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Fear 3

Ron Swanson
Dropped Da Soap
9 posters

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1Fear 3 Empty Fear 3 2011-06-17, 19:44



Looks awesome!

I've never played any of them. Are they good?

Educate me demmit!

2Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 19:46

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I loved the first one, heard some bad things about the second, haven't looked into the third at all.

3Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 19:59



Is it a shooter? I remember hearing about them when the first came out yearsss ago, but I didn't pay any attention. All I know is that guy is on fire and it looks bad ass!

4Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 20:04

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I too am curious. I belive its a shooter but I haven't played any of them, but I've seen a few bits on Fear 3 and it looks pretty wild

5Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 20:38

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Its a first person shooter yes Sheep.

I don't remember much but the 1st was really cool. Great story, creepy atmosphere, and had a kick ass slo mo mechanic. Ran off adrenaline that slowly recharged, but was so cool to use

6Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 20:54



1st one was great. Scared the shit out of me and my friend. 2nd was a solid shooter as well, but wasn't nearly as scary. Still had it's jumpy moments, though...

7Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 20:54



The first was great - really creepy atmosphere and some genuine chills. Only problem is the incredibly bland environment - it literally doesn't change at all through the entire game.

The second game is not quite as 'scary', but certainly has it's moments. There's a great deal more variety in the environments, and controlling the mechs(!) is awesome. It does suffer a little from sequelitis - the experience lacks the freshness of the first, simply because it's been seen before. Also, the main protagonist just isn't as frightening any more because you know more about her and her motives so the mystery is gone. It also has a completely 'wtf' ending that's just about one of the least satisfying I've ever seen.

I do remember, whilst playing the second game, thinking that it had some of the best pacing in any game I've ever played - fps or otherwise.

What both games do have, is a really fucking solid combat engine - with satisfying ballistics and some imaginative weapons - as well as above average ai and solid visuals/audio (although the first looks particularly dated now). The slow-mo is in both games, and is a lot of fun to play with. They both leverage well between slower, creepy moments and balls-out action sequences. Gunfights are visceral and exciting.

I thoroughly enjoyed both - however, I've been looking a bit at the third, and my initial thoughts were that maybe it's a sequel too far.....although I am being swayed somewhat by more recent footage. Really, it's the playing as Paxton Fettel and 'possessing' side of the gameplay that has me concerned. It seems like a big departure away from what Fear has been about before, but maybe it's good that they're mixing things up a bit.

There used to be demos of both games on the Live marketplace (I think.....100% there was one for Fear 2), so if those are still available I'd recommend checking them out. Otherwise, I imagine they're both pretty cheap now Smile

8Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:04



Would it be a good idea to play the first one? If there's an indepth story I'm noylt sure I want to jump into in game 3 and then feel confused.

Is it a kind of easy shooter? Like... Say RDR? Where I don't have to be an awesome player at Fps to have a good time playing the game? 'Cause BC2 is really the only shooter, outside RDR, that I've played a lot of.

Was Fear 1 only for the PC?

9Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:05



It's F.3.A.R. not Fear 3.

10Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:07



Same freaking difference. Fear 3 is a whole lot easier to type too. So there.

11Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:10



But it's so much more fun being an asshole and making fun of the people that decided to use leetspeak in a game's title.

12Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:10



they were on xbox and ps3 and pc from what I bro has the 2nd game and I borrowed the 1st a couple years ago from a friend...if I had the money I'd get the 3rd one.It's supposed to come out next week unless it gets delayed again lol.

it's made by the same people that made the Condemned games...creepy Very Happy I like any scary game Twisted Evil

13Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-17, 22:27



So. They have it on Steam, the original. Maybe I should get Steam and play it on there.

Just to figure out Steam...

14Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 00:30



sheep wrote:Would it be a good idea to play the first one? If there's an indepth story I'm noylt sure I want to jump into in game 3 and then feel confused.

Is it a kind of easy shooter? Like... Say RDR? Where I don't have to be an awesome player at Fps to have a good time playing the game? 'Cause BC2 is really the only shooter, outside RDR, that I've played a lot of.

Was Fear 1 only for the PC?

I'd start with the 1st. You can get it really cheap used for 360.

I really liked the first 2. Like the others said it's basically a horror FPS with lots of super creepy and genuinely scary moments. Also has some cool gameplay mechanics.

I played through them on Hard (and it was hard) so I'm not sure how difficult it is on a normal setting.

15Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 03:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Tapia is awesome for mentioning Condemned!!! Scariest games ever on the 360!!

That Bear in the second game made me shit my pants.

16Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 03:41



They are very story intensive, so I would play the others first. I love both the first, and have Fear 3 on pre order to pick up Tuesday. Im pumped, should be awesome.

17Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 10:29



You'll have to write about it on your blog when you get Symmy so I can get all the details. I won't be getting it right away for sure, but if I stumble upon the first one for cheap I might nab it. Can't spend too much right now since I have 2 trips coming up.

18Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 11:51



Dropped da Soap wrote:Tapia is awesome for mentioning Condemned!!! Scariest games ever on the 360!!

That Bear in the second game made me shit my pants.

I loved the Condemned games (the end area of 2 and the explanation for all the insanity sucked though Mad ). The bear was definitely one of the scariest video game moments ever.

19Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 13:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah the end of 2 was like......what?
REALLY? That was it?!?

Other then that, great game!

Decent MP too

20Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-18, 14:14



Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil me and my bro and friend loved the multiplayer.It's a shame nobody gets on Condemned 2 multiplayer anymore......I used to love crimescene on farm house.My bro's like number 8 or something in the whole world on one of the leaderboards Razz

I hope they make condemned 3.I didn't expect to even see a Fear 3 though.Props to them....I like any scary game :3

21Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-20, 16:50



sheep wrote:You'll have to write about it on your blog when you get Symmy so I can get all the details. I won't be getting it right away for sure, but if I stumble upon the first one for cheap I might nab it. Can't spend too much right now since I have 2 trips coming up.

Was planning on it Smile

Also for the record- I went to Gamestop last night and found Fear 1 for 9.99 used, and Fear 2 for 15.99 used. I bought them both for 360 so I could play them again. The first is a bit outdated to todays standards, but its still damn good. I played the first chapter last night, and it was a creepy as I remember.

22Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-20, 19:36



Only 9.99? I might see if my game stop has it and pick it up then next time I'm up that way.

23Fear 3 Empty Re: Fear 3 2011-06-20, 21:16



haha I could pick up the 1st game again and we play the multiplayer or something Razz

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