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Official "Walking Dead" series thread [spoilers possibly]

Epyk MD
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I kinda thought that had the series not signed on for a new season, they would have all died at the CDC.


There was a great article about the series in EW.



As soon as the last episode aired, they advertised the First season on DVD. I wonder what it will cost.


6 episodes... Hmm 19.99-24.99 perhaps.



Perhaps. I'll be on the lookout.


Found a link on Amazon for it already and it's listed at $27.99.

I'm sure that'll change between now and release.



Still not bad. I have a lot of family members who want to check it out too.



I liked how they ended it! no stupid questions to be answered NO OMG ARE THEY GONNA MAKE IT?

I enjoyed the ending very cut and dry and it won't leave me wondering for 6 months...

They explained that it had gone global (zombievirus' always do) and that the french "possibly" had a cure.

I'm rather liking the flashbacks to the initial zombie invasion in the first days. Like how they showed ricks partner blocking his door with the gurney and at teh end of the season you get to see why it was there. Considering the show takes place 6 months into the zombie apocalypse.



I wonder though. How did Rick survive so long in the hospital room? He should have died of dehydration if nothing else?



He was in the hospital bed for abouth a month after the power went out. So he would have been in the beginning stages of malnurishment. Hence why it was so hard for him to move around. His muscles had atrophied as well.


I noticed that in the last episode the doctor said only the primative side of your brain re-animates the basic of functions. YET when the blonde girl re-animated she was temporarily stroking her sisters hair and looking like she was saddened. Then she started to turn to rage mode. If what the doctor said is supposed to be truth, she wouldn't have brushed her sisters hair gently or even touched her face! She would have instantly tried to eat her upon waking!

Sorry but something i noticed!



Can you survive a month with no fluids though? I don't think so. Unless there was a month's worth of fluids in his IV.

And the sister stroking hair part, I took it as it looked like she was gently stroking her hair but was really just grabbing at her. It was dramatized up a bit, but I didnt see it as sympathetic.



Ok maybe it was just me then! I noticed it did look like she started to grip instead of stroke her hair after a few seconds. Her face changed from distraught to evil very quickly.

On the IV thing. I think a person can go maybe 3 weeks without water! or is it one week IDK?

There's holes in teh story but oh well.

Also when the partner had the flash back the army guys were shooting the doctors and nurses in the hall the door that the walkers busted through and attacked the army guys was the same door that you have in your avatar Mills. Did it get bolted up and chained later on by someone else? after the partner fled the building? The army guys couldn't have spray painted and bolted the door that quickly? Plus the dead bodies of the assasinated people weren't there when rick walked through that area! IDK alot of stuff overlooked in the flashback, is my thought.



My avatar is from that. But it's from the comic book, not the movie. Same door though.

I think the door just kinda adds atmosphere to what may have happened while Rick was out. There may have been more survivors when the military left. Who knows.



Even the writing on the door is very creepy!

That moment when he was standing in front of the door and it started to buldge was the only moment so far in the series i was on the edge of my seat!

Just his reaction as the door pryed open and the smell of wrotting flesh overwhelmed him! he steps back and covers his nose!

It was very well scripted! the dark festering stairwell was creepy too. Jus the thought of all the dead people farther down the stairs was giving me shivers!



Can't wait for season two!



I know right!!

I honestly do like how they ended this season! No mystery's....

I wonder if we'll see the father son combo again? or the missing psycho brother with one hand?

Either way their leaving Atlanta for sure now! head north where it's colder and potentially cross into canada?



I was a little upset they didnt resolve Merle. But I guess he can pop up in season two.



Merle and the father son combo!

I'd have thought we'd have heard of them by now! Unless they attempt to pick them up maybe!

It's tough to keep making a series based on surviving a zombie outbreak!

I suppose a next viable step is to go to the military base! yet i imagine it'll look much like the CDC building's exterior littered with bodies. OR like in the beginning of the outbreak the military was shooting everyone even if they weren't infected! So maybe it's all secured off from any outsiders!

Either way i cannot wait 6 months for another season! I'm very tempted to enter that NIGHTMARE code in the website and get a walker roll. even if my heads blown off or i'm a background one! I'd liek to be able to say LOOK LOOK theres me as a zombie!



Rick sends messages to the father/son combo frequently. I think they'll show up.




lol... only a minute and nine seconds. Not enough gore!


LOL yeah I was thinking the same thing.



Am I the only loser that's read all the comics? I can answer most of your questions if you guys want, but they have gone on a pretty big tangent from the comics... I know the producer and the comic writer(kirkman) have fired the writing staff of the first season and they are going to be responsible for the rest of the writing. FYI the producer wrote the first episode and Kirkman wrote the 4th and final episode(I think?)

There's so much more to be told, and if they stick to the comics at least loosely then we'll all be in for a great ride.

let me know if you want some spoilers...



A buddy of mine has the comics. I banned him from discussing them with me though. No spoilers please.



Cool no problem. I hate spoilers as well.

you guys have any thoughts on what the scientist told Rick right before he ran out the building... think about it.



He probably had the surveilance cameras on the little rape session. Rick probably knows what the hell is up now.



I think its definately got to do with that whole triangle.

I have a theory but dont want to say it just in case it's true and I spoil something. That whole story line with Rick, Shane and Lori is so far off the comics now that anything could happen with them.



I heard that too. The comic story is a bit different. I want to read the comics just to see what's going on. I may give in.



Do it! They FAR exceeded my expectations. Besides, you can buy them as omnibus' that have a whole season as one complete book. I think there are 6 books now? I havent read the latest, and will be gettin it for christmas.

The whole point of the Walking Dead was the human interactions of the survivors not the undead. The survivors are "The Walking Dead" not the zombies. It's done so well that just talking about it makes me want to read them all again. haha

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