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Things to Improve BC2

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
13 posters

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51Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:04



True true. By the way, why did you capitalize "Flamed" and "Corrected"?


52Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:06



Its my Thing i dont know Why i do it and i cant Stop now ive Tried believe me Very Happy

53Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I agree with most of what Frost said in his first post. And I agree with Bob on reducing damage for Semi-auto shotties.

But no offense Bob, like 75% of the things you mentioned would ruin the game.

Why punish people for being at the bottem of the scoreboard by making them lose levels or unlocks? That is just stupid. I know for a fact that I can come in the bottom 3 at times, despite trying my best, then get the Ace Pin the next round.

and why reduce points on things like Medic heals, and Engineer repairs? That would just further deter people from actually using their classes like their supposed to. If anything they should reduce points for getting kills, and increase class bonuses, and objective points.

54Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:15



Not Really Assaults rely on kills for points

Also what if you just entered the game and your on the bottom 3 of the scoreboard at finish?

55Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:18



Plus, probably about %75 of the people that play this game dont take it that seriously, and would just hate it if you lost points for not being the best.

56Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:24



And alot of them play it to be stabbed in the face by me i mean relax by being Useless wookies

57Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:29



I guess they have the right to do this, considering they paid for the game.

58Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 03:40

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I still think both Body Armor and Magnum ammo shoudl be taken out.
Body Armor not so much, but MA most definatly.

59Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 04:09



Dropped Da Soap wrote:I still think both Body Armor and Magnum ammo shoudl be taken out.
Body Armor not so much, but MA most definatly.

They should just remove them both. Damage modifiers add another layer of balance issues that have no place in an FPS.

60Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 05:49



Old style BF armor make a comeback?

Heavies move slower, sprint less, while lights sprint more, recover sprint faster and are white?

(Seriously, the BF2 armored Americans were black, and if you chose heavy armor on EU for 2142 you were black)

61Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 07:17



Hey Bob did you realize people play video games for fun? Shocking I know. You should try it out sometime

62Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 07:43



I'm trying to decide if Bob is Crazy or just fucking with us.....then he posts this.

DrBob276 wrote:It's not fun to have me troll is it? In other words, BF players need to keep trolling out of the CoD boards, or I will not be afraid to troll these boards. Don't dish out what you can't take. If this frustrates you, then I am glad, because then the purpose was fulfilled.

So he admits to trolling. And How come you always bring up call of duty? What the fuck...

63Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 16:24



Hey guys instead of any of that shit how about they fix the fucking hit reg

seriously before patch I had no real issues with it (outside of slugs and the G3) and now its fucking terrible everywhere. holy shit

I'd rather have a broken AN94/M60 and shit and actually be able to play the game then slightly nerfed versions of those guns and the complete inability to actually inflict damage and have it register.

oh well back to vehicle maps, people don't feel like fucking dying anymore and its annoying as shit

64Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 16:28



Lead Based Toys wrote:Hey guys instead of any of that shit how about they fix the fucking hit reg

seriously before patch I had no real issues with it (outside of slugs and the G3) and now its fucking terrible everywhere. holy shit

I'd rather have a broken AN94/M60 and shit and actually be able to play the game then slightly nerfed versions of those guns and the complete inability to actually inflict damage and have it register.

oh well back to vehicle maps, people don't feel like fucking dying anymore and its annoying as shit
It is not THAT bad for me but I really wish they would fix it.

65Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 16:32



Like I said it just suddenly became an issue post-patch even though they didn't even touch the hitboxes. I'm not sure if its attributable to the high traffic or the game's magical ability to shove you into laggy European servers but even in NA empty servers I'm getting fucking bullshitted by the hit reg - ie three hit markers out of the 25 UMP45 rounds on some guy before I randomly die to his teammate.

Half the time I just switch to the Assault class because hey if you don't have to hit many times to kill with that class you don't really have to give a shit about your gun deciding to not-inflict damage right? well

Seems like I'm just dying instantly wherever I go. maybe its time to re-open my NAT or something, even though I had no issues on Moderate until this fucking patch

and the new maps are so annoying played over and over and over again when the entire lobby backs out the second something old pops up ._.

Jesus, its been 4 days of the exact same shit, can you stick around when Arica Harbor pops up, please?

66Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 16:34



Lead Based Toys wrote:Like I said it just suddenly became an issue post-patch even though they didn't even touch the hitboxes. I'm not sure if its attributable to the high traffic or the game's magical ability to shove you into laggy European servers but even in NA empty servers I'm getting fucking bullshitted by the hit reg - ie three hit markers out of the 25 UMP45 rounds on some guy before I randomly die to his teammate.

Seems like I'm just dying instantly wherever I go. maybe its time to re-open my NAT or something, even though I had no issues on Moderate until this fucking patch

and the new maps are so annoying played over and over and over again when the entire lobby backs out the second something old pops up ._.

Jesus, its been 4 days of the exact same shit, can you stick around when Arica Harbor pops up, please?
Yah that is kind annoying but you usually get people to join in progress shortly after everyone leaves.

67Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 16:51



I'll have a M16/M14/etc aiming right at center mass and bullets just phase through them.

It is starting to annoy me.

68Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 17:55



Honestly punishment for poor performance is a terrible idea IMO

1: New players will get frustrated and quit for not gaining any ranks long before they get "motivated to do better". You can't just "try" to be a better player and get more points out of effort. Most likely all it would do is lead to everyone who isn't godly to quit the game and everyone else camping or spamming health kits, or crate bashing to get points.
2: It means you can't just try to have fun, blowing up buildings, experimenting with different weapons, remember it's a game, made for fun. Few people want to feel like the game is a second job.
3: Effort =/= points. One game I will get 3,000 points, the next I'll get 500 with the same people. Maybe I don't like that map, or I'm lagging, or my team sucks to much for me to get into any position to get lots of points. Sometimes it's just not your day. I don't want to get demoted because I'm lagging or jesus in BC2 form is spawn raping me and the game interprets it as "im not playing at 100%".

69Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 18:24



The only Old map i back out of is Nelson Bay i freaking hate that map and i was doing it long before the new maps came along

70Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 18:27



Isla is worse imo

71Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-05, 18:31



I dont know i like it everyone is looking to the Sky or the beach god for Dog tags

72Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:08

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I think that Nelson is my favorite level.....weird I know.....but I just prefer infantry based maps.

73Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:10



Thats why i like Cold war its intense

However those Freaking Jackass's who Rocket Spam on that level annoy me

74Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:13

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

*Looks at # of Gustav kills in sig*


75Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:13



Basically its a Map the size of a Normal Call of Duty Map and these guys are all Spamming their Gustavs

76Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:20

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I rarely use my Gustav on infantry though. I didn't start doing that until recently, and even then I have been more intent on getting Thompson kills over anything.

77Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:23



Well the Gustav did get a nerf if theyre not Careful its going to Turn into what the M60 is now after all those Idiots spammed it into Oblivion

78Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:25

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly, about 250+ or so of my Gustav kills, came from killing vehicles.

Specially choppers, I like how fast it takes out choppers with its speed and junk.

79Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:28



I use the RPG Good Damage and since i dont kill Infantry with it like some Whores im sweet

80Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The RPGs ....iiighhht. I just don't like how sloooow it launhes.

81Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:31



O and if you no scope it the Rocket has like a 75% chance of being a fucking Dud

82Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 04:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


83Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 05:08



Yep its kind of annoying

84Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 06:00



The knife is still complete bullshit now. It either never works (like mine) or always works with a lunge. (like khults)

85Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 06:27

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

My knife has gotten a lot better n the past few days. Had my first rubber knife last night with you and symbolic, first time simce the update I mesn

86Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 13:32


DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

87Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:07



Lol i stabbed Other Frost 10 times the other day and No tags its still Bullshit if it wants to be

88Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

89Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:09



Frostbyrn wrote:Lol i stabbed Other Frost 10 times the other day and No tags its still Bullshit if it wants to be

He No-Sold you!

90Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:10


Awesome MD wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

Then you deserve to have your ranks and unlocks stripped. Neutral

91Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Awesome MD wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

Then you deserve to have your ranks and unlocks stripped. Neutral

CAN I KEEP MY SHOTGUN!!!!!!!? Shocked

92Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:14


Awesome MD wrote:
Awesome MD wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

Then you deserve to have your ranks and unlocks stripped. Neutral

CAN I KEEP MY SHOTGUN!!!!!!!? Shocked

Only if you never miss with it. If you miss even once it's deleted from your disc and you'll never be allowed to use it again, ever, on any video game, past, present or future.

93Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:15



Actually he C4ed me and the other time just shot me D:

94Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:16

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Awesome MD wrote:
Awesome MD wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

Then you deserve to have your ranks and unlocks stripped. Neutral

CAN I KEEP MY SHOTGUN!!!!!!!? Shocked

Only if you never miss with it. If you miss even once it's deleted from your disc and you'll never be allowed to use it again, ever, on any video game, past, present or future.

...i only have a 98% head shot rate with it though...

95Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:19



Thats almost better than my 120% accuracy with Rocket launchers!

96Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:19


Awesome MD wrote:
Awesome MD wrote:
Awesome MD wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Honestly bob...a lot of your arguments are based on opinion. So by your reasoning your trolling also. And in almost every debate, it is over opinions. If it was a statistical fact...why in the hell would there be a debate?

Also who gives a crap if someone is better or not at a game? Just because they do good doesnt mean their opinion is by default, more important.

No, a lot of my arguments are based on fact, and I know what the hell I'm talking about, as well as giving statistics.

It does mean their opinion is more important, because if somebody says something that has a 1.00 K/D, and somebody who says something has a 1.70, it's much more believable to listen to what the guy with the 1.7 has to say, because he obviously knows what he is doing more than the guy with the 1.00. If anything from GameFAQs has taught me, it's that experience and skill matter when it comes to arguments, unless you want to just be called a dumbass repeatedly because your skill level is too low to have any merit.

I guess I can't comment on anything then Neutral

what if i spend half my time BS'n with my friends and dont care about it?

Then you deserve to have your ranks and unlocks stripped. Neutral

CAN I KEEP MY SHOTGUN!!!!!!!? Shocked

Only if you never miss with it. If you miss even once it's deleted from your disc and you'll never be allowed to use it again, ever, on any video game, past, present or future.

...i only have a 98% head shot rate with it though...


97Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:20

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Frostbyrn wrote:Thats almost better than my 120% accuracy with Rocket launchers!

unless they're head shots,
you sir are crap.

98Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:22



And all of those headshots have to be on gunners in a Blackhawk, with an RPG-7.

otherwise you're just garbage.

99Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Lead Based Toys wrote:And all of those headshots have to be on gunners in a Blackhawk, with an RPG-7.

otherwise you're just garbage.

no! you have to get the gunner AND pilot..with the same slug.

100Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Things to Improve BC2 2010-12-06, 17:26



Awesome MD wrote:
Lead Based Toys wrote:And all of those headshots have to be on gunners in a Blackhawk, with an RPG-7.

otherwise you're just garbage.

no! you have to get the gunner AND pilot..with the same slug.

Things to Improve BC2 - Page 2 Ngbbs4ba1ae6890dcc


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