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probably gonna piss some people off...

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but Bethesda ruined the Fallout franchise.

might be a bit of spoilage in here, i am not sure, so read at your own risk?

i was so super stoked when i found out they were making Fallout 3, i played the first two originals and was addicted to it like crack cocaine. i waited very impatiently for Fallout 3 to come out, and when it did, i gotta say... not impressed.

they made it into a shooter, which i really don't like shooters all that much, and it stripped away a lot of the RPG aspect of the game when they did so. they castrated it, besides the previous complaint, no more crotch shots in VATS, there wasn't a jet dealer on every corner trying to get you to buy, there was ZERO opportunity to get hit on by sketchy dudes (if you were a girl, anyway), and a lot of that gritty, seedy sort of feel that the Original two games had was just not there.

i got bored with it after about a week, and i never touched it again. my boyfriend, however, thinks it is tits and constantly talks about it, and recently purchased New Vegas, which he also talks about constantly. i dunno, i don't think i will be playing New Vegas, to be honest. i was vastly disappointed.

feel free to disagree, and/or comment, yell, scream, whatever you wanna do. just my honest opinion.



I never played the originals for more than a few minutes so I can't really compare them. I do remember a lot of people saying the same thing when FO3 was released though so you're not the only one that didn't like the change.

I really like FO3 though. Smile



my brother and my boyfriend both think Fallout 3 is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but i am not tickled by it. especially not on the x-box, holy craaaap. i can't aim for shit on the x-box controller. on the PC it was a lot easier. this is why i dislike shooters, i cannot aim >.>



New Diabolic wrote:my brother and my boyfriend both think Fallout 3 is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but i am not tickled by it. especially not on the x-box, holy craaaap. i can't aim for shit on the x-box controller. on the PC it was a lot easier. this is why i dislike shooters, i cannot aim >.>
I also come from the PC master-race. Was in professional competitions before for PC games.

I have gotten used to it. Though my performance in console FPS is at the most 10% of what I am capable of with KB/Mouse combo.

I enjoy console games nowadays though, due to not being able to allocate enough resources for upgrading my computer constantly. And because of that I was able to find our brothers (I don't think there were any sister members at the time. LoL) in GFAQs and it came a long way to here.



Why does everyone think it's an FPS? It's a first person RPG! I do agree that Bethesda messed up the RPG part by allowing the player to become a god by maxing out all stats and having SPECIAL mean nothing with Broken Steel. Obsidian fixed this some what in New Vegas. You can't max out all stats, and you can't become a god.

You should at least try it.



I understand your point of view, it's not as good as the originals. FO3 and New vegas are quite ruined and I don't think FO3 really deserved game of the year because it wasn't THAT good to earn that title.

New vegas can be seen as slightly worse than FO3 in some things and some improvements just don't make up to it sometimes. D:



Higurashi wrote:Why does everyone think it's an FPS? It's a first person RPG!
That I totally agree.

Though my instinct always makes me play the game as if I'm playing FPS, and it does not bring me too good a result. LoL



i did try it, and i don't like it. i can't aim, you run out of bullets too quickly, i got my ass handed to me by a frickin' RADROACH of all things. just, blah. i won't be a jerk about it, since obviously people love the piss out of it.

and i refer to it as a FPS because it basically is. calling it a first person RPG doesn't give me the warm fuzzies, either. call it like it is. a shooter. the original games were turn based, and the only turn base in the game is VATS, and it is a crappy way to go about it, too.



You love the first two Fallouts but think New Vegas is too hard? That doesn't make any sense.



i haven't tried New Vegas, i tried FO3. i refuse to play New Vegas on principal.



The way I see it, its been how many years since a FO title had been released? Im not talking about a spin off but FO2. It was time for a new release. Now what is the best selling type of game at this time and most likely to bring in not only people who played the original but also those who had just learned about the series. That would be a shooter.

Given, they did reduce the roleplaying part of the series. But they were doing so to appeal to a different crowd.

