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Very few of us left...

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151Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 08:16



I'm still around just been busy getting ready to move to a new place,my pC needed tuning up so I've been using our tablet to lurk,but posting on this thing is a pain in the ass. I do miss some poeple who aren't around anymore,and seemed to miss alot of drama. I've said my piece about the pony thing,so I'm not gonna say it again. I enjoy all the different personalities here,and still with people online when I can. Metal, i know we don't talk much,but i am here for game or some good ole fashioned robots vs zombie fun.

152Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 11:18

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

What I miss yo? Im far too lazy to browse topics.

153Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 11:19

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Not much, just a conversation about the decreased site activity.

Long time no see Byas. Where the hell you been? I almost removed you from my FL because you hadn't been on in soo long.

154Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 11:24

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Yeah byased where you been man? I missed my most dedicated hater.... i need someone to criticize me while playing BF and Khult doesn't play as often.

155Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 11:25

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Its a loooooong story, ill give you cliffnotes. Hit me on live later and ill make it funnier in that awesome, sarcasm dripped voice of mine.

+ Quit my job

+ Got a new roommate

+ Got a new job

+ WOMEN got in my way

+ Re-moved and I just got set back up. Nov-Jan was just one epic blur of brosmanship and alcohol and disorientation. Then I was all like, "hell my lease is up" and I just moved yesterday.

156Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 12:28



Byas! get yo live sub back up

157Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 12:31

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Im playing now broseph.

158Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 12:37



im at school... Crying or Very sad

159Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 12:55

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

My hero has returned! Oh Gary, how I missed you!

Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:Nov-Jan was just one epic blur of brosmanship and alcohol and disorientation.

This sounds a lot like me except it would be June-Present and some womanizing thrown into that mix too.

160Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 13:30



Byas! My BFF! Wee!

161Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 13:42

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Dont get all giddy yet.

162Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 13:49



It's too late. Giddy levels are maximum.

163Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 13:57

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Whoops. :/

164Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 14:44



Pariah wrote:Metal, can we just put this topic to rest? Now that everyone seems to have chimed in and said how they feel, I think the venting is almost done. Might it be time to just move on?

Ok Pariah I'm not really out to get you or attack you but you made this comment and to be honest its been bugging me all day. Maybe it's a generation gap, maybe I'm just truelly being an ass.

It's coments like this that kinda piss me off. You posted a long post just a few posts up from Metal's coment and then you have the nerve to tell someone to stop posting and put the topic to rest. Especially to a mod and someone who has been here since day one and created the topic. It's his topic he can post in it as long as he wants. It's this kind of shit that I know ran Mills off. So yea this irks me a little bit as well. You really have no right in my opinion to act like you know when a thread should be laid to rest.

So yea I guess I'm calling you out and your welcome to be pissed, and feel free to rip on me in a thread and vent. Or your welcome to PM me and tell me I'm an ass a dick or whatever.

165Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 15:15

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Holy ISH. Byas?!? Dear god my favorite douchebag is back!

166Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 15:22

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Yes my child, Rejoice. Creative nicknames and insults all around, on me.

167Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 15:26

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Shall I also expect you to rewrite my posts like the good ol days?

168Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 15:41

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Dropped Sa Doap wrote:Shall I also expect you to be worthy of my love and admiration like the good ol days?

You bet your ass kiddo.

169Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 16:57

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Gah, SeC some how feels more complete with you here.

170Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 18:03



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:
Pariah wrote:Metal, can we just put this topic to rest? Now that everyone seems to have chimed in and said how they feel, I think the venting is almost done. Might it be time to just move on?

Ok Pariah I'm not really out to get you or attack you but you made this comment and to be honest its been bugging me all day. Maybe it's a generation gap, maybe I'm just truelly being an ass.

It's coments like this that kinda piss me off. You posted a long post just a few posts up from Metal's coment and then you have the nerve to tell someone to stop posting and put the topic to rest. Especially to a mod and someone who has been here since day one and created the topic. It's his topic he can post in it as long as he wants. It's this kind of shit that I know ran Mills off. So yea this irks me a little bit as well. You really have no right in my opinion to act like you know when a thread should be laid to rest.

So yea I guess I'm calling you out and your welcome to be pissed, and feel free to rip on me in a thread and vent. Or your welcome to PM me and tell me I'm an ass a dick or whatever.

DL, I'm not pissed, and I'm not going to pm you and complain. I respect your opinion on this. Honestly, a lot of shits been happening to me recently, and I'm feeling more and more emotionally drained by the hour. The only reason I posted that was because I was feeling particularly down in that moment, and because it seemed like it was dying anyway. I know you've never particularly liked me, but I'm treating you with the same courtesy I give everyone, in that I don't mind if you don't take me seriously. You have a right to your opinion, and I won't complain about you airing it, even when it's against me. Go ahead and do your thing, sorry if I really irked you.

171Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 18:07

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Dropped Sa Doap wrote:Gah, SeC some how feels more complete with you here.

It is true. It's like that warm tingly feeling that I get when I tell a strange chick a complete lie to get her into her bed.

172Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 18:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well....I wouldn't know that

173Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 18:09



Captain Pirate Pineapple wrote:
Dropped Sa Doap wrote:Gah, SeC some how feels more complete with you here.

