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Things I want to see in Battlefield 3.

Patrick Star
Ars Diaboli
Artimise Flare
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
17 posters

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I want to see the return of....

Faction Based Weapons. No more Americans with With AKs. If you are in NATO....You get a NATO gun, just like all the other real Battlefield games before you. In 1942 you didn't see a Canadian walk around with a STG without killing some Kraut and taking it from his cold dead hands.

The Return of a Grid on the map. When I say there is a Tank hiding behind the blue house at E5 you now know what the hell I am talking about.

The knife as a weapon not a insta-kill button. Oh Noes somebody is 10 feet away from me *hits panic switch and wins*

I would like to see them remove Parachutes. This ain't Freejumping Extreme and you ain't getting out of that heli death that easy. Parachutes only for Jet pilots.

I want to see them ad repelling from Helicopters and rooftops.

Transport Helicopters should be harder to shoot down.

I want to see Vechicle based Air Defense. Maybe a Avenger Missle system on a Humvee, Hell make it high tec and make if a frigging Laser on a Humvee. Bad guys can get their standard Quad-gun on a Truck bed.

Troop Transports that aren't a death trap.

Vehicle Ammo to come back. Can't spawn camp with a Heli if you need to return to base every 3 volleys. Can't sit in a Tank and snipe with the cannon all day if you only hold 30 shells.


Last edited by TheGM on 2011-02-08, 17:02; edited 1 time in total



Vehicle ammo is the biggest one for me. If they don't implement that.... just /facepalm.



I doubt they will put Vehicle Ammo back in anything that hard might scare off the CoD newbies

Not to mention can you imagine how many fucking Nubs would just abandon a tank for the enemy coz it had no ammo left



Frostbyrn wrote:I doubt they will put Vehicle Ammo back in anything that hard might scare off the CoD newbies

Not to mention can you imagine how many fucking Nubs would just abandon a tank for the enemy coz it had no ammo left

If it had no ammo left it would be an easy target though?

And no, DICE is not catering to the console crowd for this installment, they've already said that.


I like most of those suggestions. As long as the faction based weapons dont seem like they're way better than their counterpart for that map that's fine.

The parachute thing i disagree on i think everyone should have access to the chute but only once per life.



I meant for the people driving the vehicle can you imagine how many Nubs would be raging coz they had no Ammo left in their Tank and were too dumb to go back to base to get more

I guarantee they wont re add it in

No matter what they say EA is not going to do anything to Alienate the MW2 crowd especially since they are advertising BF3 as a CoD killer /facepalm



Frostbyrn wrote:I meant for the people driving the vehicle can you imagine how many Nubs would be raging coz they had no Ammo left in their Tank and were too dumb to go back to base to get more

I guarantee they wont re add it in

No matter what they say EA is not going to do anything to Alienate the MW2 crowd especially since they are advertising BF3 as a CoD killer /facepalm

I'm holding you to that because I'm confident they WILL add vehicle ammo. Imagine an A-10 Thunderbolt flying around with infinite ammo. No, I don't think so. There would be nothing balanced about that.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I like most of this list. I really hope that jets aren't OP in battlefield 3. I never played the others but the thought of have a bunch of impossibly strong jets cuising the skies doesn't sound like fun. I would like to be able to remain and infantry based fighter and still be effective.



Because DICE rarely cares about Balance?

Attack helicopters are still pretty bad in BC2



TerryMay wrote:I like most of this list. I really hope that jets aren't OP in battlefield 3. I never played the others but the thought of have a bunch of impossibly strong jets cuising the skies doesn't sound like fun. I would like to be able to remain and infantry based fighter and still be effective.

That's the thing, proper Battlefield is not infantry based. It's 50/50.



Dumb people are dumb and they can go suck a egg for all I care.

And now.

How about when a Transport Heli gets shot down it just doesn't ASPLODES but does that whole spinning plummet thing and some people inside can survive it! Protect the Crash Site untill reinforcements arrive!

A Selector on you gun. Semi-Auto, Full-auto, the works.

Customizble weapons with Tele-scoping stocks and fore-grips that replace your GL launcher and such. I wanna write "This space for rent" on the side of my rifle.

Tanks need to be something be reckoned with Again. BC2 pussy fart tanks are a big dissapointment to me as I was a big tanker in my 1942 days.


Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But I would really love to see vehicle ammo return. And the death of Mag Ammo and BA. That would make BF3 the greatest game ever.

And don't freaking make the Choppers Baby-Friendly. Seriously, the amount of shit they can take in BC2 is ridiculous. In BC1 if you hit a tree, or a building, or anything, you lost control and flew into the ground, and what did they fucking do then? THEY FUCKING BLEW UP!
Don't make it to where they can collide with a tree, fly into the side of the nearby mountain, bounce off the mountain, take out the roof of a nearby building, smash into the ground only to bounce right back with 25% health and continue spawn raping.

Make it like previous games where they were easy to down, but in the right hands could still rape.



Frostbyrn wrote:Because DICE rarely cares about Balance?