Ok sure, not everyone likes to play shooters but to say that for those reasons a game company ruined a franchise just doesnt fit. Change happens and isnt always bad.

But I do agree, FO3 took some getting used to in terms of aiming but FONV feels a lot better when not using vats while your shooting.



What zk said.

You should try New Vegas. Put some time into it and quit thinking "LOL this is suxorz!" I can see why some people who like F1 and F2 don't like F3, but for you, it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't seem like you gave F3 a chance. You just played it for a little bit, and thought it sucked because you sucked at it.

Obsidian added a lot more role playing aspects to New Vegas, and the setting and story are similar to the first two games because a lot of Van Buren was put into it.



yeah, i suck at shooters, i admit it. thus, why i dislike them. but i manage to play Mass Effect with very little trouble, and it has a MUCH better Roleplay feel to it then FO3 and i didn't have to reload near as much.

maybe it's because i am use to the Old School Fallout, but i don't feel like slapping some gambling into the game and throwing you in the middle of Vegas is going to make me like it any better.



I felt that way when Metroid Prime came out, I had little to no FPS experience outside of split-screen games and I constantly nostalgia-fagged and claimed that Super Metroid was the best game in the series and Return of Samus was the most underrated game ever made.

Now the first two Prime games are atop my favorite games ever list, though the third one was a massive disappointment. Something about gaming and the number 3 just doesn't work, it's almost always the low point in a series.



LOL!!! omg, you are so right! Sims 3 was a clusterfuck of FAIL as well. i think the number 3 is cursed >.>



New Diabolic wrote:yeah, i suck at shooters, i admit it. thus, why i dislike them. but i manage to play Mass Effect with very little trouble, and it has a MUCH better Roleplay feel to it then FO3 and i didn't have to reload near as much.

maybe it's because i am use to the Old School Fallout, but i don't feel like slapping some gambling into the game and throwing you in the middle of Vegas is going to make me like it any better.

You obviously know nothing about Fallout: New Vegas.



probably gonna piss some people off... Thumbnail.aspx?q=288868665360&id=f04b70fc5046537424b683aca26af2a8&

Ur damn right this will piss peple off! lol jk. but seriously i havent played 1 or 2 or new vegas but fallout 3 remains in my top 5 games. 1. that detail is good, but they also gave the people what they wanted, action. if you want decisions go read one of those desicion books. post apocolytic wasteland should be barren and ruthless. the sex is ne part, but is less important than surviving. that kinda sound more like life today than life in the nuked dc



my boyfriend prattles on and on and on about it, but honestly i just tune it out, so yeah, i know nothing and want to know nothing. but, i do promise to AT LEAST give it a try. a very small try >.>

and i am not contesting the game's graphics, i was very pleased with what i saw. i just think it sucked as an RPG, which was what the game was originally, and it pissed me off.



it's a first person adventure now.



oh, is that what they're calling it now? what a load of horse crap.



well that's what my brother called it, he's a huge fallout fanboy despite only-playing 3 and one of the reasons he's excited to come home for christmas is to play the shit out of new vegas



New Vegas has a lot less combat and more RPG elements. And from what you posted, you played Fallout 3 for 10 minutes.



hey take a step back she knew there would be raeg yet you're still enraeged.



probably gonna piss some people off... He-aint-even-mad



Higurashi wrote:probably gonna piss some people off... He-aint-even-mad




i have a flair for exaggeration; it's a gift.

i actually played FO3 for the better part of a month (on the PC), and gave it one play through, and played a little of Broken Steel. it took me that long to decide that i did not like it. so, when i say "i played it for, like a week", i am embellishing. if you knew me, you'd understand. as you do not, i feel compelled to explain it.

at any rate, you are entitled to your opinion, so, i ain't mad either Razz



Still, you should try New Vegas. Also, did you try mods with Fallout 3?



my boyfriend put some on there for me, but i don't recall which ones. mostly beautification mods, stuff like that. i godmoded the shit out of that game, though, which is how i beat it in the first place. both my BF and brother gave me mass amounts of shit over it, too, they get all touchy when i use cheat codes >.>



Well, opinions are opinions. I know several people that absolutely hate Fallout, but that's what them.



