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Don't miss the big gamestop sale this month :)

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Epyk MD
11 posters

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I picked up Borderlands Game of the Year Edition for 20 bucks brand new and New Vegas Collector's Edition for 30 yesterday....supposed to be a buy 2 get 1 free sale on the 18th I think.

Might pick up Reach and Crysis 2,then for the free game...idk...maybe Red Dead again

I heard Singularity is really's 18 bucks used,so is Just Cause 2.

Fallout 3 GOTY is a damn steal at 18 bucks used....

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

...must spend money

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I might have to look into that. Been looking for some new games to play, but don't really know what yet.



.................all I am looking for is a copy of Mercenaries on the PS2!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I want a copy of earthbound for the snes. that is the only game I really want right now...



Man I would of given you my PS2 mercs....I traded it in last year and only got 3 bucks for it >___>

hell yea,I had to try really hard not to blow my whole check there yesterday....lmao but I KNEW Borderlands GOTY wouldn't be there on the 18th...I got the 2nd to last copy new,there were no used ones

I'm really glad it came with a 2nd disc like Oblivion and Fallout 3 GOTY did,with all the DLC on it.I hate those 1 time use XBL codes like how Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition was... -___-

Saint's Row double pack is 9 bucks used I heard lol.MW1 GOTY is 9 bucks but I guess the codes are used for an extra map I heard it had....Fable 2 is 8 bucks.

The new Castlevania collector's edition was 30 bucks...I almost got it Razz

IDK why the Undead Nightmare disc is 30 bucks,but the dlc is only 5 the disc ALL the dlc...?What all dlc is there?I know I got some co op pack I never played,and Undead Nightmare....thought those were the only 2



Awesome Terry! wrote:I want a copy of earthbound for the snes. that is the only game I really want right now...

I has Copy of Earthbound for SNES.

Great game. Really Great game.

Isn't it out on the Wii VC?



have they patched Homefront or is it still horrible like I've heard...?I wouldn't mind it and Reach and get Dragon Age Ultimate Edition for "free" in the gamestop sale Smile



meh amazon deals are better.



That whole Homefront being horrible is 2 things.

1: They Suck and are bad.
2: Bad Luck.

I know some people have had really shitty luck when it comes to finding games. I never really had a problem.

I haven't played any game on-line in days so somebody else will have to tell you the patch that came out.

Last edited by TheGM on 2011-04-02, 18:26; edited 1 time in total



Singularity is awesome! Short as hell, but awesome!



Grrr....Halo Reach,Homefront or Crysis 2?

-___- smh,I'm gonna blow my whole check lol



Skip Reach.



dont get reach man it sucks. I would just get crysis 2 and save for mortal combat/ duke nukem.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

TheGM wrote:Isn't it out on the Wii VC?

Please tell this it true. I will haul my gfs wii to a damn wifi spot to download this game. I used to check every month or so to see if it came out for the VC but I never saw anything



Yup Halo blows Smile lol. Imo of course.



Terry- its not on VC I dont think. Ive actually looked for ot before. Plus they never update that shit, like never....



Awesome Terry! wrote:
TheGM wrote:Isn't it out on the Wii VC?

Please tell this it true. I will haul my gfs wii to a damn wifi spot to download this game. I used to check every month or so to see if it came out for the VC but I never saw anything
It will never come out for Wii VC. Your best chance is to buy a broken copy of the game you you can legally play it on an emulator.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I did the emulator thing..... it's just not the same for me, but yeah that seems to be the best/only option.

Or i can spend a rediculous amount of money on ebay for a snes title Rolling Eyes



That reminds me.....I need to go beat Earthbound again.



>__> I've never played it...Heard alot about it though

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

really goofy 90's RPG (earthbound). very fun but also very different.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

TheGM wrote:.................all I am looking for is a copy of Mercenaries on the PS2!
you can thank me later....



Oooh. I can get that one 2 Worlds game Symmy was talking about.



Just Cause 2 is pretty awesome. I've played that half an hour demo a million times and it only lets you go into a 100th of the map

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm outraged! I loved Halo Reach, campaign only though. The multiplayer did blow, compared to Halo 3.