Attack helicopters are still pretty bad in BC2

BC2 balance is a far cry better than the other shitty options out there. One variable out of hundreds is a little out of whack and you claim SHITTY BALANCE. Not a very good argument.



Screw protecting the Crash site just Cheese it

Though Transport helis need less of a bail out timer



It needs to be impact sensitive. You hit the tail rotor? Fine, spin out. But if you rail the side or the cockpit, it should just burst into flames.



Also considering BC2 Vietnam i want to see BF3 do a 2143 expansion Very Happy



I'm not a coward. and beside every movie that involves a crash in hostile territory involves a fight at the crash site.

Yeah that. That would be awesome. It would be making that WOB-WOB-WOB noise and what would be a cut scene in Call of Duty just happened in Battlefield.



I would support removing mag ammo and body armor. I wont be playing this on pc, so hopefully us console gamers dont get shorted to bad.



Also- keep the parachutes please!



Gun Mods would be cool

Less Guns make them Faction based but give us cool Gun mods like Thermal Scopes and Foregrips and such



The removal of Mag Ammo and Body Amor, extra explosive dammage and any other dammage varrible changer on infantry and vehicles.

Squad Powers. Nothing to over powering. Just a precsion Air Strike or Recon Screening.

Team Commander Powers. UAVs and Artilliry Bombardments. all four charged by Team Actions not timers.

A nightime urban warfare map.

Civillian Vehicles that can be commandered.

Little Bird Helicopters.




Why Little birds?

Although i want a Chinook in there that would rock Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah foregrips instead of GLs would be awesome.
i loved the Scar-H with ACOG, grip and ammo in GRAW. it just worked so well.



You should be able to get Holographic 4x scopes instead of Chevron ones i hate Chevrons



How bout make parachute a spec, and you have to choose between that(one time use) or say optics or extra ammo ect.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

maybe have an option for parachute or radio.

so instead of a parachute pack, you can choose a communications backpack than enables you to communicate with other radio pack users in other squads.



Frostbyrn wrote:Why Little birds?

Although i want a Chinook in there that would rock Very Happy

Because Little Birds ROCK!

Chinnook would be awesome.

I want see a Chinook that is a Moibile Spawn point armed with Miniguns and grenade launchers.



Nah make Parachute a Vehicle Spec if they still have those in the game and make it only useable when your bailing out of vehicles

He didnt dodge an RPG when he backflipped so fail



Yes to the mobile spawn chinnook.



Frostbyrn wrote:Nah make Parachute a Vehicle Spec if they still have those in the game and make it only useable when your bailing out of vehicles

He didnt dodge an RPG when he backflipped so fail

So what would ground based vehicles get with the Parachute spec? James Bond Rocket Chairs?



How about properly equipped servers on day 1?



Mobile Spawn APC would be cool as well

And Hell yes lol Ejector Seats in your Tank Very Happy

But no i suppose it would useless for Tanks and stuff like V electric is for Helis



Good day 1 servers are overrated.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Good day 1 servers are overrated.


Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

More than just two factions, each with their own vehicles and weapons.




But I agree, servers that can handle the traffic.



If you wanna do factions with.personal.weaponry only, your options to legit factions would be limited. In the context of having equal weaponry among more.than two faction.we.could have US, Russia and Germany.



I think they already confirmed that MEC and a couple of others are back in dude



Shit sorry about that last post. Damn phone has a mind of its own sometimes.



BF2 had 4 factions with their own weapons. It isn't like it is hard to do.



The MEC Engineer should look like Bin laden Very Happy



It can work, just gotta make sure they balance the weapons, which would be the biggest challenge imo.



Actually scratch that make the Recon look like Bin laden coz with Prone youll never find his ass

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ejector seats for helicopters... Laughing

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I also want to see class specific specs. Or a spec that the behaves differntly under whatever circumstances.

Like instead of Mag Ammo, faster reloading for Assaults. Medics have their two healing specs so I don;t think they need another. Recons....I don't know, maybe larger spotting radius or no spot cooldown spec.
And Explosive MK2 for Engineer should remove the boosed Explosive damage. But maybe behave differently for each rocket.

Like for example in BC2, it could have faster reloading for the 2 recoil less launchers, and for the AT4 give it tighter turning or whatever.

I don't know, just don't put any damage altering specs in their whatsover. Black Ops had it right, they got rid of Danger Close and Stopping Power. The only thing in their remotly damage altering is Flak Jacket, which is still balanced. Since it only allows you to take more explosive damage, nothing else. Doesn't stop bullets, or anything. Just explosive damage. And even then its minimal, you still can't take an RPG pointblank or anything.



There are several Helicopters with Ejector seats dude

Most Jettison the Compartment Horizontally before deploying the shoot

Others eject the Rotor blades first and then the cockpit

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

well you just spoiled a funny mental image... Rolling Eyes



*Thinks of Possible Mental Images Kutku could have been thinking of*

None of those were funny at all most were dudes burning alive in cockpits or looks of terrors as they Ejected into Rotor blades

You sicko!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i was thinking more along the lines of it happening in BF3.



Sounds more Rage inducing than funny

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