It is true. It's like that warm tingly feeling that I get when I tell a strange chick a complete lie to get her into her bed.

"you're the only one I love baby"

XD used that one quite a bit lmao

174Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 18:11

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Dropped Sa Doap wrote:Well....I wouldn't know that

Yeah, it's easy to get you into your bed. I just sent you a text that looks like "?" and I get a response of "!".

175Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:21

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But I havent sent it yet...

176Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:26



Ok Pariah I'm not really out to get you or attack you but you made this comment and to be honest its been bugging me all day. Maybe it's a generation gap, maybe I'm just truelly being an ass.

It's coments like this that kinda piss me off. You posted a long post just a few posts up from Metal's coment and then you have the nerve to tell someone to stop posting and put the topic to rest. Especially to a mod and someone who has been here since day one and created the topic. It's his topic he can post in it as long as he wants. It's this kind of shit that I know ran Mills off. So yea this irks me a little bit as well. You really have no right in my opinion to act like you know when a thread should be laid to rest.

So yea I guess I'm calling you out and your welcome to be pissed, and feel free to rip on me in a thread and vent. Or your welcome to PM me and tell me I'm an ass a dick or whatever.

Well, he was under the assumption that everyone had already gotten their piece out. He wasn't THAT assertive about his word being the end all be all.

177Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:27



1.We are allowed to PM DL calling him an Ass dick? IM IN!

2.I hate serious Pariah he comes off as a pretentious douchebag crazy pariah is at least interesting

3."!" meaning sex has now ruined pokemon for me,every time another trainer comes towards me im going to think he popped a boner looking at me

178Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:30



guys, just stop arguing...

179Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:32



Were not this is how familys talk to each other

actually ignore that I had a horrible childhood Very Happy

180Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:34



It's how my family talks to eachother, except with a lot more swearing, screaming, and throwing objects...

181Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:35

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Very few of us left... - Page 4 Okay-face

182Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:35



Im currently in a fight with my mother as we speak and im not even home Very Happy

183Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:36



Don't stop arguing, this topic brought back a bunch of people we all thought were dead haha.

184Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:41



*abandons topic*

185Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:42



Gary Effin' Oak

I drove past a Garry Oak street today and said outloud "GARY EFFIN' OAK!"

It was awesome...

186Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 21:58



Frost, this isn't serious-Pariah. This was the Pariah who was afraid of losing the first actual family environment he had. My real family is distant, to the point that Sunday was the first day my fathe and I actually talked about anything honest and emotional. This place is what I consider to be my best friends, and the thought of losing it all made me very very emotional. Hate on that Pariah all you want. He doesn't care, so long as this place is here to stay.

187Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:00

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

We had a bad storm and it knocked over a oak tree onto the road I took to go home to my apartment. I knew it was time for a return.

And the street I lived on...Oakhurst, creepy amirite?

188Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:00



sounds pretty serious to me

189Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:01



Creepy tree streets are serious.

190Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:02



Streets named after seeds are the worst you have no idea what goes the fuck on down them

191Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:03



Pariah wrote:Frost, this isn't serious-Pariah. This was the Pariah who was afraid of losing the first actual family environment he had. My real family is distant, to the point that Sunday was the first day my fathe and I actually talked about anything honest and emotional. This place is what I consider to be my best friends, and the thought of losing it all made me very very emotional. Hate on that Pariah all you want. He doesn't care, so long as this place is here to stay.

I might as well not even have a family as shitty as they've been,so it's nice to be able to come here too.Even if I can't relate to anybody else honestly off the top of my's nice to be able to talk

sorry to hear that as well Siren that's how my family fights have always been...ugrggldskjdsldkfjs I'm lucky I've never been to jail over it yet lol....

3 bi polar depressed among other things people living in a tiny apartment sucks

192Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:06



See I would never go to jail over my family fights, I tend not to participate, they scare me a lot. I just kinda hide and shake and cry and stuff. It's not fun *sigh* U _ U

193Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:07



Pariah wrote:Frost, this isn't serious-Pariah. This was the Pariah who was afraid of losing the first actual family environment he had. My real family is distant, to the point that Sunday was the first day my fathe and I actually talked about anything honest and emotional. This place is what I consider to be my best friends, and the thought of losing it all made me very very emotional. Hate on that Pariah all you want. He doesn't care, so long as this place is here to stay.

And now to emulate an older brother

God your such a homo

194Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:16



Fuck you, go die, burn in hell, I hate kiwis and gypsies etc etc.

I'm going to bed.

195Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:16



Dont trip on your labia on the way to bed,Pansy Very Happy

196Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 22:19



damn gypsys

197Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 23:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

My family argues ALL the time too.
Seriously, between my mom, 2 sisters, and 2 step-sisters...when its that time of month, ITS THE SAME TIME OF THE MONTH FOR ALL OF THEM

198Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 23:11



arguing families....gotta love em :/

199Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 23:14



why couldn't I just win the lottery so I really could have my own cave Razz

200Very few of us left... - Page 4 Empty Re: Very few of us left... 2012-02-28, 23:14

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nothing is scarier than 5 women on their periods all at once

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