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Not going to lie, I am loving DNF right now. Far better then I thought it would be.

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yes its not the GREATEST game ever. But its nothing short of a Duke Game, and a mighty fine Duke game it is.

First off Duke is as awesome as ever. His lines are awesome, and full of radical Duke Nukem-ness.

The levels, while linear are still enjoyable and just as fun as those, if not more then the ones in Duke Nukem 3D. One of the biggest things I have read about the game being bad, is the lack of an objective marker or anything telling you were to go. Well I find that completely stupid, since the game outright leaves pointers to where you are supposed to go. Whether its dead bodies, industrial lights and generators, or hell, CAUTION and Warning signs.
I have seen lights even pointing right to items or things involved in puzzles.
Or a mission where you need to use a giant crane to get somewhere. There are like three giant warning signs on the crane that just say "NOT TO WALK ON CRANE ARM". All the clues are in the open, and its not that hard to spot.

I have heard a lot of complaints about the platforming aspects and puzzles. But honestly, I love them. There such a nice, welcomed(in my opinion)change to the overall shooter-fest that every other FPS out there is. It reminds me a lot of older games(which was their intention I presume)like Half-Life for example. and that in my mind is not a bad thing.

The gunplay is even hella fun. I heard a lot of complaints about it being clunky, unresponsive, or even like Fallouts aiming. But honestly, I haven't even noticed this. Sure its not smooth as something like Call of Duty, but then again, neither is Battlefield.
Its clunky sure, but honestly that hasn't affected me at all, and I am playing on Hard.
The guns are still as awesome as ever as well. The ripper is still fun, and the shotgun brings back great Duke3D memories.

Of course most of the game....isn't as great as the great parts.
Sometimes the graphics take forever to render, and it just looks weird. Of course that has literally no impact on the game at all.

The graphics aren't even that big of a deal. I have read a lot of complaints about them, but they all seem overexaggerated to the extreme. Sure they are dated, you can tell. but at times the game does look really good. Specifically the enemies. I mean the Pig-cops look downright awesome.

My biggest complaint about the game is easily, the load times. They are....horrendous. That I have to agree with the reviewers on. They are bad. But luckily they don't effect me that much. I can understand if you die at the same point a lot, it would get annoying. But I can get through a whole level dying maybe once or twice. So it doesn't really effect me much/

But overall, this is just a short review. I could go much more indepth but I won't right now.
But overall, my score for this game would be a 7.5 out of 10.
There is no way this game deserves all the lows reviews it has gotten like the 3s and crap. It is easily a 7.0 game.



I may actually give this game a chance now; I was kinda thinking it was getting overly-low ratings, but I wasn't sure. One of my friends absolutely loves Duke Nukem, so I'll have to tell them to rent it.



I haven't played it yet but it does seem like the reviewers were all being overly harsh on it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm probably going to pick it up after I beat Fable 3. In a way the poor reviews for it are a blessing since that means I can get it for cheaper.

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