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Things I want to see in Battlefield 3.

Patrick Star
Ars Diaboli
Artimise Flare
Cardboard Fox
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
17 posters

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How did heli's fare against jets in BF2?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Lies. You sick twisted demented chicken.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Zillah wrote:How did heli's fare against jets in BF2?

Sadly, most pros chose helis over Jets.

[youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]



About as well as Seals Fare against Great whites Very Happy



I only ever played BF2MC on xbox, so I dont think that was the true BF2 experiance. But it still was fun as can be

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My personal list:

Return of Inaccuracy

Return of Fire Select

Return of switchable knife (you must switch to your knife before you can use it)

Return of vehicle ammunition and alternative weapons as a standard

Return of location specific damage to vehicles (Rear does twice the damage if not possibly destroying the tank outright, sides take more but depending if it hits the treads or the side skirts, the damage will vary)

Removal of all health related perks as well as damage buffers IE. Vehicle warheads and armor, Magnum ammo and Body armor, honestly these things are no brainers for a combat soldier, why the hell wouldn't a front line soldier NOT be wearing body armor?!

Option to customize your weapon to a certain degree (nothing insane like CoD with the clan tags and such) Things like fore grips and possibly using EOtech optics or the choice of an Aimpoint optic instead.

This is my biggest thing. RETURN OF MY L85A2! God that rifle was my baby back in BF2

Return of most of the old class setups: Medics without LMG's and that also have a purpose, Assault classes that don't have infinite ammo, encumbrance effects how fast you move etc.

Return of the TRUE BF maps, not these shitty bottleneck maps like Port Valdez and Vantage Point. If I wanted to play something like that, I'd play CoD.

Engineers can disarm landmines and bridges, why they EVER removed this is beyond me.

Faction specific weapons (Unlocks will apply to either faction, but things like the AK47 and such can't be chosen by a NATO player, unless it's picked up in the field)

Helicopters that are not god mode, 2142 did a good job balancing aircraft, they were neither OP nor where they UP. A good pilot could still be shot down if enough AA was trained on them.

Removal of regenerating Health, this fucks up the role of the medic IMO.

There's more, I just can't think of any right now.



Regenerating health is a necessary evil, imo. It keeps people in the action. It could be tweaked a little, though if you ask me. Make it so the lower your health is, the slower your health regenerates. Think about it, if you get grazed by a bullet (10-20 damage) you're going to recover faster than if you almost get blown up by a tank (80-90 damage.) So as your health is regenerating it should accelerate as it approaches 100%.

I agree with the bottleneck maps, though. Holy crap I cannot stand that shit.



Ah man a rate of fire option would be epic

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Okay guys, I'm checking the numbers, and it seems that I have to get about 1,300 dollars to arm my own new shiny PC. My time limit is the Battlefield 3 release date.

Anyone knows something about organ sales?

I'm really liking a lot of these suggestions. Half of them won't happen, of course. But hopefully Battlefield 3 will be the fucking best it can possibly be.



Can you say full auto abakan or a burst fire aug. And you could choose your.preference. I would love that,if they kept it balanced and true to real life specs.



Does the AUG even have a burst fire option? I know the Abakan can fire in full auto at a slower RPM.



Make it so instead of Dropping Med kits instead a medic has to run up and hold the Enter/B button or whatever on the patient to patch them up

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

they already confirmed that there would not be a return MA or BA i cant find the source tho -.-



Im pretty sure. Ill check my source and update that in a few mins.



Yea the stg .77 aug has both options. But its all in the trigger press. A half pull results in semi auto burst fire, while a full press makes it full auto



I know they wouldnt be able to do something like this but it would be cool if people actually played the game like you would in real life. People dont just take a hummer and drive off but they drive in a column of 3 or 4 hummers. People dont run off and clear a house by themselves but a squad of them go in to clear it.

On that note Im against parachutes. There is no way you would be able to parachute off a roof of a 5 story building and not be injured. Parachutes just dont work like that. And instead of people parachuting out of helicopters when they get where they want to be, make it so the heli has to land or you fast rope out of it.

If your helicopter crashes make it so your team has to secure the crash site or else you lose points or something.

