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got wasted for the first time last night

Captain Pirate Pineapple
Dropped Da Soap
11 posters

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was interesting.

Took forever to happen. I've had people give me drinks before but nothing has ever really affected me. Beer tastes too shitty and requires way too much volume to appeal to me.

So finally I just downed half a water bottle of vodka at a party with my girlfriend and that did quite a lot. stumbled around for an hour, laughed at everything. I went from completely sober to couldn't walk in a straight line if my life depended on it pretty quick.

fell asleep.

woke up feeling a little nauseous but never threw up.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I drank a bunch of Whiskey the other night, woke up, threw up three times and passed bck out



I had a bottle of red wine at my aunts and watched action movies all night.



A cold beer and some pizza sounds good....I don't wanna be all drunk on bf4 opening night tho lol



Drunk eh?

Heres a briliant Idea

Walk into a sperm bank with your cheeks bulging from a combination of flour and water

Spit it onto the counter then non chalantly walk out




Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I don't remember a night where I wasn't drinking.


I havn't drank since... a month + or so.



Bla125 wrote:Noobs.
My thoughts exactly



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:I don't remember a night where I wasn't drinking.
and do you remember any nights where you were drinking?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Zillah wrote:
Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:I don't remember a night where I wasn't drinking.
and do you remember any nights where you were drinking?
I remember where I start drinking. Usually don't remember where I finish drinking or where I end up until the next morning.



I dont understand how people black out

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Sym wrote:I dont understand how people black out
It's not that I black out often. It's more that I just stop caring, don't pay attention to things, and just kind of go with the flow. Or that I just really drink way more than I should a lot of nights.



Fair enough

Im always aware of my surroundings so that doesn't happen to me.

Would freak me out if it did

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Sym wrote:Fair enough

Im always aware of my surroundings so that doesn't happen to me.

Would freak me out if it did
I believe it was Bruce Lee who said "Be like water." I like Bruce Me who said "Drink like it's water."

And yeah, I usually end up a little scared when those mornings happen and I don't know where I'm at, but then I kind of shrug it off, and make a doctors appointment for later that day.



I once drank 1.5 fiths of whiskey and didnt black out

Remember the whole night perfectly lmao

I almost beat my neighbors ass after he threatened me with a gun



Recently when ive gotten really drunk ive gotten memory loss, something that never use to happen to me... not sure what to make of that.

Or maybe my friends are just fucking with me, telling me I did stuff that I actually didnt do haha

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Why would you need to schedule a doctor appointment?



Because he doesnt know where Mini-Kalei has been during the missing hours Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Oh, and who knows what wonderous gifts Mini-Kalei has brought with him.



He said come and see and I saw behold a white horse and upon it sat Mini Kalei and the pestilences of the Earth followed him

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

And his followers were many!


Half a water bottle of vodka? I'm gunna assume a water bottle is 500ml at the best... so you had 250ml.... about 8shots...

I used to drink a litre of the stuff when i was 18, yes i was stupid lol Very Happy



The water bottle sitting next to me is 750ml



Sym wrote:I once drank 1.5 fiths of whiskey and didnt black out

Remember the whole night perfectly lmao

I almost beat my neighbors ass after he threatened me with a gun
This was your own fault...if you had just left it alone it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place.

got wasted for the first time last night 659b3923eaf85eaf2d0bac164945400d



I would have threatened him with the Gun anyone

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

MissSym wrote:
got wasted for the first time last night 659b3923eaf85eaf2d0bac164945400d
When and why did you post a picture of my cake?!

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