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FEAR 3 is damn good

4 posters

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1FEAR 3 is damn good Empty FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-06-30, 19:02



Warning- FEAR fanboy post

BUY THIS GAME!!! I need MP teamates! The co op MP is probably my favorite of this gen. The game modes are a breath of fresh air. Plus Contactions took the best parts of CoD Zombies and Gears Horde and improved the forumla for the better. Its a friggin blast.

The SP has a ton of re playability, and it does a fantastic job wrapping up Alma's story. Well at least one of the endings was good. I wont comment on Fettel's ending.....

2FEAR 3 is damn good Empty Re: FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-06-30, 20:42



I'm so jelly!!! I've barely gotten to play the first one so I'm still a long way behind you. I don't want to butcher the story though.

Still jealous. It looks so awesome and that guy is on fire!!! Damn you Symmy.

Does it still give you a ridiculously easy setting?

3FEAR 3 is damn good Empty Re: FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-06-30, 21:07



Im not sure. I played on the 3rd highest difficulty, and it was hard. Ive always appreciated the FEAR games because they were difficult. Not much has changed I dont think

4FEAR 3 is damn good Empty Re: FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-07-01, 00:09



I'm playing on easy, cause I'm a sissy like that. It tends to be a little too easy, but that's ok since I tend to screw up a lot. Plus it means I can charge my enemies shooting full auto, which is fun...

I'm still jealous though. I like that guy on fire. So awesome. The other guy reminds me of John Marston.

5FEAR 3 is damn good Empty Re: FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-07-01, 00:20



Mad i want this game but my wallet is dying. DAMN YOU VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY!!!!

6FEAR 3 is damn good Empty Re: FEAR 3 is damn good 2011-07-01, 02:47

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I was considering this game but I too am strapped for cash. Maybe someday Sym, I will pick this up and will will tear the community a new one. They will know true fear someday.

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