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To all of those in school.

The Adli Corporation
Cardboard Fox
Ars Diaboli
Patrick Star
17 posters

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1To all of those in school. Empty To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 00:22



Whens your last day?

I dont get out till motherfucking June 15th. All the other schools in my area get out weeks before that. Whats worse is that the district has decided to start school early too, on August 15th Evil or Very Mad Probably has something to do with the dozen snow days i had this winter...

PLus today I signed up for my remedial algebra class over the summer.

Things are looking great

2To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 00:57



Somewhere around early June. And you got dozens of snow days? I've only had one in the past five years. Some days this year were miserable with snowy roads with no visibility, but we still had school. We are always the only district in the entire damn state that doesn't get snow days.

3To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 01:16


Around the end of May Very Happy

4To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 01:40

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i have never had a snow day but i have had a smoke day
get off school on the 10th of june

5To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 02:01

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I don't think I'll have summer break for quite a while... <_<

If I'm lucky, I may get 1 free week this month. MAYBE. After that, it's summer school 'till the first weeks of July. And after that, I don't know how many weeks I'll have to go to the office anyway.

6To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 02:24



May 27. Just 2 weeks, cause I'm 99% sure I don't have finals the whole last week(25-27). So those days will be halfdays.

7To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 02:58



I get out on the 27th of may. Couldnt come sooner...finally after 12 years I get away from all of these pieces of shit I call classmates.

8To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 03:42

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Mid-July. At least I get a week off later this month.

9To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 03:43



The 17th is my last day. Graduation ceremony on the 19th. Shit.

10To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 03:53

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Just remembered I'm doing work experience this year, so it's the start of July instead.

11To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 04:04



Around the start of July ;/

12To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 11:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

27th of may.

then back to school on the 13th june for 5 weeks (for early A2 teaching)
it sucks >.<

13To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 16:02



June 9th Sad

14To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 16:21



I think either the 9th or 15th of june, not sure which. Though after that I have like 5 regents exams to take... :/

15To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 16:25

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

June 8th then no more for 3 months. but seems i win due to finals and tests after end of school lol

16To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 16:32

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

May 31th was my last day of school. I remember it like it was yesterday. Got really drunk at a party and then drove cross country with my parents to spend 2 months in Hawaii before living in Atlanta for almost 2 years before moving back to PA. Good times.

17To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 16:45

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Get the bat ladder. Sorry had to. and Prom is tomorow you know what that means!

18To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 17:26



June 20th. By the end of the year though, most of my teachers start to stop giving a shit, so it's pretty chill until finals.

19To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 21:10



Kalei2418 wrote:May 31th was my last day of school. I remember it like it was yesterday. Got really drunk at a party and then drove cross country with my parents to spend 2 months in Hawaii before living in Atlanta for almost 2 years before moving back to PA. Good times.

You must have been preeettttyyy drunk to drive all the way to hawaii...

And its awesome at my school, because we technically dont have finals, just a normal test on whatever the last unit we've been working on(then they call it our finals, because its our "final test")

20To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 21:19



june 10th then the regents and act's on the 11th

21To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 21:36



13 years ago. My god.

22To all of those in school. Empty Re: To all of those in school. 2011-05-12, 22:28

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I just got told that the date will be July 22. I cried :<

I'll probably be back by August 15-20.

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