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Very few of us left...

Mrs. Terry of Hat
The Adli Corporation
Manila Plague
Dusk at Cubist Castle
The Mr. E of Hat
Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
Ars Diaboli
Dropped Da Soap
36 posters

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101Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:24



yea that's me too,I know how alot of the originals felt really,well hell I'm pretty much an original too but I forgot about the site for a couple months Razz I should of bookmarked it sooner

102Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:27

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Hah! I've always been a lurker which doesn't help...I never see anything I won't to post in for the most part Razz

103Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:28

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i joined in the very early stages but got distracted by exams for a few months Razz

104Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:31



Ok, here we go, the definitive Pariah Post.

First off, I don't expect any of you to take this seriously. I pride myself on understanding people, but if you think I'm wrong based on my age or behavior, that's your prerogative and your choice. Don't take me seriously then. This will be my honest, total opinion, treat it as you will.

As I've previously stated, I don't think ponies caused the fall in membership. Yes, there was spam of ponies, but its really not been a problem. On the ponies, I do have to agree that the sigs and avatars would have been the issue. I have nothing against it, but I see why others might.

Restricting that, however, feels very wrong to me. I would hate the idea of anyone losing their freedom here, since this is really one of the most open and diverse communities I frequent. Losing one freedom might lead to others, and that would drive more members away.

Yes, part of the thing that drove most people away may have been violent rebuttal by the entire pony collective (not naming anyone as the sole cause). That seems reasonable to me, as some people did get extremely defensive. The passion and belief in that cause was, as DL put it, admirable, but the method of expression may have gone over the top.

The affair seems to me like it provided an easy opportunity for anyone who wasn't in love with the site or even slightly disillusioned to leave.

I regret every member who's left, even the one I hated. I enjoyed the community, every part of it. And I loved learning about the SeC and about people from some of the older folks and original members. I'll use Mills as an example. He and I didn't always get along really well, but I respected him, and I was sorry to see him go. It was like losing a part of the extended family.

Now, onto responding to what others have written.

The Mr. E of Hat wrote:How delightfully amusing~
The forest.../snip

First I'd like to say that the evolutionary analogy is spot on and I enjoyed reading it, thank you for that. And the need to expand, as you so eloquently put it, is there. We can expand, or continue as we are. I have no prejudice against either option, but I'm not leaving. I'm attached to this place, and I don't want it to die out.

Manila Plague wrote:as adults.../snip

Personally, I think the tolerance we've always displayed towards eachother is one of the most important characteristics of this site. I don't judge you guys on any preconceived ideas really, and I hope you'd do me the same courtesy. I don't judge Greg and Camel for being stoners, not Metal for being older, nor anyone else.

Part of the...
Older people dont like.../quote]

No one likes getting advice, but this is true. I hope that you guys can differentiate with me, when I'm just fooling around and when I'm trying to be helpful. I'd hope that much of the tone is visible. I understand why the older crowd might not like advice from my generation, but then I also feel like thats wrong. I think that everyone should be treated with respect, regardless of age, since you never know who someone really is. Sometimes we kids can be wise and insightful, but if you treat us like wailing toddlers, then that's all you'll ever see in us.

Again, treat this post with the respect you think it deserves. If you see me as a teenager without a mind, then just ignore me. But this is what I feel and think about this site that I love.

105Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:54



Very few of us left... - Page 3 Berneydidnotread

106Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 20:25



Frostbyrn wrote:Know who I miss?

Dark Horizon he was my wingman!

woah shit when did he leave?

107Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 20:27

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I think he just stopped posting after a while i don't remember seeing a departure topic.

108Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah I dont remember a departure from him either.

109Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:29



I'm still here guys Very Happy

110Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:36

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That supposed to be exciting?

111Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:40



ouch Sad

112Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:46

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap


113Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 21:51



*goes and hides in a corner* ; n ;

114Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 22:45



i dont post much cause of school, that could be the same for a lot of peepl. that and my laptop died, so its less convienient to use a comp in general.

the place is still alive, it didnt die becasue of ponies, thats kinda simple minded
worst comes to worst, we may lose sec website but i dont think we will lose sec through Xbox parties

115Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 22:48



if you guys ran only off of xbox parties you'd probably never hear from me again unless I was with Pariah.....

I haz no xbox D:

116Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 22:59



1fnbighen wrote:i dont post much cause of school, that could be the same for a lot of peepl. that and my laptop died, so its less convienient to use a comp in general.

the place is still alive, it didnt die becasue of ponies, thats kinda simple minded
worst comes to worst, we may lose sec website but i dont think we will lose sec through Xbox parties

yeah even if the forum goes silent im sure the community will be around for years to come

117Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:05



Siren wrote:I'm still here guys Very Happy

i didn't forget Razz

118Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:05



The one and only, amazing Dick Pickle Pony wrote:i dont post much cause of school

*Pats DPP on the head... Good DPP! Yours has always been the only good pony...

