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Things to Improve BC2

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
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1Things to Improve BC2 Empty Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 22:31



Let people Zoom done the Binocs even when theyre Recharging

Give the Knife a little more lunge or just get rid of the Stupid Stab animation

Put a Limit of the amount of people with Snipers on the Team

Add a bunch of Words on the Screen that say the MCOM has been Armed so we can differentiate between that and Random objective damage also add a Notification when the Mcom is below 25% health

Any Damage done to a Car with C4 on it should Detonate Said C4

Reduce the Recoil on the M14 slightly its currently ridiculous especially since it has no Knockback except what comes from the first Shot

Increase Tanks Splash damage Shooting a guy in the foot and watching him get away is Stupid

Make Alt Fire on the UAV a Tracer instead of the Annoying ass 50 cal

UAV's should not Insta kill tanks from behind

Increase the Speed of the Rocket and decrease the Recharge on UAV's with maybe a little Damage nerf

Add in an Option to only allow a certain class on Servers like No Engineers or a no wookies Server

Anyone playing Engineer on Nelson Bay should immediately be Dunked in Hot oil and Killed because the only reason your an Engineer on that level is too Gustav whore

Make Extended Mags for Shotguns a First slot Spec not a Second slot spec

Remove Mag ammo it ultimately wastes a Second Spec for some people using it on the Wrong guns and it was just there for CoD fanboys anyway

Make the Truck on Cold war Respawn and give it Humvee health instead of ATV health

Add the Ability to set up a Team of 8 People rather than relying on the game to put you all on the Same team

Add a Change Teams button but only allow it if Teams are Balanced

Apart from Premade Party Teams the game should split up People Evenly between teams based on Dogtag level 2 50's on 1 team and 7 on the OTher are going to get fucked up even though Rank doesnt Equal Skill it does teach you quite a Few Tricks

If you abandon a Vehicle and an Enemy Takes it you should get a -20 point penalty

Nerf the Bail out time on Blackhawks

Instead of pressing A to switch places in a Vehicle add a set of D Pad prompts where holding down the Up button puts you in the Drivers seat ETC

Allow people into squads while teams are full and only with a Quick press of the A button eg "Frostbyrn has invited you to a squad would you like to join (A) (B)"

Remove the Smoking from the Bradley Turret it blocks the View of their Gunner

Open up the View of Side turrets on the Bradley so they can see Full Screen

If someone Selects Cold war Rush they dont want to End up on HArvest Day Squad TDM

Patche's should not Default your Settings in the Options menu

You should be able to check your K/D while in game and current Pins

There should be a Spawn Invulnerability the same as Revive Invul currently is

When its says Ready to Respawn it shouldnt wait another 3 seconds then default you to the Fucking base because the guy you were spawning on Died

On Atacama Rush only 1 VADs should be alive at a time

Friendly Mines should have a Blue light Shining up from them

There should be an Auto kick Feature for anyone who gets -500 in Objective Damage

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2010-12-04, 22:47; edited 1 time in total

2Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 22:44



sounds good.

3Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 22:44



Everything you said Frost, plus:

Make hit detection on everything actually work.

Nerf the semi-auto buckshot back to normal

Nerf slugs to take even longer to draw

All bullets should damage choppers, but limited: even 5 bullets per 1 damage would be fine.

Up M95/Heavy MG damage to choppers, to make them usual.

C4 needs to be fixed to actually detonate when you click it, instead of the dud C4 you get sometimes, that won't even explode if you throw a grenade at it.

Grenade Upgrade or something should raise the number of motion mines that Recons can carry.

There should be level restrictions/license restriction for vehicles, meaning you have unlock or earn them.

M16 needs a little more recoil

Medic packs should give 5, not 10 points to the user.

It should give 5 points for a repair.

Recons should have an "optimal range bonus". Meaning that they don't get more points for being further away, but get max points for being at a certain distance; for the sake of discussion, 100 yards. So, the maximum headshot bonus you can get is +100, but if you get closer/further away, headshots give less and less points. This will keep Recon with BA rifles where they are supposed to be.


The fucking lunchbox shit. Seriously, I hate trying to throw ammo/health, then game glitches, and won't let me throw it for myself/teammate, and one/both of us die because of it.

Dying to the knife should half your score, and count as many deaths as your level is, minus the rank of the person who did. So, a rank 1 knifing a 50 would count as 49 deaths for the 50.

Add a feature to give squads initiative to work harder; having 3rd or less place of the scoreboard, means you multiply your position there by 100, and you lose that much experience. Players on the bottom of the scoreboard also lose 1,2, or 3 unlocks (10,11,12th place, respectively)

That's just some of the things that should be fixed, not even all of the ideas.