Borderlands,I loved the shit outta that game! Except for the final DLC. It just felt empty, especially trying to get all the achievements for it. That was a pain in the ass!

As for the Red Dead DLC disc, I do believe it has all the DLC that was released. I'm not sure what that all is, but I did have the first one and played it a little. Was kind of fun. I'm going to have to get that game used or something. I did like the story, but it seemed like it dragged on foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. That and every time I heard John Marston talk, I was always reminded of the Lost and The Damned DLC for GTA 4.



Kalei2418 wrote:I'm outraged! I loved Halo Reach, campaign only though. The multiplayer did blow, compared to Halo 3.

Borderlands,I loved the shit outta that game! Except for the final DLC. It just felt empty, especially trying to get all the achievements for it. That was a pain in the ass!

As for the Red Dead DLC disc, I do believe it has all the DLC that was released. I'm not sure what that all is, but I did have the first one and played it a little. Was kind of fun. I'm going to have to get that game used or something. I did like the story, but it seemed like it dragged on foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. That and every time I heard John Marston talk, I was always reminded of the Lost and The Damned DLC for GTA 4.
Could I ask why you liked the halo reach campaign?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

t-800 wrote:Could I ask why you liked the halo reach campaign?

I liked the feeling that knowing no matter what I did, in the end, I was going to eat it. I kind of always had that feeling of dread, but as I was running through it, I was kicking some ass, and it made me have a sense of hope, like I could actually win that fight. It was kind of cool to learn some of the back story too as I did like Halo games/universe.



The Reach campaign was just fun because it was fun. I thought the multiplayer was ok too. Cloaking in Sword Base is fun.



I liked Halo 3 better....omg... *tear* so many good laughs,nights with friends with that game...Reach was alright,I actually traded it in for New Vegas way back when it came out...winded up trading new vegas in couple months back because I needed money,but now I have a job so I bought Vegas back and Borderlands back Very Happy

used to have Borderlands,but traded it in for Reach XD

It was kinda sad to see my big collection of 360 stuff dwindle down to only a box full of games Razz

I might get Prototype,Just Cause 2,and get Singularity for free in the sale...then....Reach,maybe Black Ops,then either Crysis 2 or Red Dead for free.

fuck it XD lol.that's like a whole paycheck almost though.....but I'd be getting some good games :3



I loved Prototype. I had so much fun just causing mayhem.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Metalzoic wrote:I loved Prototype. I had so much fun just causing mayhem.

I had a lot of trouble finding the people running around the streets with the memories. They kept randomly dying when I was near them. I guess they weren't able to catch cars like I could.



Ha! Yeah, I'm not sure how many of them I actually devoured.



XD sounds like a fun game....Prototype 2 is supposed to come out this year too Razz



JrTapia1991 wrote:XD sounds like a fun game....Prototype 2 is supposed to come out this year too Razz
no it is coming 2012.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

dont get reach, its fun for a while but it gets old fast.

JC2 is such an epic game, the full game is 100+x larger than the demo and easily takes up so much time (60 hours in and im only 50%ish complete Very Happy )

then on top of that you can goof around so much on JC2. the only bad thing is lack of MP, but the SP is FUCKING PRO! so all is well Very Happy



yeah Razz lol I think I'm gonna spend a whole check there just to get some good deals I guess XD

Star Wars Force Unleashed maybe....$9
Fable 2-$7.99(free w/sale)
Just Cause 2-$17.99(free w/sale)
Reach-$49.99 I think...
DA:Ultimate Edition-? 59.99 new,but I'll look for it used since all the DLC is on a 2nd disc like how Borderlands,Oblivion,Fallout 3 GOTY,etc. were....maybe it'll be 49.99 used...

then for the free game outta that,I wouldn't mind Red Dead again,I think the GOTY already came out for it.If not I'll just get the regular,and Undead Nightmare is 5 bucks anyway...

I miss Reach though Smile.I got it the night it came out.Maybe instead of Dragon Age I'll get Black Ops again XD



Prototype was irritating to me. The AI was super cheap end game, I never finished it as I got.tired.of being pelted off screen rockets.



nevermind on the buy 2 get 1 free sale....apparently it's only on PS2 stuff >__>

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