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My BFBC2 PS3 experience...

Epyk MD
Cookie Monster
9 posters

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1My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 07:29

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

My first game at Arica Rush I had two wookiees on my squad. Camping, did not disarm MCOM like a typical wookiee. Other team was competent my team wasn't like always. I got ace pin with the 9a91 as a Level 1 with no extra gear. We lost.

2nd round as Attackers I used the tank to D2.0 Alpha at 1st base. I did crate bash because no one was attacking. I did use the glitch at the 2nd base, but to be fair I only had 3 c4 and no explmkii upgrade. Also did not have an ammo crate yet. We won that round.

Defending on Isla. Okay so seriously I think Kitsune's friend was not BS'ing. On Arica attacking my squadmate/wookiee was manning the heavy MG at the 3rd base. There was an enemy wookiee who ran up to use the stationary AT to kill me. He seriously did NOT notice my squadmate firing away with the Heavy MG.

On Isla it was worse. My squadmate was on the sniper's hillside in front of our base and everyone literally ran past him. I don't think he ever died. I went to knife a wookiee and I swore he turned and saw me, but he turned back like nothing happened and I got his tags. I'm frankly speechless.

Not to mention I've gotten 3 Ace pins in a row. If I'm getting Ace pins at this state i should be dominating when I have more gear. That's also not good since I'm only average/decent.

I'm gonna give these PSN players a chance though. It is late and most people should be in bed.

2My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 07:43

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

....perhaps ill rent it to play a few games with you in the mornings till you get a 360

3My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 07:44

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I notice the visuals kind of glitch at times. Like they won't render until a certain distance or until they're supposed to be visible. Might be a way of reducing server lag. Oh yeah, there is NO buffer when you spawn to use your grenades, gadgets, or knife. You can instantly pop it out. I assume it works the same with reviving. So I think the 360 servers need some work and patching.

4My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 07:47

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Awesome MD wrote:....perhaps ill rent it to play a few games with you in the mornings till you get a 360

That'll be cool. You don't have to though it's no trouble.

Oh yeah I was literally floating still in the Blackhawk when I was piloting. I think I only had about 3 rockets fired at me, but I dodged or they missed. No tracer, no nothing. Finally at the last base the Heavy MG got me. I was just hovering still trying to give my gunner a stable and good view. Hmmm, I really hope I'm not wrong about PSN players.

5My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 08:29



I'd only play games on the PS3 because of the free online so I can reset stats

6My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 09:05

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

So far I am disappoint. SadSadSadSadSad

7My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 10:33



I sometimes stare stupidly at people running up to knife me when I hear them and turn around because I completely freeze, or my reflexes get all slow.

I read somewhere that the reason why you can't knife/grenade when you first spawn on the 360 is the help the player get oriented in a friendly environment. Which is bull, because you can spawn and die instantly - it leaves you with no defense when spawning. Especially when you're trying to get that guy running up on your teammate.

8My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 13:08



Cookie Monster wrote:I notice the visuals kind of glitch at times. Like they won't render until a certain distance or until they're supposed to be visible. Might be a way of reducing server lag. Oh yeah, there is NO buffer when you spawn to use your grenades, gadgets, or knife. You can instantly pop it out. I assume it works the same with reviving. So I think the 360 servers need some work and patching.

Pssst... when you get a 360, install BC2 on it. That also gets rid of the buffer.

9My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 14:44



I told you. PS3 players are worse at EVERYTHING. I don't know what it is about it, but it really is true. I was watching an online gameplay of MW2 on the PS3, and the guy was beating people using the TAR and FAMAS at mid range with Akimbo M9s. >_>

10My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 15:21



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I told you. PS3 players are worse at EVERYTHING. I don't know what it is about it, but it really is true. I was watching an online gameplay of MW2 on the PS3, and the guy was beating people using the TAR and FAMAS at mid range with Akimbo M9s. >_>
Well, technically people like myself, who own both PS3 and 360, which can belong in both camps (heck my soul still belongs to PC master-race. LoL!) would mediate this field. Though, I guess those whom have both, like myself, play FPS usually on 360.


