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Very few of us left...

Mrs. Terry of Hat
The Adli Corporation
Manila Plague
Dusk at Cubist Castle
The Mr. E of Hat
Ron Swanson
Patrick Star
Ars Diaboli
Dropped Da Soap
36 posters

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51Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 02:23


Hmm...the absence of Greg explains a lot. I miss that dude.

52Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 02:24

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Kyuubey wrote:I haven't been on here as much as I used to. I blame my discovery of Reddit. I hate that website and its community so much, yet I can't stop going there D:

Also I don't think anyone left because of the ponies.
I also blame reddit but i mainly stick to /r/trees and go to the occasional r/nosleep and some r/bf3 in between, but i do usually have this site in another tab
lurking all day er day.

53Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 02:45

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly Reddits site layout confused teh shit out o me.

54Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 10:03



Zillah wrote:I talked to greg a few days ago, he said he's had a lot of "house guests" lately and will be back.

Ah, so he's turned his house into a brothel again, that makes sense.

55Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 10:50


Zillah wrote:I talked to greg a few days ago, he said he's had a lot of "house guests" lately and will be back.

and for the ponies, it might not be the ponies itself, but it did widen the gap between the older members on the board (none of which liked the ponie stuff) and the younger members.

I'll miss silent avenger Greg.

56Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 10:51

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Zillah wrote:\and for the ponies, it might not be the ponies itself, but it did widen the gap between the older members on the board (none of which liked the ponie stuff) and the younger members.

^ This is the issue I think Metal was trying to hit on. I don't like the ponies personally. I hate having to be careful at work because dancing sigs draw a lot of atttention, but none of that stuff is my buisness so I never complain about it. But the fact of the matter between the site migration and the ponies we lost/alienated a lot of people.

I'm in the same situation that Metal is in. But I'm kinda in between the young, and older groups on this site and I found myself at home more with the older generation here. So I got to see all the hidden topics about why people were becoming fed up with the way things were around here. I saw all the people, who never really spoke out about it, complain about the pony stuff.

So Ante is right to an extent, the pony shit gets scapegoated a bit. But it definetly led to a lot of MY friends leaving the site.

57Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 11:54

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

How delightfully amusing~

The forest overrun with neon rainbows leaving the pale pastels endangered and threatened.

Can one blame the survivor? Can one fault that which succeeds? Or should we fault that which has failed to adapt? I suppose the victim always chooses a violator but then who is the true victim? That which is fading or that which is accused for succeeding?

Absolutely fascinating... but perhaps less Animal Planet.

People came. People ponied. Ponies won.

If your upset people left I get it. If your upset there are ponies then fine. But this thread doesn't really fix anything. You have acknowledged people are gone and stated your opinion why. Three pages of "why"'s and "why not"'s and no talk of the future.

If your not going to adapt or fight for your place in this SeC Biom then roll over and extinct already. But if you plan on dying then I dusted my hat off for nothing.

And for those who hate my rants here it is in a nutshell: I have tried changing things around here only to fail over and over again. You can either sit and do nothing and let this thread be a place of bellyaching in which case I win the satisfaction of watching evolution take its course. Or you can fight back and try to make things better. If you succeed then I win knowing it is in fact possible to change things. If you fail. Then I win knowing that it wasn't just me.

In truth the Ponies are irrelevant. People are gone or inactive. Do something about it.

58Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 12:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The only problem is most of the people on here don't have a lot of interest in expanding the way you discussed. I would support more arts and literature on here, but realistically I can't do much for it because I'm just not that interested. I read the occasional book, and the GF draws a lot, but personally I couldn't add anything to the conversation in that subject.

59Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 12:55

Dusk at Cubist Castle

I will admit, some of the things the younger members posted drove me to my wits' end. Not only was the content of their posts often mind-numbingly stupid, but the sheer volume of such posts was overwhelming, and rendered many topics practically unreadable, due to being assaulted with pics, gifs, and memes.
I really can't stand when people use graphics as a form of communication. How many pictures does the internet need of some stupid face framed by helvetica caps of "Y U MAD" or some such. It's vapid, meaningless crap.

Uh, it's good to be back regardless of what my opinion was when I left last summer.

60Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:28



Ponies just annoy me. There's nothing I inherently don't like about MLP but imo it's always just been a mediocre cartoon not worth this much attention. It'd be like if half the board had a bunch of dora the explorer sigs and avatars, it's just tiresome, but I don't think it deserves to be persecuted in any way.