Last edited by DrBob276 on 2010-12-04, 22:48; edited 1 time in total

4Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 22:47



Added some things Very Happy

5Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 22:58



Frostbyrn wrote:Let people Zoom done the Binocs even when theyre Recharging

-Yeah, this would be nice. I think binoculars should be standard equipment for all classes though.

Give the Knife a little more lunge or just get rid of the Stupid Stab animation

-No, the knife is fine as is. It's a humiliation weapon and nothing more.

Put a Limit of the amount of people with Snipers on the Team

-No, because then all the shitty snipers get the recon spots and people like me get fucked over and are forced to pick something they don't want to play.

Add a bunch of Words on the Screen that say the MCOM has been Armed so we can differentiate between that and Random objective damage also add a Notification when the Mcom is below 25% health

-I agree with this, it can be annoying trying to figure out if an mcom is armed or not and always wondering how much health it has left is a pain too.

Any Damage done to a Car with C4 on it should Detonate Said C4

-Doesn't really make any logical sense. Jihad C4ing is annoying, but there's really no way to fix it with the way the game engine works.

Reduce the Recoil on the M14 slightly its currently ridiculous especially since it has no Knockback except what comes from the first Shot

-Recoil is fine on the M14, I wish they would raise the fire rate cap on it personally.

Increase Tanks Splash damage Shooting a guy in the foot and watching him get away is Stupid

-Agree with this.

Make Alt Fire on the UAV a Tracer instead of the Annoying ass 50 cal

-Agree with this.

UAV's should not Insta kill tanks from behind

-With warhead on, yeah OHK is fine, but without, it shouldn't OHK.

Increase the Speed of the Rocket and decrease the Recharge on UAV's with maybe a little Damage nerf

-The UAV is pretty much fine as is. It's primary role is reconnaissance with a secondary function as anti-armor. If anything I think anyone spotted by a UAV should show a distance indicator above their head like the flags do on conquest.

Add in an Option to only allow a certain class on Servers like No Engineers or a no wookies Server

-Pretty sure this is possible on PC, but completely unnecessary.

Anyone playing Engineer on Nelson Bay should immediately be Dunked in Hot oil and Killed because the only reason your an Engineer on that level is too Gustav whore

-Silenced weapons.

Make Extended Mags for Shotguns a First slot Spec not a Second slot spec

-Eh, don't really care either way. Pump shotguns should have 8 rounds by default, though.

Remove Mag ammo it ultimately wastes a Second Spec for some people using it on the Wrong guns and it was just there for CoD fanboys anyway

-Agreed, Demize99 has already said that Body Armor and Magnum Ammo are never making a return in Battlefield again.

This is all IMO, obviously.


Bob, I can get on board with most of your stuff but then I get to this part:
DrBob276 wrote:

Dying to the knife should half your score, and count as many deaths as your level is, minus the rank of the person who did. So, a rank 1 knifing a 50 would count as 49 deaths for the 50.

Add a feature to give squads initiative to work harder; having 3rd or less place of the scoreboard, means you multiply your position there by 100, and you lose that much experience. Players on the bottom of the scoreboard also lose 1,2, or 3 unlocks (10,11,12th place, respectively)

That's just some of the things that should be fixed, not even all of the ideas.
and just facepalm. Hard. You need to relax and let the baddies learn to be good or move on from the game on their own. Your sick, twisted thought process of extreme punishment = motivation puts you far into the minority. I've done poorly on the leaderboards and still managed to do my part for the team. Do I deserve to lose access to my favorite gun?

6Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:14



frost +

hit detection

make heal+ and range + on both perk slot but you only choose 1, you can have 1 gun helper spec (rds, ammo, gr upgrade, mag ammo bod armor) and 1 medic perk (heal and range) no more mag ammo rds bs

make an extra motion sensor perk

increase revive paddle charge time

make a heli entry delay so the same guy doesnt get te chopper over and over
(10 seconds maybe)

make the ammo, and medic and engie callouts blink on the front of your screen, they are hard to see sometimes when its loud

nemesis pins get a cool dogtag thing

helicopters have fuel and have to land at base to fuel up

engies can repair copters easier then when the heli is just flying straight

sam turrets that are restricted to the spawning airspace in conquest

objective damage gives 10 points
haeals give 5 and revives give 25

score streaks give either a quick respawn of a number of vehicle, a special vehicle ordered in. a heavy artillery strike,

a spm drop results in a death and an extra respawn delay, and the option to kick

negative points exceeding -300 or more for hc total results in a ban fro online for a day

give the at4 more infantry damage

7Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:16



As DOOM pointed out Silenced Weapons only affect people who dont want to be detected by Turtle Beachers because you dont show up on the map firing and Unsilenced Weapon anyway