11My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 15:25



That's a pretty huge generality DrBob. I own both and while I prefer the 360 by a huge margin, I've never seen anything to make me believe that PS3 players are worse. The PS3 controller isn't nearly as user friendly though...

12My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 15:33



I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true though. This hasn't only happened only on one occasion; I've seen it on A LOT of YouTube videos of people playing, and I've heard it from 2 of my friends. It's no coincidence that they are obviously worse.

13My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 15:54



I am going to have to agree with Kistune on this one(Possible sign of the apocalypse?) PS3 players are dumb......dumb......DUMB! My BC2 experience was me mowing down wave after wave of mindless wookie snipers wandering about aimlessly, looking at the sky and trying to snipe while sitting in the middle of the road.

Same thing with MW2. Killzone 2, COD:WAW, Hell when I played Warhawk for the first time, my 3rd kill was with a tank by shooting down Warhawk becuase he was obviously a dum-dum PS3 player who likes to hover infront of tanks and miss his missle strikes..

14My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 18:08

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

They're not all bad, but the bad ones are worse than the ones on the 360. There's some good players.

15My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 19:28



Cookie Monster wrote:They're not all bad, but the bad ones are worse than the ones on the 360. There's some good players.

But you have to admit the Ratio of ***** to All right players is out of wack on the PS3.

16My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 21:32



Well, I don't want to offend anyone. I am not bashing you if you play ps3. I consider the majority of the PS3 online community for poor people, crackheads, pill popers and pot heads. I am not saying everyone is like this for playing the ps3. But, here where i live, that is honestly what i see. Ps3 players bitch constantly and make fun of other systems because they are out to get our money. The fanboys come up with the dumbest things don't they? They really think that one company really doesn't care about getting your money in some way? Ummm i beg to differ...

Ps3 is expensive and poorly made. The hardware in the ps3 is decent and is cheap. Now you know why the online is free because Sony makes up for it in some other ways.

But, that brings up Cookies bad experience. With ps3 being free online, this means, more kids(no offense to some youngsters), more assholes, more drunk people, more trashtalk, more exploiting, more camping, more using the overpowered equipment in games and etc etc..

I rented a Ps3 for a week. I turned it in 2 days later. I didn't even keep it the week. Which brings me to my question for, Cookie. Did you get bad lag, Cookie? Do you know if you seen any more bugs than usual? Did you experince any framerate lag?

17My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 22:50



OH GAWD. My friend's ex is a PS3 whore. All he does is trash talk the 360. But will get out of control mad (like was threatening to attack someone) if you turn the tables and point out all the bad things with the PS3.

I think it's funny, because it was his console that got the red ring of death, and not mine. How strange.

As to their game play, no idea. But I want one just so I can play GoW3. Also wanted to play Lair on it, until I tried it out and realized they'd mangled the controls so bad.

18My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-06, 22:53



sheep wrote:OH GAWD. My friend's ex is a PS3 whore.

and a douche. true story.

19My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 01:47

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I like the PS3. Nothing wrong with it IMO. More games on the PS3 that I'd play. I don't know about more scum playing on the PS3.

I've noticed everyone's pretty chill so far. Lag was non-existent when I played. It felt like the hit-markers were dead on compared to the BFBC2 games on Live. It was super smooth, but the visuals would glitch as in not render all the textures or details when you first see them until half a second later, but then it's not overly common and not a huge or game breaking issue.

I've noticed more kids on XBOX Live though. Doesn't mean they're stupid idiotic kids, but just more youngsters in general compared to the PS3. As far as immaturity goes I'll have to play more before I judge.

Also to be a bit more fair most of the people that killed me last night were low levels so I think there was a recent and bigger infestation of new players on the PS3. Likelihood of new players knowing how not to be a noob is a bit slim unless they're Battlefield veterans.

All I've said is my impression so far. I'd have to play more and during better hours instead of past midnight PST. At the moment though I would still recommend this game for the 360 or PC because of the controller/controls and ergonomics.