Have a pilot class where you gain somesort of bonus when you fly the aircraft over normal riflemen. Instead of a full size rifle you only have an MP5 with a few magazines. Or just have the engineer take over that role. Make it so they arnt as powerful in an actual firefight yet they have a bonus to vehicle roles.



The only thing I care about seeing in BF3 is myself on PC.



zk50 x erk wrote:On that note Im against parachutes. There is no way you would be able to parachute off a roof of a 5 story building and not be injured. Parachutes just dont work like that. And instead of people parachuting out of helicopters when they get where they want to be, make it so the heli has to land or you fast rope out of it.

But who wants to walk down 5 flights of stairs just to get off of a building?
I know its not realistic, but who really cares. lots of things in the game arent



You should be able to blow holes in Roofs and floors lol



Dont want to walk down 5 flights of stairs? Dont go up 5 flights of stairs =)



Ill die before i leave this here Roof lol!

Also What Zillah said was dumb everyone knows you cant walk down stairs in an EA game you can rubberband up and down them or Glitch inside them

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2011-02-09, 00:24; edited 1 time in total



Still dude it would really slow down gameplay. why make everyone take on fall damage if they want to jump out of a building..



Because its stupid Parachutes were like that to begin with

Seriously annoying going up a 5 story building to knife a wookie only to find out he parachuted down and flanked you



Maybe the gameplay needs to be slowed down? Im tired of all this COD bull shit.

And why make you take fall damage? Because you just jumped out of a fucking building.....



Me, thats who. You made the decsion to walk up them 5 flights of stairs knowing very well you are going to have to walk your ass back down them. Makes holding rooftops more vital now that you can't loljump off and live.

The list continues.

The Return of Magazines. Brings the tactical back to tactical reloading, No more I has 100 rounds. No You have 7 Magazines. (but where do I find teh Clips?)

Laser guided bombs between infantry and jets.

Secondary Objectives to go with the Take and Hold, Destroy something ones.




Also I like the limited ammo in vehicles. Now I never played a BF game with jets but it seems like dropping 500lb bombs on 2 infantry guys is a waste. Limited ammo would make you think twice about doing that.



Yeah, floors should be able to be blown up. It's ridiculous that you can decimate the concrete walls of a building but not the wooden floors. What the hell.



I liked the Magazine thing on Americas army

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

If they added Prone back in, why not add this in as well?

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

If anything, regenerating health only regenerates a percentage of your total health, a max of 25% at any time. so if you lose 25% you regen to full, if you are 10% you regen to 35% etc. and the regeneration rate is 1/2 or even 1/3 of the rate a med pack would heal you. I think this is a fair way to limit it so that medics actually have a fucking duty instead of being mobile MG nests (Which I am glad Support is coming back)

I don't see a problem with parachutes, but an animation in which you have to get in and get out of a vehicle like in Halo or something would be bad ass, no more instant teleportation in and out of tanks or what have you. To balance this, if a tank is not hit in a critical location (Its low health but gets hit in the treads its disabled and is on fire) the driver and gunner has a little bit more time to bail out before the tank blows, hit it in the turret with a tank round or the engine and it goes up in a fireball killing the occupants. I know this is getting a little too deep for BF since it's supposed to be realistic to a degree without going America's Army, but it sure would be cool IMO.

Recon players ability to CHOOSE if I want to wear a ghillies suit or not. Honestly, it's just plain stupid for a "sniper" to wear such a thing in an urban enviroment.



How are they not "catering" to console peeps? HONEST QUESTION??

I would agree that when they port something over from PC to console, Traditionally it's dumbed down. That's games in general.

I'd rather not have to spend exorbitent amounts of money just to play this on PC again!

Otherwise i like what GM is saying. and agree 99.9% only change would be.

