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Oh mother loving...

Epyk MD
10 posters

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1Oh mother loving... Empty Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 11:01



Sometimes the stupidity I encounter at work astounds me.

Take yesterday for instance. A woman comes in with coupons. Apparently she can't read well enough to understand them. So my coworker explains the coupon to her repeatedly. We're talking about at least 3, possibly 5 times.

Woman finally seems to grasp the concept. Orders 2 six inch sammiches. Because if you get 2, and buy a drink or any size, one of the 6 inchers is free. Go to ring her up, and apparently she thought the entire time that she only had to buy the drink and she only had enough to buy the drink. Into the trash those sammiches went!

I mean, seriously? How hard is this:
You buy a 6 inch and a drink and get another 6 inch free.

And who in the world would believe we would give you a footlongs worth of food for $1.50 (the price, with tax, of a small drink).

I really wanted to tell her not to come back ever again.

2Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 11:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Working retail changes a person. I used to be calm, nild manored and dificult to anger.
now im throughing out rage eyes left and right.

What I hate the most ( I understand its petty) is when I have 15+ people in line, the next person moves up and sits there for 5 minutes deciding what they want.
WTF were you doing the 5 mins the person in front of you was trying to decide what THEY wanted?!!

Im angry judt thinking about it.

3Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 11:33


lol i hate that too epyk and it does make me wonder.. I mean you can view everything if your just behinde a few people.

4Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 12:39




5Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 12:41



Where do I get one of those 2 sammiches for the price of a drink coupons?

6Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 12:51



You guys should watch Clerks.

7Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 13:40



I like to bring in coupons of completely unrelated stuff like mattresses and argue for hours that it says I get 2 free sandwiches.

8Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 13:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Coupons for mattresses? I can haz?

9Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 13:55



Just use some subway coupons if you want a discount on a mattress.

10Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 14:00

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

...a free sub could go along way to getting a discount on a mattress...
im looking to get either a senterpedic(sp?) Or a sleep number...
I just can't decide between which.

11Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 14:03



subway = dumbasses, as a general rule. the amount of morons i had to deal with would fill war and peace in page content. GAH!

there were a lot of nice customers, though, but the bad ones made you want to go hurl yourself off the nearest cliff.

12Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 14:05



You just got to convince them that the coupon has value(both sentimental and monetary) so it doesn't matter that it doesn't have anything to do with them.

But seriously Mr. Google might have some coupons and stuff for that I usually search it whenever I buy something on a website that has a coupon code option in the form.

13Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 14:37



Epyk wrote:...a free sub could go along way to getting a discount on a mattress...
im looking to get either a senterpedic(sp?) Or a sleep number...
I just can't decide between which.

I think its tempur-pedic

and sleep numbers are for old people!

14Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 14:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

My backs telling me im old than...
I just want to wake up with out having to roll out of bed because I can't sit up..

15Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 15:44



Zillah wrote:
Epyk wrote:...a free sub could go along way to getting a discount on a mattress...
im looking to get either a senterpedic(sp?) Or a sleep number...
I just can't decide between which.

I think its tempur-pedic

and sleep numbers are for old people!

Whatever man. Those Sleep Number beds are badass.

16Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 15:49



The key is to make them feel stupid without being rude. This is a skill I aqquired waiting tables lol.

17Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 16:13

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Mine are too intoxicated to understand english, let alone subtle jabs at their expense.

Had one guy try to pay with a baggie of coke...
one guy spent 20mins throwing a fit because his hamburger hadn't come out yet. =/
These two girls didn't have ids so they jumped up on the counter and started stripping...then one fell off and busterher head open...then got bitchy with me once she could...well I wont say think straight.

18Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 16:47



Sounds like a good time to me. Except for the hamburgler.

19Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 20:47



This frightens me. I think I shall become a monk somewheres.

I had one guy tell my boss I was discriminating against him because he had tattoos. My boss was there for the whole thing, we had a laugh about it afterwards. I was just tired of the guy not being able to make up his mind. I'm not your mommy, I'm not making your decisions for you.

20Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-20, 22:16



sheeptastic wrote:I had one guy tell my boss I was discriminating against him because he had tattoos.


you like tattoos, what a moron.

21Oh mother loving... Empty Re: Oh mother loving... 2011-02-21, 02:04



Whyd you throw out the Sandwiches sounds like free food to me Very Happy

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