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This game is really starting to piss me off

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I feel like if I only saved once every half hour and didn't use auto save I would still be in Goodsprings. In the doctor's house.

This patch needs to come quick. I just tried doing the same damn fight in the Thorn 3 times in a row, and it keeps freezing my xbox completely. And then I have to deal with these ridiculously long loading screens that increase in length exponentially as you keep playing. Seriously I have had to wait about 5 minutes at times, just to have to move to some other place right after and wait another few minutes.

I'm not sure I can keep playing this anymore until this patch comes out. It's really a shame how shitty of a job they did testing it, because it's a really good game other than that stuff.


Have you tried clearing your cache?



No I haven't done that in a while. That deletes all updates and stuff though too, right?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

When the loading times get really long just do what I do, shut your system off and go take a poop for five minutes. Fixes everything.


Yeah I believe so. I haven't downloaded any updates for this game though so I don't have that problem.

From what I've heard, it only takes a few seconds to DL the updates again so it may be worth it to give it a try.



Well I'll give that a try later today probably. Gonna let it cool off a bit.

Also good advice Soap, but it just sucks that you can only play this game for like an hour at a time since it's an RPG which requires several hours.

They've been using this engine for what, almost 5 years now? You'd think they'd have it at least somewhat down...

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Uh, I play for hours at a time before the load times get horendous. Normally they get mildly long and slightly annoying at about 6 hours of play, then at around 9 aggravatingly long.


Def clear the cache also though, it will help.

I've had maybe 15 crashes in the roughly 200 hours of play but I'm sure it would be much worse if I hadn't been clearing the cache on a regular basis.

I don't really fault the devs or the engine given the scope of the game. We ask the game to do a lot for us in terms of remembering all of the **** we do to affect the game world so some technical snafus are to be expected.

QA of every possible variable of these different things would mean that this game isn't out yet and probably wouldn't be for a couple of more years. Even with a better engine I'm sure these issues would still exist.

Please don't blame the QA group for the shortcomings of the game, I'm sure many issues were reported and a lot were either waived, too complicated to fix without creating more issues, or just missed due to the tremendous scope of the game.

Having spent the last 12 years in Quality Assurance I can assure you that most of the issues that occur in games were most likely found. QA is responsible for reporting issues and that's it, the decision to fix these issues is usually out of hands of QA. /rantsoapbox


Dropped Da Soap wrote:Uh, I play for hours at a time before the load times get horendous. Normally they get mildly long and slightly annoying at about 6 hours of play, then at around 9 aggravatingly long.

I think this is all dependent on the aforementioned affect you're having on your game everyone's experience may vary slightly. Also hardware could be a factor. I get the slower loads maybe 3-4 hours into a session. I also think the bigger your save file is has something to do with it.

One my 100+ hours save file load times in general were longer, but when I started a new character the loads were damn near immediate lol. I was l shocked at how fast it was loading actually.

I've also heard that installing the game actually causes slower loads after extended play and it was recommended not to do that if you were going to be playing for more than 2-3 hours at a time. Not sure if that's true but I found that interesting as well.



Well by blaming the testing I meant the fixing of that as well, not just the testers. Yeah it's a complex engine which remembers a shitload of stuff at once, but knowing that still doesn't make it less frustrating when it freezes up for me. But I mean yeah I'd prefer it freeze up every once and a while instead of having stuff disappear after I lose sight of it.

It probably really isn't worth installing it to the hard drive though, I might try taking it back off. It was only tested a little bit faster and I'm sure they didn't start testing the load times 3 hours in.

Also I'm pretty sure that The Thorn is one of the glitchiest parts of the game, check out the list of bugs, it's like 4 times bigger than the description: It's been freezing up for me and then I encountered the stalemate glitch where 3 deathclaws and scorpions just stare at each other.


Yeah The Thorn was ****ed up for me with the fighting. Luckily I had a Silenced Sniper Rifle to "fix" the problem when it occurred which was pretty frequently unfortunately.

