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I has a question about BFBC2

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1I has a question about BFBC2 Empty I has a question about BFBC2 2010-08-25, 21:40



BlitheStream - BFBC2 Stats

So they're my stats. Frankly they suck. I want to improve my kills per minute and Deaths per minute ( Mainly deaths ) But I keep dying due to my own idioticness I think. Anyway to reduce deaths per minute?

Aswell as a little tip to stay alive as long as possible while being Engineer/Assault (I die quicker than most people which frustrates me because I see it as me being crap at this game )

Just wondering because all you guys are epic at this game and I have extreme crappyness and wished I could reset my account D:


My stats are pretty in line with yours. I don't really have any advice to offer other than take it slow don't rush so much. Use Vehicles more.

At the end of the day if you're helping your team out then kpm and dpm don't really matter all that much.



I think my play style is more of Slow Everything Down

People tend to rush in blindly too much. As long as a person is a decent player, just by being more aware of surrounding, death per minute is definitely going to go down.



Stats are bullshit and don't mean anything; they don't tell the whole story of what happened. I could go 20-1 and still be useless. I could have 4000 points and still be useless. I've been more useful to a team while in dead last before; 30 resupplies in a match at the first base of Arica Harbor, went 0-0, and went dead last. However, there were a couple instances, had I not been there to resupply ammo, the tanks would've overran us, and we would've been screwed. Stats mean nothing; someone could awesome stats, but then again, they could be a vehicle whoring Abakan/M60 user that rarely does anything good for their team.



DrBob276 wrote:Stats are bullshit and don't mean anything; they don't tell the whole story of what happened. I could go 20-1 and still be useless. I could have 4000 points and still be useless. I've been more useful to a team while in dead last before; 30 resupplies in a match at the first base of Arica Harbor, went 0-0, and went dead last. However, there were a couple instances, had I not been there to resupply ammo, the tanks would've overran us, and we would've been screwed. Stats mean nothing; someone could awesome stats, but then again, they could be a vehicle whoring Abakan/M60 user that rarely does anything good for their team.

I guess, I hope to think I help my team (Except when I decide to go on a noob medic rampage and revive anyone and everyone for no reason). It's mainly the DPM that I hate seeing because I die a lot more than I kill. and if we're on attackers that means i'm also wasting our tickets quicker. Oh and did you have to go or were you mad at something? I joined your team/squad and you just left.



I was in a bad mood, but that problem has been solved. Also, there were 10+ people on the other team from GameFAQs, and my teammates (other than you guys) were playing like infantile Chimpanzees with Down's Syndrome, so I just got bored of trying to win for them and left.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

yeah mostly what D said. try useing your teammates more. I.E stay behind them, follow them, and watch where they are getting shot from. You don't always have to be moving to the objective. try planning out your movements too, don't just blunder forward with no real plan as to where your going, use every bit of cover you can.
Other than that really knowing the level well helps, just so you can know where the enemy is useually set up, because RARELY does anyone do something you haven't seen before.
BTW I don't think I have you on my FL, send me a request and we can play a little. Having teammates that you trust to have your back will make a big difference



Terry's pretty much right on. Also, using random's as sniper and tank bait works really well too...even though I don't know if that's a very nice thing to do. xD



*Random gets Mauled*

Oh shit, run~




StormEye wrote:*Random gets Mauled*

Oh shit, run~



Good times, good times.



TerryMay wrote:yeah mostly what D said. try useing your teammates more. I.E stay behind them, follow them, and watch where they are getting shot from. You don't always have to be moving to the objective. try planning out your movements too, don't just blunder forward with no real plan as to where your going, use every bit of cover you can.
Other than that really knowing the level well helps, just so you can know where the enemy is useually set up, because RARELY does anyone do something you haven't seen before.
BTW I don't think I have you on my FL, send me a request and we can play a little. Having teammates that you trust to have your back will make a big difference

I sent you a FR, Bob could we play sometime tomorrow? It's fun playing with you and that revival spree back on Valpariso as attackers. "Blithe is having fun sitting and reviving me I think since I died so many times on this hill!" You gave me around 500 points for me being a noobie Medic. xP



I don't remember that, could you enlighten me? That was today, or when was that?



Oh that was a few days ago, me you Shojimaru and Masterconker. We play Valpariso and you wanted to record the part where you shot a guy off an atv and it drove and flew past you into a building. And I tracer darted your butt and arm numerous times for no apparent reason.

EDIT : Now I know why my SPM is low, I screw around too often o.o



Yeah, I remember that now. Tracering me is most unkind; at least they can't lock to me with missiles, especially if you tracer darted my butt. >_>




I wouldn't worry about your stats too much, but if you want to improve your SPM, get in an Apache or Blackhawk with a good pilot.

And by a good pilot, I don't mean me.

*points to my getting an entire squad of you guys killed with an Anti-Tank mine in a Blackhawk*



Oh Majora, I've had worse things happen with some people. Some guy managed to get a blackhawk killed by going in the water, the water didn't kill us but the random at mine in the water did. I curse thee Engineers.



Blithestream wrote:Oh Majora, I've had worse things happen with some people. Some guy managed to get a blackhawk killed by going in the water, the water didn't kill us but the random at mine in the water did. I curse thee Engineers.




Majora1988 wrote:I wouldn't worry about your stats too much, but if you want to improve your SPM, get in an Apache or Blackhawk with a good pilot.

And by a good pilot, I don't mean me.

*points to my getting an entire squad of you guys killed with an Anti-Tank mine in a Blackhawk*

*Punches Majora in the face*

How the **** did you manage to hit a God damn AT mine in a helicopter?! I literally facepalmed when that happened.



DrBob276 wrote:
Majora1988 wrote:I wouldn't worry about your stats too much, but if you want to improve your SPM, get in an Apache or Blackhawk with a good pilot.

And by a good pilot, I don't mean me.

*points to my getting an entire squad of you guys killed with an Anti-Tank mine in a Blackhawk*

*Punches Majora in the face*

How the **** did you manage to hit a God damn AT mine in a helicopter?! I literally facepalmed when that happened.

I actually haven't flown the choppa since, I facepalmed myself so hard.



I remember smacking myself in BF2 when my Jet ended up in the water, off of the AirCraft Carrier.

I have not crashed into the water even in 1942. LoL



StormEye wrote:I remember smacking myself in BF2 when my Jet ended up in the water, off of the AirCraft Carrier.

I have not crashed into the water even in 1942. LoL

I used to crash into the carrier on Coral Sea all the time, because I would try to bomb the deck too many times on a strafe, lol.


Blithestream wrote:Oh Majora, I've had worse things happen with some people. Some guy managed to get a blackhawk killed by going in the water, the water didn't kill us but the random at mine in the water did. I curse thee Engineers.

Gotta watch out for those water mines.

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