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[BL2] Not really liking (actually, hating it tbqh) MP Loot System

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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

He said he was doing that just to piss you off, and that was the one time he took items. He said he never stole em, and even dropped them after you guys beat Terramorphus.

But from what I heard from not just him, was that you were an uptight bitch for the next several hours to him. But he did tell me to thank you though. Because he said that if it wasn't for you, he would never have thought about making an account here.



Kurz wrote:He said he was doing that just to piss you off, and that was the one time he took items. He said he never stole em, and even dropped them after you guys beat Terramorphus.

But from what I heard from not just him, was that you were an uptight bitch for the next several hours to him. But he did tell me to thank you though. Because he said that if it wasn't for you, he would never have thought about making an account here.

Uh-huh. And that's supposed to annoy me?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i thought J2DAEE already had an account here scratch



The Adli Corporation wrote:i thought J2DAEE already had an account here scratch

Shhh! don't use logic, you'll hurt their brains!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Nope. That was Chuck, who hasn't logged in over a year.
And I am fairly certain it would annoy you. Since you were getting annoyed at him for everything, even Frost asking him to go revive him.



Kurz wrote: even Frost asking him to go revive him.

I can remember a lot of angry moments in my life, but that ain't one of them. All four of us were in the Terramorphous arena at the time, I wasn't telling him to give up because I was pissed, I was telling him because we needed another in reserve in case Grey or Frost went down.



Meh the reason I wasnt inviting him to the Warrior farms was because he is Semi random and I didnt want to take the chance of him looting something I wanted then ditching

Plus you know he is your friend Soap so I cant rule out him doing something like that for Teh lols Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

He would for the lolz. But he is like me, if you just go "Dude, stop" or ask him for it and he knows its for/you need it, he will drop it. Out of all the friends on my friend list, I can trust him the most with loot.

But he told me he was only tempted to keep it up because in his words "It put that Doctor guy in a huge pms bitch fit".

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