Mills was a cool guy, not happy he left.
GM was just confusing as balls, I have no idea what was up with him. Half the time he was funny half the time he was annoying.
Blackholedreams, arrogant angtheist. glad he left.
Heebs? Did she leave?
Symbolic was alright until he started sharing his opinions. He came off as an arrogant asshole after that point.
Not sure if Texas is here or not still.

61Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:30


What's been going on here?

62Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:32

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

is this really another one of these threads?

why can you guys just tolerate each other?

stop fighting over stuff that doesn't matter

63Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:32



Ehat...... Stop!!! Your going to make people think! People hate thinking for themselves! HAHA

Opinions are like assholes right everyone has them. I'm one of the biggest assholes around here so I'll chime in.

Ponie, brony bullshit caused people to keave! FACT! THere's no use in shading it in any light because I know from people that left, and will not come back because of it. You may have your own board but it is still in avatars. and sigs. People don;t want to see it. So they left. Also Ante your reactions to it also caused a lot od problems. I'm not saying all your reactions were always wrong, but most of the time you were a major dick head about it. You know I;m right because we got inot once as well. Your passionate about something I get that. Your way of.... expressing it can be toned down tho.

THe generation gap also exists but that was never a major problem I don't think. I'm 33 one of the few older guys around here left and I have a lot of respect for some of the younger folks that post here. Tallness is one of the coolest young guys I ever met, and when he turns 21 I would drink a beer with him anyday! I would say where the generation gap does come into play some of the younger folks think they are a lot wiser than they really are, and also...... use their mouth more than they should. BUt hey even I am guitly at running off at the mouth sometimes. I will say it cracks me up sometimes when I see a kid talking about something he has no clue about in regardes to girls, politics, or religion. I just stay silent for the most part. And hey it's also how we learn things but its still funny from my perspective.

I lurk more than post for a few reasons. First I've become really busy with work and have a lot less time to flood the boards liek I used to. As the person with the secons amout of posts I can imagine me not posting would be part of the cause to the lack of activity here. Sorry I'm still around just busy.

I will say I have thought about burning my account tho a few times. There have been points were I have been so aggravated with some of the folks here I just don;t think its worth it. Plus at one point I was having my own personel issues going on with life, and I also had a lot of members pming me with issues, and causing board issues it would drive me insane. I miss a lot folks that are gone. A few of them I still have contact with through other means but not having D, Mills, Heebs, Sheep, Tex, Cram, Greg, Tater, and others around here sucks!!!

I still talk to some of these folks and I will tell you without a doubt tho that the pony stuff was a factor in them leaving and they will not come back because of it. I underatand their point some... THere are probablly My little pony boards out there and that shit should be there. Not at the SeC. The SeC was not built to be a place for pony stuff. And to an extent they are right on that.

I know what Metal;s is saying and how he feels tho. There was a Golden era where regardless of age everyone had a great time here. THere where multiple factors for the shift tho. Pony was part of it but not all of it.

Gah Frostbyrn has definitly been a factor in the staff room HAHA I understand tho do your thing man! You just can;t do your thing and also be a mod! It's just not a good combo!

Tom, yea man you were a topic for a while. I always thought you were alright, and your tech posts were always good but you had some angst in you for awhile. HAHA

Ponys in the staff room! BAH! if it creates an issue than its still an issue however you feel about it don;t kid yourselves pony people. Personally I think your all fucking insane for being male and liking that crap! Ok I said it! BUt I can also tolerate it because I am sure I do things that people think are insane. And Ante if you want to to argue about it, or be like wow just send me a PM. I'm really not trying to start a war here.

Soap I think your booby avatar may have been the staff room issue. I don;t tink there was anything else.

And GM.... What a troll haha he created so much needless bullshit.

So basically yea there are still some originals, and there are some regulars, but the place has changed so much it does feel...... not the same. Thats a bad thing in a lot of ways to me because I had so much fun back then I miss those people and times.BUt things are going to always change and people are always going to miove on. And while I'm not burning my account, in addition to being busy there really hasn;t been much going on around here thats been interesting enough for me to get involved.

64Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:35



So I started that this morning, had a meeting, went to lunch, forgot anout my post, typed a few more words, posted, and in the meantime I see Cramtrom is back, and also D has posted! two guys I thought were gone for good! HAHA

65Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:36



Could just be there's not much to talk about. I'm on often but if I don't see some interesting topic I don't post.

66Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:41


I thought the board was created for people to express themselves however they see fit. Now this same expression is apparently the reason why some people left?

