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[BF4] Really liking the PKP so far

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

So far the thing is a death machine, though it's far more difficult to hit targets at range with it while standing or crouched than it is with the M249 from my experience.

With the bipod deployed though, it's incredibly accurate. Definitely lends itself well to a more defensive style of game play, burst fire is essential, even more so than other LMG's from what I can tell.

Over all I'm loving the support kit, most of the guns feel beefy and the kit in general is a blast to play with (DAT XM25!)



I prefer the M240. Seems a lot more stable.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I just unlocked it, so I'll have to try it out in a match. I messed around with it in the test range and I have to agree it feels more stable (That's the way it was back in BF3 too).

The LMG's in general feel fantastic though IMHO, DICE did a great job in regards to buffing them from what I can tell. The RPK-74 seems a bit inaccurate even in burst fire, but I've yet to unlock an optic for it, and I've not used it much, so it may just be me warming up to it.

The M249 SAW is till my best LMG so far though.



I liked PKP for quite a while, but I tossed it away.

It just doesn't live up to LSAT or M249 in its optimized ranges, and it is quite rare to find PKP to be in this weird situations where it excels over previous two. It does have power, so if you really are not afraid of getting one shotted by 'that' sniper then it will be ok with bipod deployed, but LSAT is still better in this situation as well.

RPK series seem to be garbage. I am probably confusing between two RPKs, but both just don't seem accurate enough despite being magazine fed (both in standing or bipod).

XM25 used to be my #3 weapon of choice, but M98B catching up with M40, being carried away with SAR-21(?), sticking with P226, and my newly formed 870 shotgun has pushed it out of its spot. Not to mention that mortar is quite lulzy in some maps for killing off base camping attackers.



Not playing through the campaign any tiem soon so the MG4 is going to have to be my M249.



Fuck the campaign its terrible



I'm still in process with unlocking stuff for LMG, so I will give my actual thoughts about it on MG4, but from just looking at stats, M249 will give you shots in a slightly more circular grouping than MG4's slightly more vertically skewed circular grouping.

Campaign was horribad. But P90 and M249 is well worth it, especially P90. I probably would have completely given up on PDW if I had to work with MX4 in the initial stage.



My god the MX4 range is horribad



Most of my PDW rant/hate/whatever stemmed from MX4 in beta, which gave me no choice but to run with it until I got carbine. It is just... ugghhhhhhh.....



Its a pretty brutal weapon to use

You put yourself at a disadvantage  using it

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, I just don't like the PDW's, they're ridiculously inaccurate, even in burst (varies from gun to gun).

As for the LMG's I guess it really depends on your play style, I try to stick with my squadmates to the best of my ability (unless they're idiots) and stay a few meters behind them so that I can give them covering fire.

The M249 SAW feels like you can go and be more aggressive with it, while you must be more reserved with the PKP if you want to do well. I'll run a few rounds with the M240 this weekend and see how it differs in an actual match.



The MX4 is just like a squirt gun

I have 9% accuracy with it haha

Pretty pathetic as I engage alot of targets from range.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, you should at least still be able to hit a man sized target who's across the street with burst fire, the PDW's barely seem to be able to do that. It's really aggravating.



To be fair the MX4 treated me well in CQC

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Frankly, I'll take a carbine over almost any of the PDW's any day of the week.

It think the way the PDW's were back in BF3 were fine for the most part, they were still pretty effective at a distance, and completely rocked socks in CQC (With an exception against the MTAR, F2k and other CQC focused AR's)



Not forbidding myself from using carbine on engineer has made it MUCH easier to play.

It has pretty decent hip fire as well (not PDW level, but good enough) so the play style does not change all that much, but I get a decent mid range firepower.



I use the carbine for most classed except assault haha



Carbine basically is a easy mode for classes other than Assault.

Giving an option other than the main weapon is a good idea, but if it is clearly above it, then there is something wring here.



Carbines are way better than the PDW's

I just dont like LMG's and Im not much of a sniper

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