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So I got drunk or the first time last night.

Ron Swanson
HydrasBreath ♜
Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
Ars Diaboli
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Dropped Da Soap
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HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

high five soap...high five Thumbs up 

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Okay, large lack of sleep and my body refuses to let me sleep more then 3 hours.....

Alright, really hung over, so bear with me.

We watched Disney movies most of the night, and after the second one, we started drinking. We were both getting pretty smashed, and I dont remember how, but I said I could bear her at something, even though I was already beyond the point I could barely lift my arms. 
Well, she challenged me to see who could drink more, and according to her I drink a giant drink of Sailor Jerrys for several seconds, downing atleast 10 shots. From what I remember, she said I beat her at drinking, but she still didnt like to loes. So she drank a bit, wiped her mouth and just lip locked me for several seconds.

After that, it gets REAL fuzzy, but we for the next several hours just kissed and all that. She did most of it, since I drank slightly too much again. But I didnt drink more then enough to not be coherent, just move well. 

And thats about it. Doesnt sound like much, but it was a great night. Though, apparently, from what little I recall at the moment, I like being scratched and bitten. Which explains the marks....

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Dropped Da Soap wrote:Okay, large lack of sleep and my body refuses to let me sleep more then 3 hours.....

Alright, really hung over, so bear with me.

We watched Disney movies most of the night, and after the second one, we started drinking. We were both getting pretty smashed, and I dont remember how, but I said I could bear her at something, even though I was already beyond the point I could barely lift my arms. 
Well, she challenged me to see who could drink more, and according to her I drink a giant drink of Sailor Jerrys for several seconds, downing atleast 10 shots. From what I remember, she said I beat her at drinking, but she still didnt like to loes. So she drank a bit, wiped her mouth and just lip locked me for several seconds.

After that, it gets REAL fuzzy, but we for the next several hours just kissed and all that. She did most of it, since I drank slightly too much again. But I didnt drink more then enough to not be coherent, just move well. 

And thats about it. Doesnt sound like much, but it was a great night. Though, apparently, from what little I recall at the moment, I like being scratched and bitten. Which explains the marks....

Welcome to the world Soap.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap awkward of a question as this is to ask....

But I also rember her being upset that she couldn' a specific....reaction....

Could that have to do with the fact I was awake for almost 31 hours at the time, was majorly drunk, and trying to keep from passing out?

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I think there was already talk of pills in this topic at one point.......

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Quit drinking so goddamn much and you should be good to go. Also yeah being stupid tired couldn't of helped any but I'd say the main culprit was the booze. Some people will get "whiskey dick" and won't be able to get it up well or at all when they are way drunk.

Seriously take it easy on the booze next time. You need to be able to actually move to put moves on someone.

At least it helps a whole lot.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

well not.neong able to move kinda got everything going



It's a lot more fun when you can move.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I imagine, but atleast I was coherent this time




Drink less next time. Smile 



just pop the magic blue pill hahaha



Could've been worse I suppose, nice job.


So you have gone from not drinking to drinking shit tons... lmao

But yeah if your drinking so much you cannot move, thats sorta an issue. I really wanna know how much your drinking lol, because I can drink crazy amounts and STILL walk to the shop for more beer Very Happy

Oh yeah, and next time, less alcohol more sexy time Razz



also whiskey dick



I can drink wayyyy to much

Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Sounds like you were smoking salvia not drinking.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:I can drink wayyyy to much

Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Sounds like you were smoking salvia not drinking.

what is the title of the topic?

cut him some slack, Mr years of aggregated alcohol tolerance Laughing



Even when I was a noob it didnt happen

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sym wrote:
Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Then you've missed out.




Ive been wayyyyy more drunk than I should have been more times than I can count

You all are just noobs



Sym wrote:
Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Thinking on the other hand...

