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loving the AT4 now

Manila Plague
Dropped Da Soap
Cubist Castle
Ron Swanson
9 posters

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1loving the AT4 now Empty loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 13:32

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Had a blast using this thing as of late. tanks have no chance and I have improved a ton at shooting down choppers. got two attack choppers on Heavy metal yesterday, and I've been putting down blackhawks like crazy. Best thing about it is it's fun to use. The others you just fire and hope, this you activly try to use the rocket more so its more exciting. Soooo many near misses too, once I clean that up I will be some kind of beast with this thing.

Goddamn this thing for its terrible anti infantry abilities though. Mad

2loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 13:41

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I have no clue how to hit choppers with this thing. I can't tell how far away the missile is in relation to the aircraft.

3loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 13:44

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Its really hard to tell, basically you have to guess based on how far the choppers is when you start. I just try to keep it on line the whole time, and if I have to I try to swing it at the chopper at the last second.

4loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 16:32

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

The AT4 is really a beast. I used to be really good at hitting choppers with it. Now I fail and just save mine for tanks. Or the wookie that sits there 12x zoomed in and watches it fly at him.

5loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 16:36

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I wish you didn't have to hit someone right in the face with the rocket for it to kill them. I have killed some people like this but more often than not it fails me.

6loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 16:40

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Frost made a funny post a while back about how the AT4 is useless when you can nail someone directly with it, it forms a crater around them, and they still shoot you.

7loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 16:58

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I try to shoot people in the back. that way there is a slight chance the rocket actually flies UP the guys ass, exploding inside of him and posibly killing him.

8loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 17:38

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

pro tips brought to you by Manila Plague

1. if you are no scoping hold down the trigger after you fire, this will give you much more control.

2. When scoping in avoid putting the red target reticule on the helicopter/tank until the last possible second. When the reticule is on the vehicle the pilot will hear the beeping missile indicator.

9loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 17:45

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Wow, I can't believe I never heard about #2 before... But why would you no-scope an AT4?

10loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 17:47



The Imp wrote:Wow, I can't believe I never heard about #2 before... But why would you no-scope an AT4?

Much bigger/clearer field of view when steering the rocket.

11loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 17:55

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I saw a video of a guy who was noscoping EVERYTHING with the AT4. it was pretty boss. It was on the site not that long back.....

12loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 18:12

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

bigger field of view and it's boss when you get a no scope kill

13loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 18:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't no scope the AT4 (maybe I should try), I suppose the red square does obstruct my view though, and the muted colors seem to mess with my depth preception

14loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 19:02

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i found this video helpful for learning how to use the at4

15loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 19:02




heres a topic i made while ago with some tips on using this thing

16loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 19:30

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i knew frost put up a topic on this. i just read some f your tips and i like. the changing to primary after firing is news to me. thanks for the topic link

17loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 19:49

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Zillah wrote:*ehem*

heres a topic i made while ago with some tips on using this thing

Neat! Next time I play, I'll give it another chance.
I used to only use it on Panama Canal, since there aren't any aircraft, and SO many tanks.

18loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 20:09

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

best maps to practice on are isla inocentes defence on rush and heavy metal conquest. if you play later at night me and duck tend to play those maps a lot as we are huge at4 fans

19loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 20:22

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I was never any good at using the at4...can't hit anything but a tank haha. And yeah I hate how it sucks ass for anti-infantry. Now that I plated the Gustav I'll probably try and get good with the other launchers though.

20loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-25, 20:25

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

check out some of the video's in this thread and zillah's link. knowledge is half the battle

21loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-26, 01:44



No scoping helps if you want your rocket to turn faster than the sensitivity of scoped view allows. It turns much slower zoomed in.

22loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-26, 01:52



hitting long range targets without scoping in is really hard on console. not gonna lie.

it makes sense up close, because its just that much faster.

23loving the AT4 now Empty Re: loving the AT4 now 2011-06-26, 02:24



Just "Sir" will do wrote:I try to shoot people in the back. that way there is a slight chance the rocket actually flies UP the guys ass, exploding inside of him and posibly killing him.

HAHA! Made me laugh Terry!

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