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Do you believe in God/Gods?

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
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Do you believe in God/Gods

Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Vote_lcap57%Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 57% [ 13 ]
Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Vote_lcap43%Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Vote_rcap 43% [ 10 ]
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101Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:34



I seriously Cant Imagine Universal Transparency because if something is Transparent you have to imagine something on the other Side at least in my Case

102Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:36



DrBob276 wrote:I think reincartion may exist, but only as an energy transfer type of thing. I have a theory that everything is constructed of energy. I think everybody has a soul or "soul", if you will. Your soul is an energy that simply may transfer when your body has died. There have been many people that have reported seeing very similar things, regardless of who they were or how they died around the world, even after brain function has completely ceased. It is always the same thing: It is very bright and there is "singing" (not like voices, it's like something they've never heard before). This happens when they are pronounced completely dead, and somehow revived. I'm not saying I'm right, it's just a theory. Nobody really knows what happens, but all we can do is guess.

i think of the things that people see when they die simply as hallucinations as the result of their brains releasing loads of chemicals when they die. and the reason that a lot of them see the same thing is because they all have this concept of heaven in their mind and they hallucinate that they are going towards it. one of my friends actually described their DMT trip as going towards a white light type thing and DMT is created in the human body for a not completely known reason, and i think its released upon death. this is just a theory of mine with no real backbone to it but it makes sense to me.

Last edited by Chewy on 2010-10-06, 21:43; edited 1 time in total

103Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:38



But if you think about it, life is not really a gift or a curse. In a way, life is a waste of time. If I were to end my life today (not threatening suicide, just saying for sake of discussion), would it really matter? In short, no. I will be forgotten in a few days/years, and life goes on. If life were to be completely extinguished, woudl it matter? No. There is no beginning to time, and there is no end. There is no final outcome. Nothing matters, really. Who's right, who's wrong, in the end, the same exact outcome will be there. That is why I don't understand people who can't tolerate each other for their beliefs (not saying you guys don't, just saying). In the end, if there is a god/re-incarnation/life after death, awesome. If not, that sucks. But it doesn't matter. We all WILL die at some time or another. It is the sad fact of living: You WILL die. Life is a pointless and stupid gift, but such an amazing experience that will never be understood.

104Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:39

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The Cramtron wrote:What I am imagining cannot be described.
I am capable of imagining it, but not in making you understand what I'm picturing.
Liquid glass? Universal transparency? I dunno. Makes sense to me.

Then that's all you'll ever need.

105Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:42



Chewy, I've read similar theories before, proposed by psychologists/neurologists/what-have-you. I think it's believable.

Bob, nothing matters, really. The Earth will be consumed by the sun, some day, and unless the human race finds a way to terraform planets (which is quite possible with nanotechnology, which in theory we will have available to us by the year 2030), then life as we know it will cease to exist.
So really, the only meaning life has is what you give it. Find what is important to you (not you, just saying "you" in the general sense), and embrace it.

106Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:44



But that is what I'm trying to say Cramtron, in the end, nothing matters. Any of us could be right, but by the time any of us figure it out, we'll probably be dead anyways.

107Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:45



I know, I understand exactly what you're saying. I guess I was just reiterating to show you that I knew what you meant.
But I guess I'm also saying that you can't let thoughts like that weigh you down.

108Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:48



Well, that's true. After a lot that you go through and learn, depending on what happens, is everybody gets a different view of things though. Religion can be a life saver too. Personally, probably the only reason I have not met my end yet is because I believe that suicide is an unforgivable sin, and I refuse to meet my end in such a cowardly way.

109Do you believe in God/Gods? - Page 3 Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-10-06, 21:52



eh, it's not like its guaranteed that nothing matters or anything.

like you could die and some dude could be like "oh yeah the meaning of life is @#$#@$*&^" and you could be like "HOLY SHIT FUCK" and jizz for 4 hours straight and understand everything completely.

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