First off:
D! Cramtron™ Good to see you guys!

Its cool that everyone kinda chimed in with their thoughts.

Regardless of the right or wrong of it or whether or not you like it, the pony thing did play a role in people leaving.
It doesn't really matter anymore, I was just feeling really bummed out because I would rather have the people than the ponies. Err... ponies as in pony stuff, not you pony people.

119Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:15



Metal, can we just put this topic to rest? Now that everyone seems to have chimed in and said how they feel, I think the venting is almost done. Might it be time to just move on?

120Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:16



Sure. I'm done.

121Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I actually am surprised at the way this topic went. I posted my opinions and so did others. And I am fairly certain that like everyone else my opinion would have started a fight.

This topic went thru really maturely.

122Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:31



I agree.

*Kicks Soap in the nuts.

123Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:31



Dropped Sa Doap wrote:I actually am surprised at the way this topic went. I posted my opinions and so did others. And I am fairly certain that like everyone else my opinion would have started a fight.

This topic went thru really maturely.

You know, I had a lot less of a problem with this topic than I though. To be perfectly honest, I didn't have the urge to troll, or swear or even be a dick this time. And to be perfectly fair I was expecting it to erupt into a fight with bronies on one side, and everyone whos antibrony on the other. I think this was a good show! Cheers all around SeC.

124Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:31

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Ooh man. ....low blow man....low blow.

125Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:35



I think this was a good show! Cheers all around SeC.

Word. Good talk everyone. Now lets all go get icecream!

*Kicks Soap in the nuts again.

126Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:37



with crushed nuts on top?

127Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 23:42

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Metalzoic wrote:
*Kicks Soap in the nuts.
i second this.

128Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:16



People grow up and move on. We can't all stay on this board forever!
and mint chip ice cream is the bomb diggity.

129Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:17



I'll be here forever I'm immortal Razz

130Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:19



JrTapia1991 wrote:I'll be here forever I'm immortal Razz

share some of your life-giving elixir already, damn it Sad

131Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:29



Sinners wrote:
JrTapia1991 wrote:I'll be here forever I'm immortal Razz

share some of your life-giving elixir already, damn it Sad
there are public decency laws against that.

132Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:32



As long as there is a SeC there will be a Frostbyrn Very Happy

133Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:37



a diet of coke,sammaches,and taco bell Razz

134Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:43


Pariah wrote:with crushed nuts on top?

Now this made me laugh.elephant Soap deserves to have his nuts crushed.

135Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:44

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

and now for something completely different

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

136Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:52



just a regular day in the park for plague

137Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 00:59

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

cause that's how i roll

138Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:03



Nah things in Canada are just that fucked up bag boy

139Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:15



i lol'd i have to say

140Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:31



*crawls out of hole*

I'm still here to.

I guess.

*slithers back into hole*

141Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:37

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Very few of us left... - Page 3 282-mother-of-god

142Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Why does the SeC now have a fetish for kicking my nads.

143Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 01:53



Camel wrote:Very few of us left... - Page 3 282-mother-of-god

*crawls out of hole*

If that reaction is for me then I feel loved now.

*slithers back into hole*

144Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:11



I was actually going to make a topic the other day saying people I miss who have left the SeC and you were like 3rd on the list Jawas Very Happy

145Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:13

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

That was indeed for you Jawa i could not remember the last time you post, besides today.

146Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:14



Last time I remember him posting he started being a pervert and horning in on my Women!

147Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:24



*crawls out of hole*

@Camel Thank you. I know it has been a while

@Frostbyrn Sure I have.

I'd always want to try to play with you guys but I'd always get so busy. Different time zones do not help as well.

*slithers back into hole*

148Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:35



*Makes the Im watching you gesture*

Stay away from Sheep Very Happy

And what different timezones Sheep and DL play together all the time and you live like an hour from her right?

If anyone can complain about timezones its me,Duan,Snuffy and Cardboard

149Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 02:43



Frostbyrn wrote:*Makes the Im watching you gesture*

Stay away from Sheep Very Happy

And what different timezones Sheep and DL play together all the time and you live like an hour from her right?

If anyone can complain about timezones its me,Duan,Snuffy and Cardboard

*crawls out of hole*

That is true.

*slithers back out of hole*

150Very few of us left... - Page 3 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 03:55



Frostbyrn wrote:*Makes the Im watching you gesture*

*Makes the same gesture while looking at Frost.*

I'm always watching you, even when you go into a room with no windows.

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