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What was your favorite subject in school?

Captain Pirate Pineapple
The Adli Corporation
Retired Muffbuster
Cubist Castle
Artimise Flare
18 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

No, PE and Lunch do not count. Just a curiosity really, mine was world history and of course my various Art classes. I always had a great passion about history, especially the WWII and Vietnam era's, so much went on during those time periods, and there are so many fascinating stories to read and thing to learn about Very Happy



Artimise Flare wrote:No, PE and Lunch do not count. Just a curiosity really, mine was world history and of course my various Art classes. I always had a great passion about history, especially the WWII and Vietnam era's, so much went on during those time periods, and there are so many fascinating stories to read and thing to learn about Very Happy

Purely because of the Teacher Economics

Otherwise Science especially Biology

Also at my school History was Black Civil rights,The Holocaust for the 100th Fucking time (Not an exaggeration) The Treaty of Waitangi and the land wars and some other shitty event that had no war in it



None of them.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

English and Spanish. Language is just something I seem to have a knack for.
I enjoy analyzing poetry and fiction, and I even enjoy writing essays about them. Idk why. Spanish was fun because it just 'clicked' with me. Yo no estudiaba por siete anos, pero recuerdo mucho. Es posible que la grammatica es mal, pero pienso que mis ideas estan comprensibles.



The Imp wrote:English and Spanish. Language is just something I seem to have a knack for.
I enjoy analyzing poetry and fiction, and I even enjoy writing essays about them. Idk why. Spanish was fun because it just 'clicked' with me. Yo no estudiaba por siete anos, pero recuerdo mucho. Es posible que la grammatica es mal, pero pienso que mis ideas estan comprensibles.

OMG hes speaking tongues Very Happy



Same here, Artimise but add Science.



tech or math. my english teachers are bitchy dykes. if they werent i may partly enjoy it



English and Social Studies.



Im good at pretty much every subject except spanish(fuck it, doesn't matter after this year) but the only one I can actually say I like is history. I can't wait to take US history next year.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

English, Math, CADD (computer aid Draft and Design) and Goverment.


History and languages. I took French already and have taken one year of Spanish, so I love languages. I like history too because it's always fascinated me, especially modern history.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Chemistry and Philosophy Smile

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Frostbyrn wrote:
The Imp wrote:English and Spanish. Language is just something I seem to have a knack for.
I enjoy analyzing poetry and fiction, and I even enjoy writing essays about them. Idk why. Spanish was fun because it just 'clicked' with me. Yo no estudiaba por siete anos, pero recuerdo mucho. Es posible que la grammatica es mal, pero pienso que mis ideas estan comprensibles.

OMG hes speaking tongues Very Happy

*busts out the Holy Water*

The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!



Physics, Propaganda and Multimedia/photography



I absolutely HATED PE.

Though not a class, I think teaching special education/peer-tutoring were my favourite "classes".

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Kitsune no Kaji wrote:I absolutely HATED PE.

Though not a class, I think teaching special education/peer-tutoring were my favourite "classes".

Why'd you hate PE? Was my hardest class in all of school haha.



It was absolutely boring/pointless/stupid, in addition to being required for no reason. I lived on a farm, so I was always tired from helping work at home, then I'd be forced to run/exercise, with little to no purpose behind it. I found it to be a very, very frustrating circumstance.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

oh ok i only liked it because we had dodgeball and hitting people in the face with them red kick ball balls was amazing.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

PE got better once we had the option to choose team competetive, individual competetive or health/recreational sport.

i chose the latter, so while all the football mad 'jocks' were playing football, i was rock climbing and riding around on my own bike (you could bring your own bikes to the cycling lessons) Very Happy



Our PE was really boring Sad After Middle School, they said that, "PE is not for fun, you aren't children anymore. You are going to run, exercise, and show progress after every week." We had to wear heart-rate monitors to make sure that we were working hard enough. You would exercise for around 30 minutes, but had to keep your heart rate above 165 at all times, regardless. You would lose one letter grade for every 5 or so beats that it was below that at the end. So, if you got tired, you couldn't take a short break, unless you ran yourself extremely hard before/after. That, and you had to meet push-up quotas, sit-up quotas, and had to be able to lift X amount of weight over what you started, and had a minimum for your gender. It sucked. A lot.



And we had nothing fun to do Sad We had: exercise equipment, or do laps around the track/gym, and that was about it.



