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The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One

Green bean Specialist
Keyser Söze
Dropped Da Soap
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
Ron Swanson
Epyk MD
HydrasBreath ♜
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HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

The whole big brother kinect shit really bothers me. It's always watching you.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Cad-20130524-6893c



Ha thats great Adli



The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Tumblr_mnbhqgkPee1sr302to1_500

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 1iv7yL0

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 BnWAmuC

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 TpoQ7zW



This thread is hilarious



The thing is, if you use simple logic, there will never ever be a console that comes out that isn't maybe just a hair above an entry level system. If there is, it will cost more than what people are willing to spend on a console, if it isn't that means AMD or Intel is holding back on tech and overcharging, unless they're both in co-hoots the other company would just go LOL and release better shit; otherwise antitrust lawsuit.

but I recant my lol at consoles, they needed an upgrade, they got one. I just hate how they're lying that they're better than a good gaming PC. It really will bring the new tech into games even harder as the consoles will be able to support new methods of rendering that thankfully we'll see more often.

The devs who are good at making games (indie and pro) will step in and start using the systems for what they're meant for, games.

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



Green bean Specialist wrote:

We will have to see on this....

Microsoft's track record isnt exactly sterling here



Part of the reason why RROD was so prevalent was because MS forced out 360 with adequate testing, when PS3 was announced to be delayed. Doing this, they have sought to "buy out" all the major devs to develop exclusively or release games on 360 before PS3 was even out.

I don't think this will happen again, as delay of PS3 was such unlucky event that probably would not have that much of a high chance of happening again. Unless MS deliberately sabotages Sony, or Sony goes through another sets of unlucky events.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

unisyst wrote:The thing is, if you use simple logic, there will never ever be a console that comes out that isn't maybe just a hair above an entry level system. If there is, it will cost more than what people are willing to spend on a console, if it isn't that means AMD or Intel is holding back on tech and overcharging, unless they're both in co-hoots the other company would just go LOL and release better shit; otherwise antitrust lawsuit.

but I recant my lol at consoles, they needed an upgrade, they got one. I just hate how they're lying that they're better than a good gaming PC. It really will bring the new tech into games even harder as the consoles will be able to support new methods of rendering that thankfully we'll see more often.

The devs who are good at making games (indie and pro) will step in and start using the systems for what they're meant for, games.

I don't think that anyone with a functional brain and a bit of knowledge on PCs thinks a console can be more powerful, but it's really asinine how there still is marketing crap about "OMG TEH NEXST CONSOLES R MOAR POWER!!11!!1one1!". Do they market this to idiots only, or actually think everyone is ignorant enough to buy their bullshit? Consoles aren't that powerful, and that's all right, they aren't meant to. It's not some e-penor contest.

And a funny thing related to this is how many times I see something like "LOL Nintendo kiddy games with shitty ass graphics. Get a real adult console for mature games for adults such as myself HUE HUE HUE !" And then when you point out how terrible a 360/PS4/Xbox 1/PS4 is compared to a PC (specs wise), the same people go 180° "Who cares?, dude? Gameplay > Graphics." I want to kick their nuts/cunt punt them.



You would be surprised on how effective even a dumb marketing is.

My father operates a company, and has been a successful businessman for many decades already, but he still falls for stupid marketing. He himself has done some stupid marketing before, but he sure is not immune to its effects when others are doing it to him.



From the link:


The Xbox One will not require gamers to pay a fee to reactivate a used game, but it will require a regular online spot check to verify the authenticity of games being played, according to sources familiar with the system....

...While an internet connection will be required for the console, the company is also experimenting with special exemption codes that could be given to select people in very particular, internet-free situations, like active-duty soldiers serving in war zones, sources tell Polygon....

...The Xbox One will automatically authenticate a game using an encryption code built into a game's disc, when it is installed on the machine. That authentication on the console's hard drive tied to the game is then verified regularly through an internet connection...

...When a person sells the game or it is installed and played on another system, the game is deauthenticated on the original machine until the disc is brought back and used to re-authenticate the installation...

...Our sources also said that there are no plans to charge gamers a fee to sell or reactivate a used game. Earlier today, Microsoft's Larry Hryb touched on the topic of used games on his blog, but didn't say whether fees will be required.

"The ability to trade in and resell games is important to gamers and to Xbox," according to the official statement he included in his post. "Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games. Reports about our policies for trade in and resale are inaccurate and incomplete. We will disclose more information in the near future."...


So, this again is in contradiction to other reports.

This all lies on Microsoft, as they managed to completely balls up the handling of the XO reveal.

But, the fact remains that there is a lot of misinformation kicking about, and things need to be completely and officially clarified before any final conclusions can be drawn.

Anything else at the moment is pure speculation, and people need to wait for these announcements and an actual look at the games at E3.



Really the nail in the coffin here for me is the total disrespect M$ seems to have for the people who supported the XBOX brand from day 1.

Ive made my feelings known on the subject, but yea Robots, your right, as of now there is conflicting reports on some of this stuff.

Also, how much do you wanna bet a large percentage of these new exclusives will be Kinect games?



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

HOLY SHIT this is hilarious

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Sym wrote:Really the nail in the coffin here for me is the total disrespect M$ seems to have for the people who supported the XBOX brand from day 1.

Ive made my feelings known on the subject, but yea Robots, your right, as of now there is conflicting reports on some of this stuff.