Very Happy 

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:Even when I was a noob it didnt happen

 then you didnt drink enough as a noob Very Happy

the first time i got drunk... cant remember much of it. another time... couldnt move for 2 hours yet remembered everything.

another time... cant remember anything but apparently i was sick like 20 times in the night, but all of it in the toilet which i thought was pretty damn impressive Laughing



Yea you are all noobs

One of the first times I ever drank I polished off most of a fifth of Green Apple Smirnoffs(gross) and I was running around like an idiot.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the first time i got drunk was on 70% rum.
and another time was mixed spirits (3 kinds of rum, tequila, sambuca, vodka, in one drink).

then the time with the puking in the night was half a bottle of sambuca Razz


I agree with Sym your all noobs Razz

First time I went to a club (16) I drank a fair bit.. then came home shared 2 litres of vodka with my ex GF, then did the conga up the middle of a duel carriageway (small highway for you yanks).. also threw up so much after, BUT I could still walk... well in a fashion Razz



Tell her to cut your roofie with viagra next time.

The only time I was unable to move but still conscious when drinking was when I got extremely drunk and then proceeded to smoke a gravity bong.

And I was drunk enough that I was hung over for the entire next day.



Yup noobs



Chewy wrote:Tell her to cut your roofie with viagra next time.

The only time I was unable to move but still conscious when drinking was when I got extremely drunk and then proceeded to smoke a gravity bong.

And I was drunk enough that I was hung over for the entire next day.




MissSym wrote:
Sym wrote:
Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Thinking on the other hand...

Very Happy 

That explains him marrying you

BAZINGA! Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:
MissSym wrote:
Sym wrote:
Never once in my life been so drunk I couldnt move

Thinking on the other hand...

Very Happy 

That explains him marrying you

BAZINGA! Very Happy


But he was sober with that decision.



I think very clearly when hammered



Sym wrote:I think very clearly when hammered

Yeah, uh huh.

You may think clearly but it doesn't come out that way.



I need examples



Sym wrote:I need examples

No you don't. I'm your wife, you're just suppose to believe me.

I'm usually right anyway.



I disagree

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

RStudios wrote:So you have gone from not drinking to drinking shit tons... lmao

But yeah if your drinking so much you cannot move, thats sorta an issue. I really wanna know how much your drinking lol, because I can drink crazy amounts and STILL walk to the shop for more beer Very Happy

Oh yeah, and next time, less alcohol more sexy time Razz

  hah, apapparently. Dont remember how much I drank, but apparently at one point I chugged enough sailor jerrys to fill 10 shots without stopping.

I remember that moment, and almost hurling right after. but I forced the feeling away because she jumped on me again

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've drank enough before to points where I couldn't move. Had to be helped carried out of bars, cars, into houses, beds, and bathrooms.



Not possible for me

Ive done large amounts of just about everything under the sun, and the only things that rendered me motionless was salvia and acid.



Meanwhile in NZ we keep our drinking classy



I used to be able to drink like a mad-man.
Not so much anymore, ever since the woman started getting a bad alcoholic problem I started trying to keep us away from drinking. My tolerance has really gone down to noob status.

The only reason I can drink as much as I can now is my size and blue eyes.



Yeah Blue Eyes! Very Happy


Blue eyes here too, that MUST be the secret



No it was an actual scientific study RS

People with blues eyes have a higher Alcohol tolerance on average



What about green-eyed lefties?



It says Light eyes

But im pretty sure Greenies are included since they have the same lack of pigmentation in their Eyes


MEGA MILK wrote:What about green-eyed lefties?



blue eyes here too



Who posted that thing saying that Blue-eyed peeps all had a common ancestor?

Anyway that means somewhere way back when all of us blue-eyed Forumers have an ancestor in common Very Happy



I either don't drink, or drink to the point where I have trouble remembering things. There is no in-between



chunckylover53 wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:What about green-eyed lefties?

I remember the good old days of yahoo chat rooms ;-;



AOL chatrooms were the good old days



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