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 » The Lounge » Archives » Fear 3 MP

Fear 3 MP

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1Fear 3 MP Empty Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 01:06



My god is it fun! Its like a breath of fresh air.

2Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 01:25



Fear 3 is out?
*wallet starts to twitch*

I'm feeling lazy. Describe unto me the multiplayer goodness that you perceive please now thanks.

3Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 03:33



Well there are 4 modes. 2 co-op and 2 competitive.

One mode is very similar to COD's zombies, except its on steroids, and you have to collect cases of ammo and guns to bring back to the safe house between rounds. And Alma is constantly walking around the map, and if you so much as look at her, she possesses you instantly. Its fun as hell.

Then there's F****** Run. Which is very unique. You got a team of 4, and the premise is simple. Your constantly being chased by an evil wall of smoke, which instantly kills you if its catches you. If one teammate dies, the whole team fails. You work through mass amounts of enemies to make it to each safe house all while running for your damn life from the cloud. Its chaotic and frenetic as hell.

Then theres a mode similar to VS in Left 4 Dead. 4 players, 3 on the same team, and one is randomly chosen to be the Possessed. The team works together to try to stay alive from hordes of enemies as long as possible, while the possessed dude tries to kill them in various ways.

Then theres another mode I havent played yet. All four mode require teamwork in order to do good. I love it. Would be a blast with friends thats for sure. I bought F3AR for the SP, as Im a fan boy of the series Smile But the MP is a HUGE surprise, and one that I can see myself playing for awhile.

4Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 04:53



Hey Symbolic, glad to hear the multi's good Very Happy

The game comes out today in the UK, and I'll be picking it up after work so I'll add you for some online if you like!

I've got a shit-ton of stuff I should be doing over the next few months, but I can always find a bit of Xbox time to unwind so I'll be around Very Happy

5Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 06:42



Yea man, Ill add you to my FL tomorrow. I havent touched the SP yet, as Im replaying 2(about halfway done) before I do. I forgot alot of the story. But I played probably 3 1/2 hours of multi tonight and enjoyed the hell out of it. Contraction( think CoD zombies) is a blast. WAY better than zombie mode IMO. The horror factor, and Alma just add to the atmosphere. And Fucking Run!( greatest game mode name ever) is very unique, and I cant think of anything on the market like it at the moment. I got into a good game with some randoms who actually had mics, and it was a blast.

6Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 08:30



Nice - Fucking Run sounds great, as does Contractions! I'm playing through 2 again before I start the single player on 3, it's a damn good game.

I've got some way to go though before it's beat (it's a hard mode run) so I'll probably buck and just play through 3 and come back to it later. Got limited time to play, and I have already beaten 2.....we'll see!

7Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 12:10



Cool thanks. Sounds pretty great.

8Fear 3 MP Empty Re: Fear 3 MP 2011-06-24, 17:49



Hopefully I can influence the SeC once again!

<evil laugh>

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