Hopefully this issue gets better for ya. I understand how frustrating it can be.



Where did you find the silencer for the sniper rifle?

I've been checking at the Gun Runners and that outpost north of Novac for quite a while and it still hasn't showed up. I've been wanting it so I can go take out some deathclaws, I've heard it makes it easy.


Brian wrote:Where did you find the silencer for the sniper rifle?

I've been checking at the Gun Runners and that outpost north of Novac for quite a while and it still hasn't showed up. I've been wanting it so I can go take out some deathclaws, I've heard it makes it easy.

* Vendortron, Gun Runners
* Arms Merchant, 188 Trading Post

You have to keep checking back since the inventories rotate every so often.



Yeah those are the places I keep checking, I must just have really bad timing.


What level are you? Could be level based. I can't recall what level I was when I found it.



I'm 25 I believe, whatever "Stuff of Nightmares" is.



Deleting the update actually has almost no effect on what you already have.

In fact, you need to delete the update to enter an Abandoned Brothers of Steel Bunker, if you want the 4th Repair Skill Book.

You can install the update back afterward (if you deleted it for whatever reason), and there would be no penalty.

The next patch might change something, so I will have to see about the next patch.


Brian wrote:I'm 25 I believe, whatever "Stuff of Nightmares" is.

Ahh, I definitely got it before level 25.

You could always wait in front of the Gun Runners for 72 hours at a time until appears at the shop if you're into the type of thing.



Winston Zeddemore wrote:

Ahh, I definitely got it before level 25.

You could always wait in front of the Gun Runners for 72 hours at a time until appears at the shop if you're into the type of thing.

I'll do that as a last resort. I'm just going to use it for hunting deathclaws and that can wait.



I would highly suggest the AM rifle over the Sniper Rifle, with incendiary/AP ammunition, and only headshots, with a sneak attack critical, lol. Those things are really mean in this game, compared to FO3.



If you need to go Sneak Critical a Deathclaw, and your only choice is Sniper Rifle, go with Hollow Point round, instead of Armor Piercing.

DT is negated on Sneak Critical, so added 1.75 damage is lulz.



DT is ignored with Sneak Attack Criticals? I didn't know that. Thanks. Smile




And since you can use silencer on the sniper rifle, you can just use HP round all day long without exposing yourself, if you are at a decent distance.

No need for hand loaded rounds to be wasted, and don't be sad that you don't have hand loader perk (well, if you are primarily a gun user, maybe. But the sniper rifle is going to get shafting in the upcoming patch).


DrBob276 wrote:I would highly suggest the AM rifle over the Sniper Rifle, with incendiary/AP ammunition, and only headshots, with a sneak attack critical, lol. Those things are really mean in this game, compared to FO3.

Meh, I did just fine with a suppressed Sniper Rifle with Armor Piercing ammo. Even normal ammo was working ok.

I prefer the suppressed SR cause you can take em out without alerting others and getting bumrushed.



I like the match grade ammo on the AM rifle; it seems to reduce the sway to almost nothing (at least it seems?) for whatever reason, I think to simulate accuracy? I have mainly my AM rifle with 300 rounds (various types, lol) with me anyways, and 60,000 caps on my main game, so I can pretty much do what I want now, ammo wise. Very Happy On a new game though, this information is valuable.


I got the AM rifle while acquiring the Darth Vader Ranger Armor. I messed around with it for a bit, but by then I was so in love with my SR I ditched it.



IIRC, spread = sway in scoped mode.

So, I think the match grade's decrease in spread would result in the reduction in sway.

Though, I just take Steady, if I really need it. But I usually just body shot with YCS OC or MC round (my lazy sniping mode). LoL



Winston Zeddemore wrote:I got the AM rifle while acquiring the Darth Vader Ranger Armor. I messed around with it for a bit, but by then I was so in love with my SR I ditched it.
SR is probably a better all rounder, heck it is probably the best all rounder weapon in the game at the moment (but will be getting some shafting soon).

AM rifle just has less sway for long range shots to the head.

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