I don't get it.

67Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:44



Hmmm while thats a valid point D there also come a time were when you shove your expresion in someones face it becomes less tolerable.

68Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:48



we've struggled with the freedom of speech thing many times before, with politics, religion, porn, homosexuality, and we haven't seemed to have come up with a solution that preserves this place not being strangled by rules but at the same time not having everyone being offended or pissed off.

People left because they became annoyed by ponies. Like it's been said, there's no point in getting into whether or not they were justified in being annoyed by MLP, but they were, and they left. That's all there is to it.

Last edited by Darkwing Ducksaws on 2012-02-27, 13:48; edited 1 time in total

69Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:48

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

as adults i would think like me you could learn to ignore it

there is shit that goes on in this forum that's more annoying that ponies but that doesn't give me the right to jump down people's throats at make all kinds of hate topics

70Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I don't think this is a hate topic. I don't blame the pony stuff on whoever enjoys it. This isn't MY forum so I have no say over what people sy or do. If it makes you happy, then go for it. Just don't expect everyone to be happy about it.

Either way, when I went through this topic I didn't sense much hate. I thought the topic was discussed with a certain level of restraint and respect. I don't like the pony stuff, but I respect those peoples rights to do it, and I feel like the others who spoke out on this behalf feel the same way.

71Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:53



I have always tried to play the role of the peace maker, I've always tried to find middle ground. For the most part I used to always try to make whatever rules we made to fit everyone.

I couldn't be silent on this one tho because while I;m not saying the pony people should leave its also true that it drove people off.

I also feel like if there was to be a recruitment for the site it could drive of people before they even come.

So again it didn't drive me away but I do see and understand why it did, and will.

72Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 13:57



I agree with what Terry said this has been one of the more relaxed threads.

Also about me.... To be honest I am pretty tolerable with most things. I have gay friends, I have friends of many races, I am friends with jocks, geeks, nerds, rednecks, rich people and poor. They all do things I don;t agree with and get on my nerves but their still my friends.

So like I said when I say I think the pony stuff is stupid. Yea I think it is, but if its your thing go with it.

Thats one thing that has always bugged me in life. A lot of times the people that love something get more mad at the people that don;t like something than vice versa and can create more drama than already existed.

73Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 14:03


Manila Plague wrote:as adults i would think like me you could learn to ignore it

there is shit that goes on in this forum that's more annoying that ponies but that doesn't give me the right to jump down people's throats at make all kinds of hate topics


Granted I may be speaking out of turn since I haven't been around alot lately, but I will say that my absence had nothing to do with any members, factions, opinions, etc.

I've had my moments in the past when I did let some of the stuff that goes on (here and other forums) get to me, but then it dawned on me that the things I thought bothered me wasn't really a bother at all and it was more a problem with me being accepting of others personalities. I left for a bit, dealt with it, and came back with a more refreshing mindset when it came to things of this nature.

74Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 14:13



Know who I miss?

Dark Horizon he was my wingman!

75Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 15:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I would never ask anyone here to stop doing what they want to do. I have never got into it with any of the Bronies, even when the whole Symbolic thing went down. He was one of my best friends on here, but he was wrong and I told him that. I harbor no ill will for any of them for anything that has transpired in the past. I still consider everyone here a friend to a certin extent.

But that doesn't mean that when its time to voice my opinion I won't do just that.

76Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 15:32



Yeah I have to agree with you there D, this board was founded to avoid excessive censorship, it would be ridiculous that we would censor an entire subject like that.

I mean I can understand if it gets a little annoying worrying about people watching over your shoulder during work and wondering why the fuck you're looking at a bunch of ponies, but you should be doing your jobs anyways you freeloading hippies.

The bottom line is that it's the internet, things are going to be diverse. People should learn to accept that rather than get mad at it.

77Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:01



I get what everybody says,I'm horrible with words,blame my shitty town's school I guess and bein a hermit crab lol,but yea man I remember the good old days so to speak.I used to get so tired of all the cheesy pics,memes,and gifs too that never even added anything but I just ignore,and I forget who said it,but it's pretty true for most topics go to shit by like page 2....

I miss the old people that used to be here.Yeah I thought I was the only one who felt the generational gap as well.I'm kinda in the middle I guess.It's nice lately there's more gaming topics I've noticed than just random stuff,which is good,but personally I find alot of it pointless but I'm just a cynical cynical bi polar depressed bastard Razz

78Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:12

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm while thats a valid point D there also come a time were when you shove your expresion in someones face it becomes less tolerable.

