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I've never really had a problem with the UAV/C4 combo.

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Just had to get that off my chest. One of the most talked about topics in BC2 history, but I've never really minded that people did.

Does it suck when people catch you off-guard with it? Yes.

Do I mind, not really. What bothers me more is when the other 11 people on my team don't catch on and adjust to defend against it.

*braces for hate and expects account to get banned lol

Crimson Exitus

Crimson Exitus

I've only encountered it twice, but killing the people doing it is incredibly satisfying.



I still hate it.

When 8 to 10 enemies are actually attacking and only a squad or less it doing so, it can be understandable to be used as a last resort.

When majority of enemy team sits back and does not attack, defenders are forced to move up to attackers, or fight a war of attrition, while having to deal with pot shots, and constant surveillance of the sky; which is just sucks the fun out of the game.

If attackers start to turn the game into "lets rely on C4'd UAVs", defenders would have to take offensive unless they are prepared for terribly slow game. The problem is that defenders do not get to spawn far off their spawn, meaning even if defenders do counter offensive, they do not get the benefit of squad spawn for back ups, while Attackers can just sit back with all the bonus.

When the game is filled with competent players on both sides, C4 UAV would not be too much of a problem, but many of the times people do not even realize UAV is around, and it is not hard for a decent UAV pilot to sneak it into the base even against competent players.


I've encountered it a lot, but yeah getting after the guys who are doing it is always fun.

I've only tried it once before with Little D when we got into a match on PV with less than 10 tickets left lol.

After the match I told him that people frown upon using it willy nilly, but I felt like it was justified because I really hate loading into losses.



D.... you have been warned!!!!! HAHA

Well the few times I have seen the C4 UAV has been with a bunch of guys from here and we typically take care of it and then follow it up by a massive C4 rush on their Mcoms.


StormEye wrote:I still hate it.

When 8 to 10 enemies are actually attacking and only a squad or less it doing so, it can be understandable to be used as a last resort.

When majority of enemy team sits back and does not attack, defenders are forced to move up to attackers, or fight a war of attrition, while having to deal with pot shots, and constant surveillance of the sky; which is just sucks the fun out of the game.

If attackers start to turn the game into "lets rely on C4'd UAVs", defenders would have to take offensive unless they are prepared for terribly slow game. The problem is that defenders do not get to spawn far off their spawn, meaning even if defenders do counter offensive, they do not get the benefit of squad spawn for back ups, while Attackers can just sit back with all the bonus.

When the game is filled with competent players on both sides, C4 UAV would not be too much of a problem, but many of the times people do not even realize UAV is around, and it is not hard for a decent UAV pilot to sneak it into the base even against competent players.

I agree. I really don't like it when people do it out of the gate, that's like admitting that your team is inferior right at the beginning.

It's something that I always look for when Attackers get to about 40 or less tickets though.

It is pretty damn exhilarating when you stop people from doing it though. I wish I took a screen grab of it but there was one match where by the second base we had a wall of no less than 6 guys around the crate waiting for the UAV lol. It was a sight to behold.


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:D.... you have been warned!!!!! HAHA


Crimson Exitus

Crimson Exitus

I think the first time I encountered it I took out the whole squad doing it at once.

Arica Harbor, second base. I began moving up the hill on the left side. I throw a motion sensor over the wall and sure enough, three assaults all throwing C4 and ammo crates around. The pilot was distracted with the UAV control panel and his three friends were busy loitering near him. I threw some C4 on the concrete wall in front of them and positioned myself near the other wall that you can knife your wall through.

The wall goes boom and the three assaults all look toward the wall, I burst through the other wall and empty my VSS into the first two. Both fall to the ground while the third is just turning around to see his buddies crumble to the dirt. I squeeze the trigger on my Grach and he gets blown away. I slit the pilot's throat and move on.

Good times.



I remember back in the demo days when the old crew I used to play with. I'm not saying we where te first to figure it out but we did figure it out on our own when we where just messin with the C4. We first start using it to blow up snipers on the construction building and had plenty of LOL's doing this. Then we thought Hmmmm lets see if we can blow up the mcom. Never used it after the demo though.

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