20My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 01:56



I can't spot as effortlessly on that controller.

That and where I set up my PS3 I had wireless and a 27% signal strength (oh god...)

Even with the lag I was pulling 2-3:1 KDRs every game, and this was almost like the game-breaking lag that we all had in BC2 a while ago. Except only for me.

Almost pulled my brother's stats out of the toilet, the again he was never much of a gamer compared to me.

On CoD4 on the PS3 I believe my KDR was 5.67-1 with around 4000 kills. It was so much fun raping every single game there.

21My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 02:11

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I just don't get why they made the shoot, knife, grenade buttons reversed because the vehicle controls are the same. Sucks even more that you can't change it to the 360 controls. Spotting is among one of the things that are a pain because of the controller.

22My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 02:16



Yeah I have no idea why they did that.

'Hey let's make the large buttons do stupid irrelevant shit (I rarely knife or grenade) and put the important functions of aiming and firing on the small buttons!'

What's worse is that any developer could just choose to set the controls differently but they don't. The PS3 community has no game because of it.

Well that and they're all slap-stick casuals, though I prefer them to screaming MLG 12-year old wannabes on the 360. I just wish they could be somewhat competitive and sporting.

which never happens in gaming

23My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 03:06



Meh. The controls of the PS3/PS2 (are the same right) aren't much of triggers as they are buttons. I really didn't mind doing the same when I used to play Killzone 1. And the PS3 attracts the homecinema crowd. Then the casual crowd. Not going to find much there. And since most of the action is on the 360, the potential buyer must decide between excellent online gaming experience vs good overall experience.

24My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 03:09

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Nah the PS3 L2 and R2 buttons are triggers. I like their feel better than the LT and RT on the 360 controller most times, but the analog stick lay out and the small size turns me off for shooters. It's still my go-to controller for fighters and racing games though.

25My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 06:48



I was just wondering. When i played it for 2 days. The lag and framerate lag was BAD. Laughing

The ps2 online community was horrible. It was either young people or people that never matured. I don't mind young people either. If they are mature, but its very rare. I have found more on LIVE. I had 2 on ps2 online. That is over a 2 year period. I modded my xbox1 and started playing on XlinkKai. The community was a whole lot better their for me. I believe the youngest i played on Kai was 23. But, the kids at that time where on the Halo stuff. I don't play Halo Mutliplayer anymore.

The only thing i want from the Ps3 is the D-pad. Xbox's D-pad is horrible. I would love to be good at fighting games again. Sad

26My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 06:55

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Yeah, the PS3's D-Pad are fantastic. The Square, Triangle, Circle, and X buttons were real nice for responsive and quick presses too.

27My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 17:59



Cookie Monster wrote:Yeah, the PS3's D-Pad are fantastic. The Square, Triangle, Circle, and X buttons were real nice for responsive and quick presses too.

Yea, i miss the D-pad bigtime. I have always had good response with every controller. So, that seems not to be a issue for me. I am one hell of a button masher, so i am my own turbo controller. Haha

I really hope the new Xbox360 controller coming out this month is good enough for me to play fighting games again. But, its not to be expected.

28My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-07, 23:12

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Very Happy

Today I had a fun and slow game of Rush as Attackers on Valpariso. Motion Sensor + C4 trap = SO MUCH WIN!

I think I pulled off 1000 points in like 10 seconds. They ran in their and didn't see me in the corner of the next room over as they went to disarm I got greedy and waited and BOOM! Like a Quad or 5 multikill! Then I mowed down like 2 more guys with my SAIGA. Very Happy

I think that made my day so I'm gonna play some Armored Core. Very Happy

29My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-08, 09:50

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

It is official. The people who suck in the PSN can be diagnosed as Mentally Retarded Inbreds.

The people who suck on XBL are just Retarded Idiots. There's good people on the PS3 that are as good as the good ones on XBL, but the lesser of the two evils is XBL.


30My BFBC2 PS3 experience... Empty Re: My BFBC2 PS3 experience... 2010-11-08, 16:39



Told ya.

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