Not trying to start anything. But we did stop forcing ponies everywhere and stuck to our own forum. But we still got a LOT of crap just for posting seriously in topics just because of our avatars and sigs.
I really hate to put it this way, but a lot of the fights that happened after we got our forum and stuck to posting like 95% of our pony related things there, were started by people to immature to handle seeing pony avatars and sigs. And I equally hate to say this, but a good portion of them were the older users, who were quick to call us younger users immature and things when they got the chance to.

I loved Tex, never had a problem with him. But he did that exact SAME thing to me more then once.

79Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:13



Actually one person who needs to change is Terry he needs to tone down the awesome i Have a shitty computer and he is starting to lag it up

80Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:Actually one person who needs to change is Terry he needs to tone down the awesome i Have a shitty computer and he is starting to lag it up

thats just all the sheep porn in your temporary internet history, clear your damn cache dude Razz

81Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:19



I have noticed alot more lag than usual >___> one of these days my poor ass needs to upgrade to a better laptop

82Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:19



Dropped Sa Doap wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm while thats a valid point D there also come a time were when you shove your expresion in someones face it becomes less tolerable.

Not trying to start anything. But we did stop forcing ponies everywhere and stuck to our own forum. But we still got a LOT of crap just for posting seriously in topics just because of our avatars and sigs.
I really hate to put it this way, but a lot of the fights that happened after we got our forum and stuck to posting like 95% of our pony related things there, were started by people to immature to handle seeing pony avatars and sigs. And I equally hate to say this, but a good portion of them were the older users, who were quick to call us younger users immature and things when they got the chance to.

I loved Tex, never had a problem with him. But he did that exact SAME thing to me more then once.

Texas called you immature?

Where the fuck did he get a crazy idea like that

Part of the problem is some of the young crowd acts Bipolar acting all crazy and post whorey and then getting upset when they try to give serious advice and it doesnt go over well

Older people dont like being given advice especially by people who in their eyes have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

83Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:20

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Thats a problem right there dude. His cache is so backed up it would take hours to clear it. I mean come on, not even I could wait that long.

84Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:24



Frostbyrn wrote:
Dropped Sa Doap wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm while thats a valid point D there also come a time were when you shove your expresion in someones face it becomes less tolerable.

Not trying to start anything. But we did stop forcing ponies everywhere and stuck to our own forum. But we still got a LOT of crap just for posting seriously in topics just because of our avatars and sigs.
I really hate to put it this way, but a lot of the fights that happened after we got our forum and stuck to posting like 95% of our pony related things there, were started by people to immature to handle seeing pony avatars and sigs. And I equally hate to say this, but a good portion of them were the older users, who were quick to call us younger users immature and things when they got the chance to.

I loved Tex, never had a problem with him. But he did that exact SAME thing to me more then once.

Texas called you immature?

Where the fuck did he get a crazy idea like that

Part of the problem is some of the young crowd acts Bipolar acting all crazy and post whorey and then getting upset when they try to give serious advice and it doesnt go over well

Older people dont like being given advice especially by people who in their eyes have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

a good point man.give this kiwi a damn cookie and a sheep mag Razz

85Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:30

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Frostbyrn wrote:
Dropped Sa Doap wrote:
DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm while thats a valid point D there also come a time were when you shove your expresion in someones face it becomes less tolerable.

Not trying to start anything. But we did stop forcing ponies everywhere and stuck to our own forum. But we still got a LOT of crap just for posting seriously in topics just because of our avatars and sigs.
I really hate to put it this way, but a lot of the fights that happened after we got our forum and stuck to posting like 95% of our pony related things there, were started by people to immature to handle seeing pony avatars and sigs. And I equally hate to say this, but a good portion of them were the older users, who were quick to call us younger users immature and things when they got the chance to.

I loved Tex, never had a problem with him. But he did that exact SAME thing to me more then once.

Texas called you immature?

Where the fuck did he get a crazy idea like that

Part of the problem is some of the young crowd acts Bipolar acting all crazy and post whorey and then getting upset when they try to give serious advice and it doesnt go over well

Older people dont like being given advice especially by people who in their eyes have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

He did it more then once. And it was always in serious topics and his post was basically along the lines of "Oh well your post contains ponys and girly immature things so you have no idea what your talking about".

