on said tanks.

Domino effect if you will. I've stopped playing solo for the most part, it usually ends with me getting annoyed if I play solo. It's much more fun to run with someone you can talk with IMO.



Yeah, on the PC, you can have up to 32 people per team right? On the console, I think it's either 12 or 16, and tanks basically get to roam around and be completely unstoppable because random teammates have their head up their ass 90% of the time, and when you finally have people shoot at it, they usually have 1/4 of their team behind the tank repairing it, which is beyond annoying.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, enemy armor was never a massive problem unless we didn't have good pilots. On PC it seems everyone and their mom plays as an engineer or an assault. It's such a pain in the ass to find someone who's playing as support, and when you usually do find them, they drop any ammo.

Seriously man, join us on PC, the experience is typically a millions times better.



My PC would probably explode, maybe when I get a new PC I will.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Well, whenever you do, toss me or Sym a message or something. We'd be more than happy to run some games with you Smile



if it wasn't 60$ I'd buy it on PC too. But I already have it on console, and I got BC2 on pc during the xmas sale.



It was like 10 bucks on some site the other week when I got it lol,to get the key it's usually like,17 I think



Well, maybe the new release of BF will bring me back into FPS scene.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



my jimmies are ready



Ante wrote:my jimmies are ready

Jimmies? You have more than one?



i have many pairs of pants metal, yes.



Ante wrote:i have many pairs of pants metal, yes.

Err.. so if I came up to you and said "I'MMA GONNA KICK YOU IN THE JIMMY ANTE!" you would be surprised when I kicked you in the dick instead of the pants?



I want BC2 maps. Valapereso, Isla Innocentes, Panama, not Heavy Metal. And all the Aftermath ones are fantastic.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

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