So you didn't really play the game?



in the beginning, yeah, but it was too hard, and i was tired of reloading, so i cheated. i admit it. so if you want to say i didn't play the game, like my brother and every other man out there likes to say, then sure. whatever helps you sleep at night, bro Wink



How was Fallout 3 too hard for you, but Fallout 2 wasn't?



have you ever played it? because you kind of sound like you think those two titles were somehow the same in play style, which they were not.

Fallout 2 was hard, yes, but it was hard in a different way. it didn't throw you out into the wasteland with a bazillion raiders and a fuckton of supermuties trying to kill your ass, and no way to stop and think of a strategy except by going into VATS, which is total useless crap btw.

and that is ANOTHER thing that irritates me about how they have done FO3, why are all the supermutants evil, except for Fawkes?? HMMM? because not all muties were bad guys in the last two, i just think that is !%^&& (edit...) and stupid (edit) as hell.


Last edited by New Diabolic on 2010-11-04, 23:57; edited 1 time in total



I think it had something to do with the Super Mutants becoming aggressive because of age or something, but I'm not sure.

I don't know, FO3 was WAY too easy, IMO. But then again, I never really play Fallout games for the challenge, I play them for the experience (yes, I did just say that)


This would be New Diabolic's boyfriend (as she will confirm) and I've never thought FO3 was the best thing since sliced bread. Bethesda RUINED the fallout series with FO3, and the best thing the guys at Obsidian (you know, the guys who goddamn invented Fallout to begin with) did was tounge-in-cheek ignore damn near EVERYTHING that happened in FO3.

I did, however, say that the gameplay system, the first person shooter, the vats system being an advanced targeting system, was perfect for Fallout. That was the one and only thing that Bethesda did right, besides handing over the reigns for FO: NV to Obsidian Entertainment.

I can't agree with a former comment about not becoming a god in New Vegas, because that's exactly what I did. I ended up destroying the entire Legion all on my onesies for kicks. It was hard (actually made harder since entire camp was in the same place after I ran through with theft for a particular mission).

What New Vegas did right, and what Fallout 3 didn't even know HOW to do, was CONTENT. In FO3, the entire damn world is this grey, static, boring mass of idiots and clones wandering around doing... well, who cares? In Vegas, I've only found a handful of people who even sound SIMILAR. And that COUNTS (Oblivion, anyone?)

And FO2 was hard the same way Mario was hard. Old games were hella hard, dude.



Fallout 3 isn't hard at all, and it didn't just throw you out there with everything trying to kill you. I don't think you were doing it right...

Also, New Vegas has a lot of friendly super mutants. There's even a town full of them.



Funny enough, I never really liked Mario, tbqh.

But on topic: I never really thought Fallout was super impressive, but I do enjoy doing what I want, when I want. If I think somebody's face looks too stupid, I can remove it, not have to put up with it like every other videogame. Somebody mouths off, they lose their mouth, and the Wasteland becomes that much more enjoyable. Very Happy



I meant you couldn't become a god as in max out all stats and take down a group of Deathclaws without getting hit once.


Higurashi wrote:Fallout 3 isn't hard at all, and it didn't just throw you out there with everything trying to kill you.

This is what I LIKE about New Vegas. Wander off the highways for a fun and frightening experience that teaches you great new ways to get KILLED.

I don't, however, like that Deathclaws themselves are god-moded >.>



i think i am just old school, and that's really just my beef with the whole thing. but, times are a changin', and i can't expect it to be like the old days, you know? i just wish they would have stuck truer to the originals is all i am saying.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

No offense but all I got out of this topic was that the OP doesn't like Fallout 3 cause he/she sucks at shooters and got owned by a radroach??