I was paraphrasing there, but that was mostly how it went down. I know that I can be a bit.....out there at times. But that is just me. When it comes to topics that call for it, I believe that I can be far more mature then I let on. And I do try and do that. But I never tried giving advice to the older members or correcting them on what they said like others would do*Cough*TOM*cough*(LOVE YA TOM). If what they were talking about had affected my life in some point or way, I gave my advice on how I dealt with it or how it affected me. But then Tex(and sometimes other older members)would hop in and tell me that I have no right to speak snice I was posting with immature pony related things in my avatar and sig.

It happened quite often actually. But I never bitched, I never moaned, I just stopped posting in that specific topic. It actually got to the point where I stopped responding or posting in topics that older members had
posted in.
Remember that three month period I stopped coming on here? Well that was one of the reasons. It literally was like every other 5 posts I was posting, the older more "Mature" users were deeming me immature and childish. And I got tired of it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved all our older dudes. Tex despite what he used to say to me, was an awesome dude when he wasn't outright bashing my age or me. I would love to see them back here again. But I am not going to stand by and allow them to treat me and some of us younger users the way they did a decent amount of the time they were here.

Now, again. Just throwing out my side of this whole thing. Please don't start a fight or anything over it.

86Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:33



I cant look at cookies right now

Fucking Amy winehouse

87Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:34



You cant understand their point of view?

The amount of homoerotic posts you fill the SeC with and then you ask people to take you seriously

88Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:36

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:I cant look at cookies right now

Fucking Amy winehouse

whatever floats your boat...

89Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:36



That mental image brought to you by the Adli corporation

Snuffing up your day since 1993

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2012-02-27, 17:37; edited 1 time in total

90Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:37



on a gaming side note,I'll be back on in a little while XD.Gonna walk my happy ass to the store and get the amazon gift cards so I can just get ME3 and Operation Raccoon City from amazon...

amazon has a 10 dollar giftcard offer if you get ME3 from them as well

91Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:39

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But I did that in topics that called for it, more or less. And I have toned that down like...a LOT. I used to be getting pms from DL ALL THE TIME saying "HEY! KNOCK IT OFF SOAP!" And I have not gotten a single one in months. And I stopped being like I used to before they all started leaving.

But the thing was, I never went into topics that weren't...I don't know, serious or normal and do that. I stayed out of a good portion of topics that were serious and crap. But sometimes there would be one that I knew I had my life some be in relation too, so I would post in all seriousness and then get flammed and trolled.

Thing is, I have never asked people to take me seriously. I know I am weird that is just who I am. But I know when there is a line, and when to stop. And a good portion of the time I knew what topics to cross that line in, and others not to.

92Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

In all fairness...... the ponies are kinda an immature thing. not that playing video games and watching any cartoons isn't. But its kinda like taking advice from someone in a Halloween costume in summer, and after last time I promised myself never to do that again.

93Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But thats the ting Terry, no matter what time of year it is you always are cool enough to dress like a Fairy Princess on halloween.

94Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:45

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:That mental image brought to you by the Adli corporation

Snuffing up your day since 1993

Snuff yeah.

95Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:47



HAHA Soap I wouldn;t worry about it. You didn't run anyone off and if you ever started to sross the line you were cool about taking a step back. Your all right in my book man! If that matters to you at all.

96Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:55



I love this place. I like everyone here, regardless of age/generation/pony/whatever. Why can't we all just make love, not Warcraft?(hehe)

And what the fuck happened to Dark? He just like, vanished.

97Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 17:58

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I haven't heard from Dark forever. He was a pretty cool guy.

98Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:11

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:HAHA Soap I wouldn;t worry about it. You didn't run anyone off and if you ever started to sross the line you were cool about taking a step back. Your all right in my book man! If that matters to you at all.

Thanks, that actually does. I always used to find your constantly modding and warning of me funny. But I never actually thought about how annoying or frustrating it was for you.
But thanks, hearing that from the person I always used to get in to trouble with is a cool feeling indeed homie.

99Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:19



let's all sing kumbaya and have taco bell

100Very few of us left... - Page 2 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-27, 18:20

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I think, honestly, that a lot of us just have better things to do now. The older ones anyways. I know I'm so busy with work and life in general that I don't have time to sit on here for hours like I used to. I think the dynamic has changed a lot since the "golden age" and there's not a lot that interests me anymore. I love all of you guys and I talk to a lot of you off the forum anyways, haha. I still come here almost everyday just to see what's up, and if I see something I want to post in I will. I just don't see a lot to post in anymore Sad

DL, I miss you, big bro <3

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