Also, how much do you wanna bet a large percentage of these new exclusives will be Kinect games?

I'm pretty sure everyone here is clear on your feelings, Sym hahaha Laughing

Personally, if MS can come through on the games and all the stuff that's still up in the air right now, then I can easily see myself having one of these at some point.

The feature set of the device does appeal, and I actually get decent use out of Kinect with my young nephews and various post drink/smoke shenanigans. The next couple of weeks and E3 are crucial, though.

More than anything, I just can't understand how Microsoft managed to get the reveal so, so catastrophically wring. The mind boggles.

I think they will still come out of it ok - either by coming good with the games and putting consumer fears to rest, or simply by selling to those who haven't been paying attention - but this has got to be one of the worst starts in history.

I don't want the device to be shit and fail, but the fact that MS are apparently 'surprised' at the core gamers response to what's been seen so far just makes me question what the fuck is going on over there.

They also managed to make themselves one of the easiest targets for parody that has possibly ever much as I'm still somewhat interested, some of the piss taking that's come out of it has been so on the money and downright hilarious Laughing

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Sym wrote:<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

HOLY SHIT this is hilarious

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

TV? Razz

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Ante wrote:The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Tumblr_mnbhqgkPee1sr302to1_500

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 1iv7yL0

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 BnWAmuC

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 TpoQ7zW


Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Ku-medium



The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Tcnxd_bigpicture_590419_zpsf95ecc66

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist




The 360 is like 8 years old right now

another 5 years

13 years in hardware terms is like the time between man discovering fire to smelting steel



PS2 lasted 11 years, and actually had many decent games released back in Japan even while PS3 was getting all the newest triple A titles. Granted, of course, that PS3 was delayed. Looks like MS is trying to follow what Sony did for PS2.

The thing is, this will either hurt future gaming as a whole, or may/will not work.

If MS is going off of the fact that since 360 has already established wide market and will be releasing games alongside XO, its going to create another layer of porting on top of existing line. Porting is not cheap and it takes time. Not sure how compatible XO is to 360, but from what I can gather so far its not compatible at all. More attention 360 is getting, more resources are wasted in keeping old machine alive.

If MS is going for PS2 strategy of having less demanding games released exclusively on 360, I am not sure how this will be received in US. I know for sure that this strategy will not work in Japan. Major selling point for 360 in Japan was because Sony made stupid decision about Japan's national game Idol M@aster will not be released on PS3 because PS3 was better than that. MS saw this as an opportunity and made arrangements to release it on 360. 360 sales was pretty much solely driven by Idol M@aster. Problem is that Sony changed its mind, and released better and more complete version of it on PS3 and later on Vita. Japan being primarily hand-held market, and now PS family regaining its number 1 position in Japan, it will not work there.

Even though I have said that I am not certain about US 360 PS2 strategy, I think most of demographics of 360 are a little similar to locust swarm (no ill intentions). They swarm in for newest triple A title, which are deemed "graphically/technologically superior", devour it until they find the new target, then when another target comes up they move on. I don't think this same demographics will be holding onto 360 when XO is at the frontline for MS.

At least, MS will be stealing the title of longest supported console from Sony.



I did say 13 years in hardware terms Storm Very Happy



The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Xbox-one-ps4-gs-poll

I just noticed that North Korea is supporting PS4





I dont know why these people must incite fanboy wars?

IGN has to be the worst

No good can come from articles like this.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:I dont know why these people must incite fanboy wars?

to get ad revenue for very little effort.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




The Adli Corporation wrote:<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 ZQygLfW

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

Fallout 4 to be one of the 15 exclusives



If this is indeed true, then

Fuck you Bethesda!



Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad



Indeed Fuck you

Fallout without mods isnt fallout at all



Green bean Specialist wrote:Fallout 4 to be one of the 15 exclusives

This h as to be a joke

I will quit gaming if this is indeed true



Now that Ive had time to digest this rumor

I think its bullshit

M$ said there 15 exclusives are 1st part, this would not be it

And there is no way Bethesda would be fucking stupid enough to not release a PC version. No way

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Unless its a timed exclusive. Maybe one month or something.
Not like its not been done before.



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>







Finally he released episode 86.

I will have something to watch while working out.



I have a hard time imagining Storm working out Very Happy



The new Xbox will be called..... Xbox One - Page 6 Run2Bpenguin2Brun

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

TV achievements, apparently.



1000G - Couch Potato




1000g-Sick Motherfucker
touched yourself during embarrassing bodies

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

100G - Completionist
Fap to all available porn channels.

You can't cheat, since Kinect is watching you. Always.



100G - Lazy Amateur
Jerk it while on xbox

1000G - Man of Many Interests
Fap to 10 different genres

10000G - Iron Wang
Spend 100 total hours fapping

100000G - King of The Kink
Have sex with couch while surfing porn

1000000G - Porno Paragon
Watch every porn video



101G - Pedophile?
Fapped to Toddlers & Tiaras (You are now a registered sex offender)

Last edited by Tom on 2013-05-28, 01:32; edited 1 time in total

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

WTF is Princess and Tiaras?



Ars Diaboli wrote:WTF is Princess and Tiaras?

A show on TLC about little girls competing in child pageants. Also I got the name wring, it is Toddlers & Tiaras.

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