And when i said the Sniper limit i meant with Actual Sniper rifles you could still all Kit wookie

Admittedly the Jihad C4ing thing is annoying maybe increase the Respawn time on Light vehicles if they die by C4


Allow people to rotate the Kill cams or go straight into Kit Selection

Reduce the Slide and Bounce on Ammo box's and Med Kits i hate seeing those things Slide away from the cover im in

Increase points for people using the Medic Med pack upgrade Specs also add in Specs for Assault that increase Ammo box Range and how fast it gives ammo with bonus points for that too

Remove the way Spotting Cool down affects asking for ammo also increase the amount of Med kits/Ammo boxes available to be up on the field to 2 but not within a proximity of 5 meters of each other

Motion mines should Auto spot people

Increase the Hit Detection for spotting sometimes i can spot 5 wookies by pointing at a hill others i cant Spot a dude im looking Straight at

Put a Flashing Symbol at the bottom of the Screen if someone asks you for Ammo or Health also add the ability to Ask wookies to throw Pokeballs

Holding the Back button on a Wall should put a Big Red Rocket on it asking an Assault or an Engineer to blow it up

Increase 40MM Shotgun Damage/Range to Balance its low Clip

Allow a 4x RDS or a Holographic Scope like on CoD i hate the 4x chevron

Allow people in AA guns to be knifed more Easily i knifed a dude 5 times in one today with blood coming out he then jumped out and killed me

8Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:20



It's not twisted, it will motivate people to play better, or they are not going to have some of their unlocks next game. Most of the time, the top 3 teammates do all the work, and the rest of the team kinda slacks off. This way, both teams are fighting at their 100%, utmost potential, and failure to beat your teammates will be punished. The only exemption to not losing 100 for 4th place is to be in a 4 man squad. It would mean that people will actually want to stick together and heal/resupply each other, while avoiding helping other squads, which will keep them seperated, coordinated, and working with each other, not just running around everywhere.The bottom squad, or last 3 individual players should be punished for failure to help their team.

9Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:29



It's not fun to have me troll is it? In other words, BF players need to keep trolling out of the CoD boards, or I will not be afraid to troll these boards. Don't dish out what you can't take. If this frustrates you, then I am glad, because then the purpose was fulfilled.

10Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:33


DrBob276 wrote:It's not fun to have me troll is it? In other words, BF players need to keep trolling out of the CoD boards, or I will not be afraid to troll these boards. Don't dish out what you can't take. If this frustrates you, then I am glad, because then the purpose was fulfilled.

What are you talking about?

11Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:34



The CoD board is constantly getting trolled, if it keeps up, so will I; it is only fair, is it not?

12Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:37


Um, no.

If you think someone is trolling report them and we'll look into it, don't troll somewhere else, that's not really productive.

13Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:37



It depends are we the ones Trolling the CoD boards Fox?

14Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:38



It's revenge, but fine.

15Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:38



Not you specificially, it does not matter who it is.

16Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:39



Lol im not Trolling the CoD board so why bring it into my Topic Foxxy Loxxy

Also i thought you were talking about the CoD GFQ board for some reason

17Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:40


LOL yeah to be honest I was confused when I read bob's post. Was kind of random and out of place.

18Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:40



I don't know why really, I just felt annoyed for a second, so I just kinda did; impulse and aggression I guess.

19Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:42



Not Really Bob is HArdcore in the Punishment Department i thought he was being Serious

Also Whos trolling the CoD boards so i can have a word with them dude

20Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:43



Frostbyrn wrote:

And when i said the Sniper limit i meant with Actual Sniper rifles you could still all Kit wookie

I never all kit as a recon. I use a 4x on the bolt actions. I do like the idea of grenade spec giving more motion sensors. Makes sense too.

Bob, whenever someone makes a counter argument to anything you say you immediately jump to the conclusion that they're trolling you. What the hell? Since when does debate = troll?

21Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:44



Its a GFQ mindset everyone who doesnt Share your Opinion is a Troll dont worry the SeC is Rehab

22Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:45



ante87 wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:

And when i said the Sniper limit i meant with Actual Sniper rifles you could still all Kit wookie

I never all kit as a recon. I use a 4x on the bolt actions. I do like the idea of grenade spec giving more motion sensors. Makes sense too.