PE sucks. The only time I like it is when we play deck hockey in the winter. The rest of the year we just walk around the track or play shitty softball. I would play tennis during class, but everyone is an idiot at it and thinks the objective is to hit the ball over the fence... Rolling Eyes

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

wow, sounds like major naziage.

in PE for our last two years (our 'option' years where i did lifestyle and health PE) it was pretty laidback.

the cycling was nuts though, we were doing laps but me and my friend brought our own bikes and raced it each other every single lesson as fast as we could. it was fun times, and the teachers didnt care because we the 'best example' lol XD



Yeah, it was pretty stupid. That, and our school wouldn't allow guys to play Volleyball, because it was a "Girl's Only" sport. I never wanted to play volleyball, but I still found it stupid because I know there are some people that did want to who couldn't. I could understand girls playing softball, and boys playing baseball, but to me, that was rather odd. Especially when they allowed girls to do Football and Wrestling (they JUST started allowing that towards the end of my middle school years though)

I used to love riding my bike to the lake! Very Happy It was 10 miles away, and my bike sucked, but I just kept riding around until I had the endurance to do it; then I'd go fishing.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Yeah, it was pretty stupid. That, and our school wouldn't allow guys to play Volleyball, because it was a "Girl's Only" sport. I never wanted to play volleyball, but I still found it stupid because I know there are some people that did want to who couldn't. I could understand girls playing softball, and boys playing baseball, but to me, that was rather odd. Especially when they allowed girls to do Football and Wrestling (they JUST started allowing that towards the end of my middle school years though)

I used to love riding my bike to the lake! Very Happy It was 10 miles away, and my bike sucked, but I just kept riding around until I had the endurance to do it; then I'd go fishing.

Funny... girls here can join the football team and guys can join cheerleading... Shocked



HA! xD That's pretty odd. Here, there is no way, in Hell, a guy could ever get on the cheerleading team. It may be the fact that we live in an all-White, very religious and right-wing community. Basically, if somebody thinks that somebody else is a homosexual for any reason, they will probably beat the shit out of that person. I'm not gay, but it's still rather sad that people can't just be who they are and be tolerated (as long as they don't hit on me or something, I don't really care). Come to think of it, there's a lot of things you can do where I live, and have a good chance of being jumped/having the utter shit beat out of you, despite the fact that our community is usually fairly friendly.



PE was Horrible!

I had Severs disease so while my Classmates were running around in a T Shirt and shorts on the Cold muddy ground i had to get foot massages from the hot blonde school nurse or go to the Library,It was Terrible i tell you!

Although if they were playing Ping pong i usually braved the pain Very Happy

Also even though i didnt if anyone wants to fake it Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

severs disease ---> philosophy




Math. Simply cause I can crunch large numbers pretty easily without a calculator. And I found Math problems to be like puzzles. And I like puzzles.



Ante you suck.

I glanced over your post to see if i might be interested and noticed P and ZZ come up multiple times

So i read your post and let me tell you there was a serious lack of Pizza!

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Science or German. Probably German because I don't hate my class as much.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Frostbyrn wrote:PE was Horrible!

I had Severs disease so while my Classmates were running around in a T Shirt and shorts on the Cold muddy ground i had to get foot massages from the hot blonde school nurse or go to the Library,It was Terrible i tell you!

Although if they were playing Ping pong i usually braved the pain Very Happy

Also even though i didnt if anyone wants to fake it Very Happy

So... did you have sex with this said hot blonde? thats all that matters.



No why would i?

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

You said she was hot. so why wouldnt you?




Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

oh haha.. still should have



Your an Ass Very Happy

But if you want to cheat on your GF with a 30 year old Blonde women go ahead Very Happy

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Haha.. i wouldnt but i dont know about you.. And shit i got enough problems not wanting to fuck my teachers haha Razz



Ventus wrote:I would play tennis during class, but everyone is an idiot at it and thinks the objective is to hit the ball over the fence... Rolling Eyes

God this drives me fucking crazy...



On second thought I think my favorite subjects were drinking, smoking pot, and getting laid....TBH

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

TexasMace wrote:On second thought I think my favorite subjects were drinking, smoking pot, and getting laid....TBH

At school atleast? if not then doesnt count!



Retired Muffbuster wrote:oh ok i only liked it because we had dodgeball and hitting people in the face with them red kick ball balls was amazing.

Yes! God I loved playing dodgeball.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

Metalzoic wrote:
Retired Muffbuster wrote:oh ok i only liked it because we had dodgeball and hitting people in the face with them red kick ball balls was amazing.

Yes! God I loved playing dodgeball.

Haha you know whats up. atleast your school wasnt lame like the rest of theirs.



I took weights for PE once. There was no running. I hate running.

I enjoyed most of my classes except math, and physical science. The rest of it was pretty fine and dandy. I really enjoyed social studies, history, geography, English. Economics was ok. Health was interesting.

But, recess beats everything.

Retired Muffbuster

Retired Muffbuster

I hate school when it comes to classes.. only reason i liked school what so ever is because this year (senior) i had 2 really hot teachers that im like best friends with. other than that i gave up because school was so easy and i could have graduated highschool when i was like 14.

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