Also I own every Fallout, and I love all of them....well I own all but Brotherhood of Steel and Tactics. But face it, they have not aged well. AT ALL. The gameplay is slow and bland, and is just boring.

but the only thing Bethesda ruined is the roleplaying and RPG elements. But that still doesn't bother me much cause Fallout 3 was so much more immersive for me then any other shooter or Fallout game for that matter.

But I am glad Bethesda took a risk and changed Fallout 3 into what it was now. It was so much more fun then the slow, teduis gameplay of Fallout 1 and 2. And this is coming from a guy whose favorite game series ever, is Fire Emblem.

But New Vegas in my opinion brought the series somewhat back to its roots. They added in a storyline that has loads of decision choices, and multiple different outcomes for the game, much like the older versions. They also revamped the whole RPG element and greatly improved on the shoddy Fallout 3 RPG elements.
But as I said they added in a slew of decisions and choices that you could choose in the story all that affected the games ending, like the originals. It is loads better then the whole "Brotherhood of Steel: GOOD!! Enclave/Super Mutants: BADD!!!" that Fallout 3 had.
In New Vegas you can side with any of the factions. Feel like ruling New Vegas with an Iron Fist? BAM! Side with Yes Man! Want to bring terror and slavery to the Mojave Wasteland? BAM! Join Caeser's Legion!!

The choices in this game are for more numerous and varied than the few choices in Fallout 3 that had almost no effect on the storyline at all.

That said, I am glad Bethesda changed the gameplay of Fallout like they did. Made the series a whole lot more immersive and enjoyable for me then the old RPG turnbased gameplay was of the originals.And as I said before, this is coming from the guy who adores the Fire Emblem series with a burning passion.



I thought FO:NV wasn't that much harder than FO3, even on Hardcore. I've been watching XCal's "Let's Play on Very Hard/Hardcore", and it doesn't look much harder than Normal difficulty, really. Then again, I make sure I always take the proper gear for the job, and sneak whenever possible, so.... I don't know.



Daedalus wrote:
Higurashi wrote:Fallout 3 isn't hard at all, and it didn't just throw you out there with everything trying to kill you.

This is what I LIKE about New Vegas. Wander off the highways for a fun and frightening experience that teaches you great new ways to get KILLED.

I don't, however, like that Deathclaws themselves are god-moded >.>

Yeah, I like how right at the beginning of the game, you can take a shortcut to New Vegas by going north of Goodsprings, but have to deal with Deathclaws and Cazadors.


Hear, Hear, soap.

Agreed fully, and I think the Fallout series was always intended to be more of a shooter, that's just what they had to work with back then, yeah? Why make doom? That would've been stupid.

And new vegas does bring it a bit back to it's roots. Room for better improvement, but it's a great start. Now they just need to PATCH the damn thing.

Edit: Going north, ignoring the signs, and getting surrounded by things that won't goddamn die puts "too dumb to live" into new perspective. All I had to see was the name "Giant Radscorpion" to send me hightailing it to town.

Last edited by Daedalus on 2010-11-05, 00:08; edited 1 time in total



yes, i do suck at shooters, and yes i got owned by a Radroach on the X-Box. on the PC i did all right for myself, but i cannot aim on the 360 controller in FO3, it is too hard for me. on the PC i have more control.

that being said, i think you are partially right about Bethesda and bringing a new face to the game, but in others i don't think that you are. but this is my opinion, and you have yours, i respect it for what it is.


I should add that she did alright on the PC because of that handy tilde key.



I respect opinions. Smile If everybody had the same opinion, I guess the world would be a very dull place.



I find it impossible to be killed by a Radroach.



up yours, Josh.

(edit) sorry, to clarify, Josh is Daedalus, my shitbag boyfriend. jsyk.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also OP, I only read the first page of this topic and got to the point where you said you were owned by a Radroach and that was when I started typing my response. After posting my response and read the rest of the topic I saw that you actually did play the game, and beat it, albiet...with cheat codes.

So no offense to you, all I saw was "A RADROACH RAPED ME AND I HATED THE GAME THEN AND THERE!!" so I kinda raged and started typing instantly.

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