Allow parachutes! BUT as a one time per life use! Once you deploy it, you can only re-deploy your shute after you've died and respawned.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Artimise Flare wrote:If anything, regenerating health only regenerates a percentage of your total health, a max of 25% at any time. so if you lose 25% you regen to full, if you are 10% you regen to 35% etc. and the regeneration rate is 1/2 or even 1/3 of the rate a med pack would heal you. I think this is a fair way to limit it so that medics actually have a fucking duty instead of being mobile MG nests (Which I am glad Support is coming back)

I don't see a problem with parachutes, but an animation in which you have to get in and get out of a vehicle like in Halo or something would be bad ass, no more instant teleportation in and out of tanks or what have you. To balance this, if a tank is not hit in a critical location (Its low health but gets hit in the treads its disabled and is on fire) the driver and gunner has a little bit more time to bail out before the tank blows, hit it in the turret with a tank round or the engine and it goes up in a fireball killing the occupants. I know this is getting a little too deep for BF since it's supposed to be realistic to a degree without going America's Army, but it sure would be cool IMO.

Recon players ability to CHOOSE if I want to wear a ghillies suit or not. Honestly, it's just plain stupid for a "sniper" to wear such a thing in an urban enviroment.
tanks have an escape hatch under them for emergency use so why have an insta kill on the turret? now engine i understand.



-Selective fire (single or auto) for ONLY guns that can actually do it in reality.

-Realistic weapon reloads, depending on if you emptied the magazine or whatnot.

-Magazine playlist instead of magic reloading where bullets just jump into your next mag. (Maybe for hard core only?)

-Remove spotting or do something to it. I hate that there's no point to hiding when people can just spam select in your general direction and find you. It might increase bush wookiness, but they can find some way to balance it. I don't care how they do it, I just really hate easy spotting. maybe make it harder to spot or something.

-make parachute into specialization that can be used once, unless reloaded with ammo box.

-Be able to destroy inside parts of buildings not just walls.

-Make destruction on a smaller scale. You shouldn't be able to destroy an entire building with a couple 40mm grenades. They should just make small holes. C4 should still make big holes.

-Smoke grenades

-Tone down the bullet travel and drop to make it more realistic

-Be able to dial in snipers for certain distances, AKA, you can shoot a round at a certain distance, then move your scope site to the spot where it hit to account for drop.

-Make faction weapons, sort of. Only for the first defaults, then you can unlock the other factions later on. Like in Medal of Honor.

-No killstreaks for the love of jebus.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare


Perhaps i should have been more specific. It would have to insta kill by hitting the ammo reserves or something, which is usually in the rear. But for the most part, a tank is pretty safe from the heavy rounds with an exception to its side and rear. Back in 2142, a rocket or HVATR (High Velocity Anti Tank Round) from those AT guns would deck a tank in one shot if you hit them in the rear. side shots did double damage if i recall, and since BF2 and 2142 were so huge, tanks were not terribly easy to take out like they are in BC.

Point is, there should be something that prevents people from getting out of a vehicles so quickly. It's annoying to see a kill get away because jimmy bob insta departed a helicopter, or managed to bail out of the tank at the last second. To balance this, that is why I suggested that you can cripple the tank as well. Mind you, you would have to hit it dead in the tracks, perhaps even multiple times to disable it from moving (These things aren't made cheap so they're meant to take a beating) this would bring a new level of strategy to taking out tanks IMO. Mobile AA guns also, they need heat seeking rockets like BF2 and 2142, the maps were huge back then, so the aircraft had more ways to escape, but there was more AA back then too. Like I said before, 2142 hit a good balance with aircraft, they weren't useless, but they weren't overpowered either.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Axcelot wrote:-
-Remove spotting or do something to it. I hate that there's no point to hiding when people can just spam select in your general direction and find you. It might increase bush wookiness, but they can find some way to balance it. I don't care how they do it, I just really hate easy spotting. maybe make it harder to spot or something.

-make parachute into specialization that can be used once, unless reloaded with ammo box.

-Tone down the bullet travel and drop to make it more realistic

1) I am iffy about Spotting. I love it. I think it works fine as it is now, I mean its still not perfect. I can't tell you how many times in a single match I see a guy clear as day, no objects blocking my view of him at all, and I can hit the Back button multiple times, and nothing.

2) Actually toning it down would be kinda dumb. Since its kinda greatly UNDERexagerated in this game. If I recall in real life bullets are affected a lot more by gravity than they are in this game.

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