Bob, whenever someone makes a counter argument to anything you say you immediately jump to the conclusion that they're trolling you. What the hell? Since when does debate = troll?

Debating with no logical argument/evidence = trolling. It would be like going to court, they have pictures of somebody, finger prints, and a murder weapon, then trying to say the guy is innocent because he doesn't look bad. That is not a logical argument, with no statistical evidence.

23Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:46



Frostbyrn wrote:Its a GFQ mindset everyone who doesnt Share your Opinion is a Troll dont worry the SeC is Rehab

I was on GameFAQs for 4 years, and I don't think people were like that. That is where I learned what is considered to be a good player, and bad player, and what real logical arguments are.

24Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:48



Maybe you met some Good GFQers or they shared your Side of the Argument

Also what makes his Opinion any less Valid than yours He's Debating his point of view he may have no logical Argument in which case you should be able to run rings around him but its still his Opinion and hes entitled to it

25Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:50



Because not using statistical facts, or even real gameplay facts, means that you are wrong. Also, being better at a game gives you an elevated position in an argument, because your word matters more than their's does, by far.

26Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:52



DrBob276 wrote:
ante87 wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:

And when i said the Sniper limit i meant with Actual Sniper rifles you could still all Kit wookie

I never all kit as a recon. I use a 4x on the bolt actions. I do like the idea of grenade spec giving more motion sensors. Makes sense too.

Bob, whenever someone makes a counter argument to anything you say you immediately jump to the conclusion that they're trolling you. What the hell? Since when does debate = troll?

Debating with no logical argument/evidence = trolling. It would be like going to court, they have pictures of somebody, finger prints, and a murder weapon, then trying to say the guy is innocent because he doesn't look bad. That is not a logical argument, with no statistical evidence.

Woah, what the hell? My arguments are more than reasonable.

Asking for a slightly higher fire cap on the m14/m1/T88/SVU = reasonable
Asking for poor leaderboard placement to de-rank and take away unlocks = unreasonable

Prove me wrong.

27Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:53



No, ante, I was talking about this. No offense is going to you. I am talking about other arguments I do like the idea of a RoF increase on the semi-autos, by far.

28Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:54



It doesnt mean theyre Wrong just stupid if they want to have a Misinformed Opinion thats there Choice either try to Educate them or Ignore them

And Being Better at a game doesnt make your Opinion matter more what about People who win by Spamming Grenades all the Time in Reach does their Opinion matter more than mine someone who actually knows RT fires your Primary weapon not LT

29Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:54



DrBob276 wrote:No, ante, I was talking about this. No offense is going to you. I am talking about other arguments I do like the idea of a RoF increase on the semi-autos, by far.

Alright, my apologies.

30Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-04, 23:55



ante87 wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:No, ante, I was talking about this. No offense is going to you. I am talking about other arguments I do like the idea of a RoF increase on the semi-autos, by far.

Alright, my apologies.

Thanks, but you don't have to apologize to me.

I would like to apologize as well, for getting angry far too fast, and for not being so clear.

31Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:15



Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

32Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:26



zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

Last edited by DrBob276 on 2010-12-05, 00:27; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Incorrect spelling)

33Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:29



Hey Dumbass's know alot as well man

If Gamefaqs has Taught me Anything Experience and Skill mean Nothing if your a Complete Asshole to anybody worse than you Ala Kirby

34Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:47


DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

That's just ridiculous.

35Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

topic when down the toilet about 3/4 of a page in. after that it became a pissing contest. I'm not going to argue with you about why but your just way off the handle bob

36Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 00:57



I don't think the M14 needs less spread just because you can't use it without a 4X Scope Frost =/

37Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 01:00



DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.
I guess my option means nothing then. Neutral

38Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 01:13



Things to Improve BC2 CheeseTopic

39Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:01



Well about the list, I thought it was pretty solid. The only thing that would improve it would be a bit of punctuation.

And i agree with terry, this argument is pretty lame...

40Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:04



I will never use Proper Grammar i just dont believe in it Very Happy

41Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:14



Tsk tsk. Sometimes your sentences can become sort of train wrecks.

42Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:14



So my Sentences match my Habit of Derailing Topics?

43Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:19



Yes, i guess you could put it like that.

44Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:19



Grammar Nazi!

45Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:23



Shut up! that word needs to be kept on gamefaqs.

46Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 02:38



What word Grammar or Nazi?

47Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:00



The two of them put together.

48Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:00



You mean Grammar Nazi?

49Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:01



Yes. You would make one mistake, and people would flame you...

50Things to Improve BC2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:03



They only Flamed you if you got annoyed at being Corrected

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